vineri, 5 iulie 2019

ET 02

„Oracolul de la Delfi le oferea pelerinilor ocazia sa vada doua sfaturi pe frontonul templului inchinat lui Apolo: „Cunoaste-te pe tine insuti” si „Nimic prea mult”.
Al doilea sfat era, oare, un avertisment in legatura cu primul ?”
(Octavian Paler)
Ca sa nu afli mai mult decat poti duce, mai mult si altfel decat esti pregatit sa accepti.
Ca sa nu fii prea socat.
Ca sa nu innebunesti.
Si, oare de ce nu a mai ras niciodata Lazar (prietenul Mantuitorului, cel inviat) dupa ce a vazut (ceea ce a vazut) dincolo ?
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 23, 2013 la 4:50pm
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Karl Pribram realized that the objective world - does not exist, at least not in the way as we know it or as we see it.
"Out there", there are only waves and frequencies, which our brain convert for us into images, which make up our world. Our brain is responsible that we see things as we do!
Pribram asserted that our brain is able to construct objects and David Bohm even concluded that "we construct space and time".
“The assemblage point” Carlos Castaneda
Reality is a computer projection: physicists
Holographic Universe: Unexpected mysterious glitches in our simulated Reality
Do we live in a computer simulation? UW researchers say idea can be tested
Pradatorul omului in diverse traditii
Dumnezeu e mult mai mult decat acestea toate.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 30, 2013 la 10:03pm
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Nu orice viziune/perceptie a raiului este Raiul adevarat.
Trebuie verificata. Cu multa atentie si grija.
Uneori alte entitati-fiinte (inter, trans-dimensionale sau chiar fizice / ET) se dau drept Dumnezeu si sfintii ori ingerii Sai.
Omul, cainele si Raiul:
"Intamplarea a facut ca un om si cainele lui sa moara in aceeasi zi. Ajungand ei in cer (Dincolo), au mers pe un drum pietruit cu aur, pe langa un gard de marmura fina, pana au dat de o poarta superba, construita din perle ce straluceau sub razele soarelui.
Ajungand langa poarta, au vazut un om sezand in pragul ei.
- Scuza-ma, unde ne aflam?
- In Rai, a raspuns portarul.
- Putem primi un pahar cu apa?
- Desigur, a raspuns portarul, intra si vei primi.
- Singur? Prietenul meu nu poate intra?
- Regret, nu permitem intrarea animalelor...Omul a decis sa renunte la apa, si-a chemat cainele si au pornit mai departe.Tot mergand, au ajuns la o poarta simpla de lemn, fara gard imprejur. Un portar statea rezemat de poarta si citea dintr-o carte.
-Putem primi putina apa?
- Desigur, cu placere, intrati, a raspuns portarul.Cei doi au trecut poarta si au baut apa rece din fantana apropiata, cat au poftit.
- Multumesc, dar unde ne aflam?
- In Rai, le-a raspuns portarul.
- Am mai intalnit un portar si el mi-a spus ca la poarta lui e intrarea in Rai...
- Ah, te referi la strada aurita si poarta cu perle? Nuuuu, acolo e Iadul!
- Si nu va pasa ca acolo se folosesc de numele vostru?
- Nu, i-a raspuns portarul. Noi suntem bucurosi ca ei ii pastreaza pe toti aceia care sunt de acord sa-si paraseasca prietenii si sa-i lase afara."
Jean Paul Sartre spunea ca daca Dumnezeu sau un inger al Lui i-ar cere sa-si sacrifice fiul, i-ar cere un act care sa-i dovedeasca identitatea (un act de identitate). Adica i-ar verifica identitatea de-a fir a par.
(aluzie la episoadele biblice din Vechiul Testament cu Avraam si Isaac comparat cu cel cu fiica lui Ieftae adusa ardere de tot)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 30, 2013 la 10:12pm
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„Timpul vieţii mele este scurt, şi plin de dureri şi de vicleşug, dar întru pocăinţă primeşte-mă şi întru cunoştinţă mă cheamă, ca să nu mă fac câştig şi mâncare celui străin; Mântuitorule, Tu Însuţi mă miluieşte.
Însumi idol m-am făcut, vătămându-mi cu poftele sufletul meu. Ci întru pocăinţă mă primeşte, şi întru cunoştinţă mă cheamă, ca să nu mă fac câştig, nici mâncare celui străin. Ci Tu Însuţi, Mântuitorule, mă miluieşte."
(Canonul Sf Andrei Criteanul)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 30, 2013 la 10:14pm
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"Lasati lui Dumnezeu toata grija voastra, caci El are grija de voi. Fiti treji, privegheati. Potrivnicul vostru, diavolul, umbla, racnind ca un leu, cautand pe cine sa inghita, caruia stati impotriva, tari in credinta, stiind ca aceleasi suferinte indura si fratii vostri in lume" (I Petru 5, 7-9).
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Mai 1, 2013 la 3:06pm
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Mai 1, 2013 la 3:08pm
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Mai 1, 2013 la 3:52pm
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 9, 2013 la 4:07pm
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Episodul "The complex of God" din serialul "Dr. Who".
Ei (ET... sau cine or fi: alte entitati intre/trans dimensionale ori spirituale) prin expunerea noastra la frica primara (intensa) scot la suprafata credinta / credintele fundamentala din oameni (in ce cred ei cu adevarat, nu din gura, ci in inconstientul lor: Divinitate, noroc, dragoste, natura, stiinta, o persoana etc), apoi transmuta forma in care se manifesta credinta (forma credintei) intr-una compatibila cu ei si apoi ii folosesc energia (care sta la baza credintei) si care e neutra.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 9, 2013 la 4:26pm
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Timpul vieţii mele este scurt, şi plin de dureri şi de vicleşug, dar întru pocăinţă primeşte-mă şi întru cunoştinţă mă cheamă, ca să nu mă fac câştig şi mâncare celui străin; Mântuitorule, Tu Însuţi mă miluieşte.
Însumi idol m-am făcut, vătămându-mi cu poftele sufletul meu. Ci întru pocăinţă mă primeşte, şi întru cunoştinţă mă cheamă, ca să nu mă fac câştig, nici mâncare celui străin. Ci Tu Însuţi, Mântuitorule, mă miluieşte.
Stinsu-s-au zilele mele, ca visul celui ce se deşteaptă. Pentru aceasta ca Iezechia lăcrimez pe patul meu, ca să mi se adauge ani de viaţă. Dar care Isaia va să stea pentru tine, suflete? Fără numai Dumnezeul tuturor.
Treci peste firea cea curgătoare a vremii, … şi te fă moştenitor pământului aceluia al făgăduinţei.
Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 9, 2013 la 4:59pm
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Iar acum inghesuim totul in gandirea noastra incalcita, religios-psihologica, ptca lucrurile care nu se potrivesc pur si simplu nu pot sa existe.
Prin urmare, vezi ca nu putem avansa catusi de putin aplicand vechile metode si vechea gandire. Imi face impresia ca adevaratii dusmani ai intuitiei se gasesc in randurile oamenilor de stiinta.
Omul Epocii de piatra si-a raspandit imaginile zeilor in intreaga lume. Adeptii credinciosi ai religiilor institutionalizate numesc aceste imagini idoli daca nu corespund propriilor lor idei religioase preconcepute. Aceste imagini – chipuri grotesti, fiinte inimaginabile cu limbi de foc, bestii si monstri – au fost create de toate culturile din adncul imaginatiei lor. Diferite si totusi asemanatoare – in mare masura asemenea limbajului – insa unde se afla originile acestor zei portretizati artistic?
Se simte cineva, de vreundeva, incitat de aceste lucruri? Sare cineva in sus de emotie din cauza acestor lucruri ? Exista vreun redactor sef care sa strige „Dumnezeule, este incredibil!” inainte sa inceapa sa adune bani pt proiecte de cercetare ?
Societatea a devenit inerta si lenesa, suprasaturata de internet si zdrobita de un zeitgeist care inabusa pe loc orice entuziasm – prea lenesa sa observe ceva atat de important sau de cutremurator.
Atitudinea noastra fata de aceste adevaruri vechi nu va avea nicio influenta asupra intoarcerii „zeilor”. Ei se vor intoarce si simpla lor prezenta ne va zdruncina din rarunchi sufletele plafonate. Decembrie 2012, aceasta este data din calendarul mayas. Chiar daca aceasta data nu este cea buna, socul zeilor tot va veni. Putem paria pe ce avem mai scump.
Einstein s-a calauzit dupa maxima potrivit careia „Dca exista o solutie pt o problema, atunci o voi gasi.”. Problemele au existat dintotdeauna; le poti gasi pretutindeni si – in functie de stadiul actual al cunoasterii – multi dintre cei care se considera „rationali” declama fericiti: „imposibil”. Altii pe de alta parte, incep sa caute solutii. Nu este vorba despre nici un fel de coincidenta. In profunzimile constientului nostru – spune-i suflet daca vrei- ne dam seama ca undeva exista o solutie pt toate „imposibilitatile”. Totul tine de ‚meme” sau „constiinta universala”.
Profanii pot sa se scarpine in crestet si sa strige „imposibil!” Insa la faptul ca nimic nu e imposibil face aluzie si D. in VT: „Acesta este doar inceputul a ceea ce pot sa faca; acum nimic nu se va mai putea face care sa-i impiedice sa-si atinga scopul” (Facerea 11:6)
Sir Fred Hoyle:
In perioada precopernicana, Pamantul era considerat in mod gresit ca fiind in centrul geometric si fizic al universului. In zilelel noastre, pana si oamenii de stiinta respectabili considera in continuare ca Pamantul este Centrul biologic al Universului. O repetare apropaoe incredibila a aceleiasi greseli anterioare… Singura explicatie posibila pt evolutie ar exista daca materialul genetic (necesar pt originile vietii) ar veni de undeva din exteriiorul sistemului nostru, cu alte cuvinte dintr-un loc cu totul diferit.
Jose Gabriel Fuentes director al Observatorului Vaticanului:
Exact cum exista un mare numar de creaturi pe Pamant pot sa mai existe si alte forme de viata – chiar si unele inteligente – care sunt tot creatia lui Dumnezeu; acest fapt nu vine in contradictie cu credinta noastra, deoarece nu putem pune limite libertatii de creatie a lui Dumnezeu.
Dupa cum ar spune Sf Francisc: Cata vreme consideram celelalte creatii pamantesti ca fiindu-ne „frati” si „surori”, de ce nu am putea sa vorbim si despre un „frate extraterestru”? Ar putea fi si el, la urma urmelor, parte a creatiei.
Un lucru e sigur: intr-un anumit stadiu, vom avea contact cu o forma de viata extraterestra. Aceasta intalnire va fi „Ziua Judecatii de apoi” pt religiile lumii.Toate religiile sunt, in esenta, intolerante, chiar si atunci cand numerosii lor sustinatori pretind ca lucrurile ar sta de fapt altfel. In ciuda tuturor discutiilor referitoare la presupusa intelegere fata de cei de alte credinte, dupa ce tragi linie, cel mai import lucru care ramane e pretentia fiecarei religii ca este singura care profereaza adevarul absolut. Dac acest adevar dispare ca un nor de fum, ce le mai ramine religiilor? Crestinii nu pot sa afirme brusc ca spusele lui IH din Evanghelii sunt false. La urma urmelor toate ar fi trebuit sa vina direct de la Fiul lui D. exact la fel, musulmanii nu pot sa se razgdandeasca si sa spuna ca textele Coranului nu l-au avut la origini pe fondatorul religiei lor. Adeptii religiei evreiesti mondiale, susutin ca sunt cei „alesi”, iar pt musulmani, oricine crede in altceva este un „necredincios”. In sfarsit, adeptii tuturor celor 3 mari religii semitice – cretsinismul, iudaismul si islamul – considera ca sunt unicii posesori ai adevarului absolut. Trebuie ca toate sunt absolut ingrozite de ziua in care se vor intalni in cele din urma cu ET. Probabil ca este un motiv asuns al unei anume tendinte, in randul lor. De a manifesta un grad nu tocmai neglijabil de animozitate fata de stiinta? O religie care ignora descoperirile stiintifice si le ascunde dovezile stiintifice adeptilor ei este dogmatica. Cu alte cuvinte, conflictul cu ET este inevitabil. Atitudinea artagoasa a religiei si stiinta superioara a ET nu repreznta nici pe departe combinatia ideala.
(din Erich von Daeniken)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 9, 2013 la 7:13pm
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„Iar cei care traiesc fals si rau secretul (si ei sunt foarte multi) nu-l pierd, decat pentru ei insisi, si totusi il transmit mai departe, ca pe o scrisoare nedesfacuta, fara s-o stie.”
(Rainer Maria Rilke – „Scrisori catre un tanar poet”)
Cei care vor citi si invata carti cu numere, se vor crede mai invatati si mai intelepti decat restul oamenilor. Acesti asa-zisi oameni intelepti isi vor lasa vietile conduse de calcule si socoteli, si vor trai doar dupa cum le spun numerele. Printre invatatii acestia vor fi deopotriva oameni buni si oameni rai.
In loc sa caute intelepciunea in masini, numere si socoteli, oamenii buni se vor indrepta spre rugaciune si meditatie.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 9, 2013 la 7:48pm
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“Dorind sa-si afle originea, omenirea s-ar putea sa-si afle sfarsitul = The search for our beginning could lead to our end”
(“Prometheus” – the movie/filmul)
In the late 21-st century, a star map is discovered within the imagery of Aztec, Mesopotamian and Magdalenian cultures. The crew of the spaceship Prometheus is sent on a scientific expedition to follow the map as part of a mission to find the origins of mankind. Exploring the advanced civilization of an extraterrestrial race, they soon face a threat to humanity's very existence.
Conex v. si:
Scrierile sacre mayase si inscriptiile din Piramida de la Calakmul sunt dezvaluite in premiera in filmul "Revelatiile mayase despre 2012 si de dupa" [realizat in colaborare cu guvernul Mexicului]. Omenirea trebuie sa fie pregatita pentru o catastrofa iminenta in urmatorii 15-20 de ani, potrivit previziunilor civilizatiei Maya.
Unele infos (conexe) poate utile:
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 9, 2013 la 7:54pm
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Dar legenda, ca si istoria, poate fi distorsionata de (in) timp, dezbracata de adevar prin cinism – si totusi coplesita de splendori prin imaginatie.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 4, 2014 la 2:37pm
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Manipularea credintei si a religiilor, scopul fiintelor "rele" s.a. conexiuni - de reflectat
Desi in aceste extrase compilate din diverse surse sunt multe prostii si aberatii, iar gandirea/exprimarea pare uneori puerila-simplista, totusi merita reflectat asupra unor informatii pe care le contin. De ex.: de ce fiintelor spirituale rele = duhurile rautatii (ingerii cazuti-demonii si acolitii lor: serpii otravitori de ganduri, duhuri rele din vazduh si din ape etc – diverse categorii, dar diferiti de ingerii cazuti, cu corpuri mai putin spirituale si mai mult energo-informationale, mai condensate spre planul material) le place sa-i chinuie si sa-i insele pe oameni si pe alte fiinte. Ei care au fost ingeri sa fi decazut atat de mult incat sa o faca doar din pura placere sadica, sau mai au si un alt interes, un motiv mult mai profund pt a face aceasta ?
Unii oameni in NDE = experiente in apropierea mortii au constat ca duhurile rautatii care apar la vamile sufletului, de fapt nu arata asa cum sunt percepute (si cum vor sa fie percepute): cu coarne, fete ingrozitoare etc – ca in filmele horror / ci aceasta e doar o masca pe care si-o incorporeaza pt a obtine din partea omului reactia de teama si groaza si apoi pt a suge / folosi energia acestor stari psihice / sufletesti negative, cu care ei se hranesc pt a exista… ceva in genul asta…
„Ei vor muri în pace, se vor săvârși din viață în numele Tău,
și dincolo de mormânt nu vor găsi decât moarte. Iar noi vom
păstra cu grijă secretul și, pentru fericirea lor, îi vom amăgi,
făgăduindu-le o răsplată veșnică în ceruri.”
(Marele Inchizitor către „Mântuitorul“ său
on „Fraţii Karamazov”)
Filmul „Insula = The Island”, agnatii = prostovanii, li se promitea „Paradisul” (in viata de apoi / religiile infiltrate de ET), in timp ce ei erau folositi (aici si dincolo dupa moarte – reciclati pt reutilizare) pe post de „baterie” pt energia sufletului.
Nick Redfern este un cercetător serios din domeniul OZN-urilor şi extratereştrilor. El a reuşit să ia legătura cu câţiva membri ai unui grup guvernamental secret care se ocupă cu studierea acestor fenomene, grup denumit simplu “Elita Collins”, de unde a aflat nişte informaţii absolut cutremurătoare. Redfern a scos şi o carte intitulată „Final Events And the Secret Government Group on UFOs and the Afterlife” („Evenimentele finale şi grupul guvernamental secret care se ocupă de OZN-uri şi viaţa de apoi”). Iată câteva din informaţiile secrete obţinute:
* Elita Collins a ajuns la concluzia că OZN-urile şi extratereştrii sunt manifestarea literală a hoardelor lui Satan. Dar aceste entităţi demonice nu au formă fizică. Cu alte cuvinte, aspectul lor natural nu este imaginea tipică din filmele de groază, cu coarne, ochi strălucitori, o coadă înspicată etc. Mai degrabă, aceste entităţi sunt în esenţă non-fizice şi energie pură pe de-a-ntregul. Dar ele pot crea imagini înşelătoare, care să ne inducă în eroare cum că au formă fizică, dar de fapt nu au. Cu alte cuvinte, întregul fenomen OZN este pe bază de iluzie, poveştile cu răpiri nefiind cu nimic mai mult decât doar iluzii proiectate în mintea răpiţilor ca să le inducă în continuare această imagine extraterestră. Elita Collins nu crede că a avut vreodată loc vreo experienţă de răpire în afara limitelor creierului uman – parţial din cauza acestor entităţi care nu au formă fizică, aşa cum o înţelegem noi.
* Elita Collins nu crede că aceste entităţi au vreo interacţiune fizică cu noi – cel puţin nu în felul în care înţelegem noi termenul. Tot scenariul răpirilor extraterestre este o înşelătorie, o serie de halucinaţii induse în creier, provocate de aceste entităţi ca un mijloc de a întări ideea că ei sunt extratereştri veniţi aici să facă experimente pe noi etc. Cu alte cuvinte, pentru Elita Collins, răpirile sunt o modalitate a acestor creaturi pentru a ne înşela în continuare. Prin urmare, grupul crede că nu există efectiv nicio interacţiune fizică cu noi. Însă entităţile pot provoca imagini halucinante în minte: extratereştri, spiriduşi, Bigfoot etc., ca să ne facă să credem că vedem ceva fizic în afara minţii.
* “Extratereştrii” absorb sufletele oamenilor. Pământul este o fermă, iar noi suntem vitele. În urma unor mai multe interviuri cu oameni care au avut experienţa morţii clinice, teologi, experţi în demonologie etc., a rezultat faptul că aceste entităţi adună şi se hrănesc cu prost definitul „suflet-energie” de după moartea noastră. În esenţă, Elita Collins crede că, deoarece aceste creaturi demonice trăiesc, practic, pe bază de energie, energia noastră îi hrăneşte, îi alimentează. Grupul a intervievat numeroşi martori ai experienţelor în apropierea morţii, care pretindeau că au văzut „fabrici de suflete” vaste, interminabile când erau în moarte clinică, şi care au susţinut de asemenea că aceste entităţi ne procesează unui căte unul la această fermă, ne măcelăresc şi ne extrag energia – ceva asemănător cu ideea de vampir demonic.
John Lear este un pilot cu experienţă din cadrul Forţelor Aeriene Americane, cu multe mii de ore de zborla activ, dar şi cu presupuse contacte în cadrul CIA, realizate în misiunile de zbor pe care le-a efectuat pentru agenţie. Potrivit lui Lear, primul contact între extratereştri şi guvernul american a avut loc în 1964, iar un tratat formal a fost negociat între 1969 şi 1971. Tratatul implica un schimb între tehnologia extraterestră superioară şi cooperarea guvernului american prin acoperirea unor „cercetări” extraterestre pe planeta noastră, ce au inclus faimoasele mutilări de vite şi răpiri de fiinţe umane.
Lear mai crede că scopul extratereştrilor gri este acela să aibă grijă de recipiente – de noi. Suntem recipiente ale sufletelor. Când un suflet este făcut, trăieşte pentru totdeauna. Acesta nu moare niciodată până când este dincolo de orice mântuire. Aceasta se întâmplă foarte rar. Viitorul este deja scris şi data morţii tale este deja stabilită. Dacă te afli într-un accident sau într-o situaţie care îţi pune viaţa în pericol, extratereştrii gri intervin în secret şi te salvează. Probabil pentru a menţine lucrurile conform programului, astfel încât fiecare să ajungă la momentul morţii la timpul potrivit, predeterminat.
Cu toate acestea, interesul extratereştrilor gri faţă de sufletele noastre este unul prădător, mânat de foame. Extratereştrii gri absorb sufletele în întregime, cu scopul de a se hrăni cu energia nefericirii pe care ei înşişi o provoacă, la fel ca setea de sânge a unui vampir. Cel mai probabil, extratereştrii gri sunt condamnaţi să sufere de foame în eternitate şi nu se pot sătura niciodată de tortură umană.
P.S. Aşadar, conform lui John Lear, diavolii din creştinism sunt reprezentaţi de extratereştrii gri, care se hrănesc cu sufletele umane. Pentru acest lucru, extratereştrii gri au grijă de noi, asemenea unor îngeri păzitori, pentru a nu muri înainte de termenul destinului.
Mai jos găsiţi opinia unui teolog, găsită pe un forum despre Experienţe din apropierea morţii:
E inevitabil că toţi vom muri la un moment dat (…) Dar, dacă vrem să nu mai suferim, să avem parte de războaie, suferinţă etc. în alte vieţi, după moartea noastră fizică, atunci e esenţial să ne ferim de “lumina albă”. Experienţele din apropierea morţii de care au avut parte pacienţii care s-au aflat la “graniţa morţii” ne vorbesc de “lumina albă”, spre care s-ar îndrepta sufletele scăpate din trupul mort.
Lumina albă nu este altceva decât un “Captator interdimensional de suflete”. Dacă după moarte, veţi intra în lumina albă, atunci negreşit vă veţi reîncarna. Unii oameni materialişti poate vor dori acest lucru (deşi în mod sigur vor suferi), dar oamenii evoluaţi spirituali nu mai vor să revină pentru a suferi în lumea fizică.
Atunci când veţi muri (se poate întâmpla mâine sau peste 50 de ani), atunci trebuie să vă opriţi şi să priviţi. Veţi fi orbiţi de lumina albă de deasupra; lateral, veţi observa o lumină aurie. Aceasta este calea spre adevărata Sursă. Lumina albă este cea care ne ţine înlănţuiţi, pe când lumina aurie ne eliberează.
Iată secretele Universului:
1. Nu există iad după moarte (lumea fizică în care trăim este iadul, iar lumea astrală în care ajung cei morţi este imaginea-oglindă);
2. Morţii nu sunt diferiţi de noi (diferă doar frecvenţa) şi încă sunt manipulaţi.
3. Nu există extratereştri, ci doar fiinţe interdimensionale.
4. Tărâmurile fizice, astrale şi spirituale sunt iluzii colective care au fost manipulate.
V. Bardo recunoastrea Luminii Primordiale (Lumina Divina din toate religiile) si discernerea ei fata de variantele false / falsificate de catre propria noastra minte sau de catre „altii”.
„Din directia vest [a mintii tale!] vin zeitatile binevoitoare/manioase…”
V. si lumanarea impletita numita „calea mortului” care se pune langa mort pt a-i aduce aminte sa o ia mereu spre dr. [directia cea buna] („Cartea romaneasca a mortilor” / Ion Ghinoiu)
Băţul sau toiagul la înmormântare rămâne nedespărţit de tovarăşul său şi pe lumea cealaltă. În aceste credinţe îşi află originea obiceiul de a i se confecţiona mortului un “toiag”, o lumânare egală cu lungimea trupului, încolăcită ca o spirală şi aprinsă în anumite momente ale ceremonialului funerar.Calea întoarsă, calea şerpuită, calea rotăcită, drumul mortului reprezintă direcţia sufletului spre lumea de dincolo. Este cel mai utilizat simbol al culturilor neolitice din spaţiul carpato-danubiano-pontic regăsit în bogata simbolistică de pe vatra vechii civilizaţii europene, aici, în Munţii Carpaţi, unde trăieşte astăzi poporul român.
Toiagul mortului - cu multiple denumiri ce precizează rolul acestuia, este drumul de întoarcere al energiilor vieţii către Centrul de înmagazinare a energiilor cosmice, izvorul nemuririi geto-dacilor. Toate denumirile populare precizează câte un aspect al acestuia pentru a nu fi confundat acest simbol şi a nu se devia de la semnificaţia esenţială.
dintr-o lumânare lungă pe care o încolăcea, adică o rotea, o rotăcea, indicând calea de întoarcere către energiile fundamentale, ce servea ca orientare, ca toiag de sprijin luminos, indicând şi direcţia: Înainte să mergi şi la dreapta s-o iei!
Toiagul duce sufletul însetat să se umple de energiile cosmice şi-l trece urgent pragul Raiului cu ultimele pâlpâiri, altfel ar rămâne în derivă într-o zonă periferică: Iadul. Ca dovadă sufletul celui decedat mai vine în locul în care a trăit, mai face încercări de revigorare bând apă şi adunând roua de pe mormintele pe care se pun flori, mai ales că la noi se stropesc ritualic mormintele cu apă.
În cadrul acestei Doctrine, extratereştrii veniţi pe Terra cu mult timp în urmă au produs prin manipulare genetică fiinţe hibride de origine umană şi divină, împărţite în şapte subrase: rmoahalii, tlavatlii, toltecii, turanienii, arienii, akkadienii şi mongolii. În timpul acestui proces, au existat multe greşeli, ceea ce a avut ca rezultat apariţia unor mutanţi precum „uriaşii” din mitologia biblică şi cea nordică. Aceste rase au trăit cicluri progresive de viaţă în timpul legendarei Atlantide. Odată cu distrugerea acesteia, rasele s-au răspândit în toată lumea, iar calităţile lor mentale şi fizice au început să degenereze. Speranţa lor de viaţă s-a micşorat semnificativ, în vreme ce s-au „ascuţit” procesele de gândire, pentru a-i ajuta să supravieţuiască în lumea materială. Aceste capacităţi de gândire şi percepţie senzorială au fost dobândite cu preţul pierderii totale a puterilor magice pe care le aveau asupra naturii şi a forţelor vitale din organismul uman. Odată cu pierderea acestor puteri intuitive, oamenii primitivi au fost învăţaţi de creatorii lor că mersul tuturor lucrurilor de pe Terra era dirijat de nişte «zei» invizibili şi că ei ar trebui să-i slujească fără rezerve pe aceştia. Mai presus de toate, ei au fost învăţaţi să-şi respecte şi să-şi protejeze puritatea sângelui.
Deturnarea religiilor [inclusiv a crestinismului; s-a trecut de la crestinismul lui Hristos(ce a spus/invatat Mantuitorul la „crestinismul” Bisericii ca Organizatie Seculara, care este manipulat si deturnat in masura semnificativa !]:
De ex:
„ Programarea „crestina” este una dintre cele mai distrugatoare arme ale "diavolului". Privind retrospectiv, odata cu inventarea la Roma a crestinismului , umanitatea a devenit din ce in ce mai oarba si mai impotenta spiritual. Posturile trecute am dat cateva exemple de programare prin utilizarea simbolismului antic , intr-o maniera in care sa nu ofere constientului oportunitatea de a intelege secretele vietii pentru a le aplica individual in propria salvare, dar care sa activeze subconstientul pentru a il face venerator/supus.
Iconografia „crestina” foloseste din plin simboluri cu valoare reala din viata planetara , deoarece creatorii religiilor stiu ca doar prin inserarea grauntelor de adevar pot crea o minciuna , o deviere cu un adevarat impact in colectivism.
Ceea ce nu se cunoaste in mod general , este ca aceasta parte a ochiului [fovea centralis] este folosita in programarea facuta prin diferitele canale create special pentru a adormi constiinta umana si a o face susceptibila la implanturile de ganduri "artificiale".
Exista foarte multe exemple de programare prin simboluri "pozitive si/sau negative" in crestinism. Dovezile de mai sus , care indica folosirea elementelor "pozitive" in aceasta programare , NU CONFIRMA cu nimic "beneficitatea crestinismului" , deoarece ele sunt puse intr-un context dogmatic ce il face pe om sa nu inteleaga din ele decat SUPUNERE.
… ”
Otrava mentala
Voi ăştia vă temeţi nevoie mare de tot felul de năbâtii, CIP-uri şi cip-cirip-uri la cap, şi nu vedeţi că dispozitivele de manipulare nu trebuie să fie neapărat MATERIALE, ci pot să fie şi SPIRITUALE, prin inocularea unor idei fixe, cum ar fi naţionalismul sau ortodoxismul [prost intelese / aplicate, in mod voit denaturate].
Inainte de moartea sa, Sf.Francisc din Assisi a făcut următoarele profeţii care se aseamănă foarte mult cu vremurile noastre:
1) Timpul acela se apropie cu repeziciune; atunci vor fi mari încercări și suferințe, nedumeriri și disensiuni, atât spirituale cât şi temporale, în care răutatea celor răi va crește şi mai mult.
2) Diavolii vor avea puteri neobișnuite (…) Atunci, un om va fi ridicat la pontificat, iar, prin viclenia sa, va depune eforturi pentru a atrage lumea în şi mai multă eroare și moarte.
3) Atunci scandalurile vor fi nenumărate; Ordinul nostru va fi împărțit, iar multe altele vor fi distruse în întregime, pentru că se va merge în greşeală, în loc a se lupta împotriva ei.
6) Cei care îşi păstrează credinţa, aderă la virtute cu dragoste și au un zel pentru adevăr, vor avea de suferit multe persecuții, ca fiind rebeli și schismatici (…)
7) (…) În acele zile, Iisus Hristos va trimite NU UN PASTOR adevărat, ci un DISTRUGĂTOR.
Aici profetia:
The True Third Secret of Fatima?
"A Wicked Council... The Church will Bleed from all Her Wounds"
In May of 1994 -- 77 years after Our Lady first appeared to the three children at Fatima, Portugal -- a French priest by the name of Raymond Arnette was listening to a CD entitled "Mysterium Fidei," with French lyrics and sung by French choirs. As he was listening devoutly, suddenly the music faded into the background and a clear voice, which was perceived quite normally and not as an interior inspiration, said: "L'eglise saignera de toutes ses plaies", that is, "The Church will bleed from all her wounds."
Then, there followed this text:
There will be a wicked council planned and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the Faith; confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain.
A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This will be the end of times, foretold in the Holy Scriptures and recalled to memory by Me in many places. The abomination of abominations will reach its peak and it will bring the chastisement announced at La Salette. My Son's arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes.
One will only speak about wars and revolutions. The elements of nature will be unchained and will cause anguish even among the best (the most courageous). The Church will bleed from all Her wounds. Happy are they who will persevere and search for refuge in My Heart, because in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
After this message, Fr. Arnette only heard one more sentence: "This is the Third Secret of Fatima."
Could this be the true Third Secret, then? It could be. This text has been published and circulated before, for instance, in the book The Devil's Final Battle as well as in a newsletter of then-SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson in 2000. If this is the true Third Secret, it is no wonder why the Vatican, beginning in 1960 with John XXIII, did not wish to make it public. John XXIII claimed that the Third Secret "does not concern my pontificate" and refused to reveal it, despite the Blessed Virgin Mary's order that it be revealed to the faithful by 1960 at the latest. Of course, by 1960, preparations for John XXIII's so-called "Second Vaticcan Council" were running high, its convocation having been announced by him on January 25, 1959.
It is perhaps particularly interesting that the text states: "The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain," a perfect description of the Catholic world according to the sedevacantist position, which holds that the clergy of the Novus Ordo Church (the Church of Vatican II) are not valid or legitimate Roman Catholic shepherds. Besides, the text makes reference to the "chastisement announced at La Salette", which could be another reference to the illegitimacy of the New Church, for it was at La Salette (in 1846) that Our Lady reportedly said that "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist."
The fact that, according to private testimony, then-"Cardinal" Joseph Ratzinger admitted in 2004 that the true text of the Third Secret speaks of an "evil council" (source here - see also this response), helps to bolster the hypothesis that this might indeed be the genuine Third Secret of Fatima, revealed by the Blessed Mother to Lucia dos Santos on July 13, 1917. (Though there are, of course, also some considerations that speak against this hypothesis.)
Insa Fatima a fost manipulare „ET”. Cu mesaj adevarat ? sau manipulat ?
Pseudo-dumnezeu si in relatarea lui Robert Monroe:
...Este acesta Dumnezeu? Sau Fiul lui Dumnezeu? Sau reprezentantul Său?” (pag. 122-123). Ar fi greu de găsit în literatura ocultă a lumii o povestire mai vie a slăvirii lui satan în propria lui împărăţie, de către robii săi impersonali. În acest loc, Monroe arată legătura lui cu mai marele împărăţiei, în care a intrat. Într-o noapte, la vreo doi ani după ce şi-a început călătoriile în „afara trupului”, s-a simţit scăldat în acelaşi fel de lumină care se arată la începutul acestor experienţe, şi a simţit o forţă puternică, inteligentă, personală, care i-a răpit puterea şi voinţa. „Mi s-a părut în chip hotărât că eram legat strâns de această forţă inteligentă, prin statornicie – mereu fusesem aşa – şi că aveam o menire de îndeplinit aici pe pământ” (pag. 260-261). Într-o altă asemenea experienţă cu această forţă ori „entitate” nevăzută, care a avut loc câteva săptămâni mai târziu, ea (sau ele) părea că intră în mintea lui şi o „cercetează”, şi apoi, „părea că se avântă spre cer, în vreme ce eu strigam în urmă, stăruitor. Atunci am fost sigur că mentalitatea şi inteligenţa lor era cu mult peste puterea mea de înţelegere. Este o inteligenţă impersonală, rece, fără nici un fel de simţământ de dragoste sau de mângâiere pe care noi le apreciem atât de mult … M-am aşezat jos şi am plâns, cu suspine mari, adânci, cum nu mai plânsesem niciodată până atunci, pentru că atunci am simţit fără nici o reţinere ori nădejde viitoare de schimbare, că Dumnezeul copilăriei mele, al bisericilor, al religiei din întreaga lume, nu era aşa cum îl slăveam noi – că pentru tot restul zilelor vieţii mele voi ‘suferi’ pierderea acestei amăgiri” (pag. 262).
Insa chiar daca suntem manipulati in credinta noastra, daca suntem sinceri, devotiunea se duce unde trebuie, la D. adevarat si la sfintii Sai adevarati.
Dintele cainelui = Dintele lui Buddha / apropo de moastele false (falsificate)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 4, 2014 la 2:43pm
Ştergere comentariu
In Exodus 6:3 [Iesirea] God tells Moses that the patriarchs knew Him by only the name El Shaddai. “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as the “Sovereign God”, but by my name ‘Yahweh’ I was not known to them.”
The translation team behind the New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) however maintain that the meaning is uncertain, and that translating "El Shaddai" as "Almighty God" is inaccurate. The NJB leaves it untranslated as "Shaddai," and makes footnote suggestions that it should perhaps be understood as "God of the Mountain" from the Accadian "shadu," or "God of the open wastes" from the Hebrew "sadeh" and the secondary meaning of the Accadian word.
suggest that Shaddai comes from sadu, a word meaning mountain in the Babylonian (Akkadian) language that Abram spoke. El Of The Mountain, or El of the Gathering. [zeul suprem canaanit, iar nu Tatal Ceresc de la care vine Iisus]
The God with Breasts: El Shaddai in the Bible
David Biale
History of Religions
Vol. 21, No. 3 (Feb., 1982), pp. 240-256
Man in our image is referring to the Shekinah. The Holy Spririt. The Holy Spririt is feminine in the original Hebrew, became neuter in the Greek, Then became masculine in Latin. It was lost in translation.
Documentarul "The Bibles Buried Secrets" / episodul "Did God Have a Wife" :
Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou asks whether ancient Israelites believed in one God.
Zeul cu barba si sani, iar Zeita cu penis – reprezentari din vechime.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 4, 2014 la 2:48pm
Ştergere comentariu
Demiurgul (= aprox echivalent cu zeul Brahma) Ialdabaot / Savaot (in Gnoza) e administratorul / asamblatorul universului / realitatii / dēmiourgos, literally “public worker”, and which was originally a common noun meaning “craftsman” or “artisan” (masonerie / Maconul Sef), the organizer of the universe, rather than the creator of a physical substratum, the fashioner of the real, perceptible world, and of the Ideas, but is still not itself “the One”.
Nu Creatorul ei, fiind o emanatie din Creator.
Conexiune cu:
- prima povestire Mario. Fiecare univers din multivers are un dumnezeu emanat din Dumnezeu.
- Administratorii succesivi / concomitenti ai Programului din „Matrix”.
- R.D. mesaje spiritiste. „Nu negam existenta lui Dumnezeu, ci unicitatea Lui. Fac un experiment in care e implicata si omenirea pt a demonstra asta. Se folosesc nu de cunostintele oamenilor, ci de starile lor psihice / sufletesti / sentimente +si-.” [v. si „Stargate Universe” in care rasa strabuna, inca ne-ascensionata = nedesavarsita facea un experiment pt a demonstra ca universul este un aspect al Over Mintii / Mintea Universala si contine / este un mesaj incriptat pt toate fiintele / si fiecare in parte spre a-L gasi / descoperi pe Dumnezeu Creatorul]
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 4, 2014 la 2:48pm
Ştergere comentariu
In its pure and original form, the universal Demiurge was a thoughtform generated by God. Its programmed function was to fashion the physical universe according to the divine thoughts and energies animating it. Its entitization was that of a super ego, the Logos.
The Demiurge, despite being inherently neutral or even benevolent in its original design, is likewise corruptible and can become negatively entitized.
As explained, such entitized thought-forms have a self-preservation instinct, and so the worldly personified Demiurge does all it can to preserve itself by cultivating more of the negative energies that sustain it.
Our matrix reality is not inherently evil, it is simply the environment in which we are immersed. Like a mother providing the womb containing the nutrient matrix and forces needed to turn genetic potential into a living human, the universal Demiurge provides physicality as a “matrix reality” originally intended to nurture our spiritual evolution, at least in a more direct manner than currently. The root word of “matrix” is “mater” which is Latin for “mother.”
However, a corrupted and personified Demiurge is like a psychopathic, narcissistic, jealous mother who feeds parasitically upon her offspring, going so far as to use her womb as an energy farm instead of an incubator of spirit incarnate. It is no longer a matrix of growth, but a Matrix Control System.
Thus, a corrupt Demiurge, personified, functions as a universal parasite: tyrannical, demonic, blindly driven by negative instinct. It would attempt to shape the course of the universe along lines that engender greater negativity, division, oppression, and whatever else it feeds upon. This is none other than Stapanul lumii (personajul din pestera din subsolul icoanei „Pogorarea Sf Duh”, care „tine” neamurile si destinele lor in mana sa).
Cand se spliteaza / despica neutralitatea-transcendenta-unitatea sa, imbraca 2 aspecte complementare: in aspectul / versantul sau „pozitiv” e „Demiurgul” = Fartatul = dumnezeu, iar in cel „negativ” e „Stapanul lumii” (mergand in „cel mai negativ” aspect pana la none other than The Adversary = Ne-Fartatul, Cel Rau). Fartatul si Ne-Fartatul sunt frati (in povesti si in realitate).
Povestea Gnozei:
“Ialdabaoth (Gnostic) (from Shem ilda + baoth)
Child from the egg (of Chaos); the spirit of matter, the chief of the lower ‘elohim and father of the six dark stellar spirits or terrestrial angels, and thus one of the lower group of the Qabbalistic Sephiroth, the shadow or reflection on the lower four cosmic planes of the arupa or formless higher Sephirothic range. These emanations from the stellar spirits become darker and more material as they recede in descent from their sources, and are thus properly represented as the seven planetary (and global) genii or rectors.
Ialdabaoth’s mother, Sophia Achamoth (wisdom of the lower four of the cosmic planes) is the daughter or manifested reflection of the Heavenly Sophia — divine wisdom, or the mahat-side of akasa. Therefore Ialdabaoth is equivalent to the Nazarene Demiourgos of the Codex Nazaraeus, which makes him identical with the Hebrew Jehovah, the creator of the physical earth and the material side of the rector of the planet Saturn. He is also identical with Tsebaoth-Adamas, “the Pthahil of the Codex Nazaraeus, the Demiurge of the Valentinian system, the Proarchose of the Barbelitae, the Great Archon of Basilides and the Elohim of Justinus, etc. Ialdabaoth (the Child of Chaos) was . . . the Chief of the Creative Forces and the representative of one of the classes of Pitris” (BCW 13:43n). In the Ophite scheme he is the first of the superior septenate.
As a creative spirit, Ialdabaoth generates six sons (the lower terrestrial angels or stellar spirits) without assistance of any female, and when these sons strive with him he creates Ophiomorphos, the serpent-shaped spirit of all that is basest in matter. When Ialdabaoth proclaims that he is Father and God, and that none is above him, Sophia tells him that the first and second Anthropos (heavenly man) are above him. So Ialdabaoth’s sons create a man, Adam, to whom Ialdabaoth gives the breath of life, emptying himself of creative power. Having rebelled against his mother, his production is mindless and has to be endowed with mind by Sophia Achamoth — a reference to the descent of the manasaputras. The man, thus informed, aspires away from his producer, who thereupon becomes his adversary, produces the three lower kingdoms of beings, and imprisons man in a house of clay (flesh). Ialdabaoth also makes Eve (Lilith) to deprive the man of his light powers. Sophia sends the serpent or intelligence to make Adam and Eve transgress the commands of Ialdabaoth, who casts them from Paradise into the world along with the serpent. Sophia deprives Adam and Eve of their light power, but eventually restores this power so that they awoke mentally. Here there is much the same confusion that surrounds the various meanings of Satan and the serpent.
Ialdabaoth, who is lion-headed or in the form of a lion, represents the kama principle, the false light that draws the soul into matter and struggles against its rise again to spirit. Some Gnostics held that Sophia sent Christos to help humankind when Ialdabaoth and his forces were shutting out the divine light, and Ialdabaoth, “discovering that Christos was bringing to an end his kingdom of Matter, stirred up the Jews, his own people, against Him, and Jesus was put to death” (BCW 14:161). “
Conexiune cu filmul „The 4-th kind = Al 4-lea gen” (cu Milla Jovovich):
V. online pe aici:
Referring to the movie "The Fourth Kind", "Zimabu Eter" has been translated as either meaning "Help Us" or "Viable/Worth Saving".
'We are the masters, "divine beings of the heavens"; to examine the place of creation; to fetch the offspring (and) to compare (it); taking (it) away to KA; to destroy (it) completely'.
[Conexiune si cu filmul „Prometheus”.]
Citate din film („Al 4-lea gen”):
Entitatea Yahvica: „Sunt Salvatorul / Mantuitorul… Sunt Dumnezeu… I am God.”
real Abbey Tyler: [suppressing strong emotions] I believe the things I've seen, the presence I've felt inside of me, is beyond anything you can imagine. It was hopelessness. So, it cannot be God, but it can, it can pretend to be.
Sheriff August: Difficult to go back.
Abbey Tyler: To go back?
Sheriff August: Back over the line from fiction to reality. You can't just stop being insane whenever you want to. It's the the kind of thing that stays with you - forever.
Abbey Tyler: In the end, what you believe is yours to decide.
Conexiune cu:
Pseudo-dumnezeu si in relatarea lui Robert Monroe:
...Este acesta Dumnezeu? Sau Fiul lui Dumnezeu? Sau reprezentantul Său?” (pag. 122-123). Ar fi greu de găsit în literatura ocultă a lumii o povestire mai vie a slăvirii lui satan în propria lui împărăţie, de către robii săi impersonali. În acest loc, Monroe arată legătura lui cu mai marele împărăţiei, în care a intrat. Într-o noapte, la vreo doi ani după ce şi-a început călătoriile în „afara trupului”, s-a simţit scăldat în acelaşi fel de lumină care se arată la începutul acestor experienţe, şi a simţit o forţă puternică, inteligentă, personală, care i-a răpit puterea şi voinţa. „Mi s-a părut în chip hotărât că eram legat strâns de această forţă inteligentă, prin statornicie – mereu fusesem aşa – şi că aveam o menire de îndeplinit aici pe pământ” (pag. 260-261). Într-o altă asemenea experienţă cu această forţă ori „entitate” nevăzută, care a avut loc câteva săptămâni mai târziu, ea (sau ele) părea că intră în mintea lui şi o „cercetează”, şi apoi, „părea că se avântă spre cer, în vreme ce eu strigam în urmă, stăruitor. Atunci am fost sigur că mentalitatea şi inteligenţa lor era cu mult peste puterea mea de înţelegere. Este o inteligenţă impersonală, rece, fără nici un fel de simţământ de dragoste sau de mângâiere pe care noi le apreciem atât de mult … M-am aşezat jos şi am plâns, cu suspine mari, adânci, cum nu mai plânsesem niciodată până atunci, pentru că atunci am simţit fără nici o reţinere ori nădejde viitoare de schimbare, că Dumnezeul copilăriei mele, al bisericilor, al religiei din întreaga lume, nu era aşa cum îl slăveam noi – că pentru tot restul zilelor vieţii mele voi ‘suferi’ pierderea acestei amăgiri” (pag. 262).
[propagate intr-o forma sau alta, mai mult sau mai putin corupta si infiltrate chiar de catre entitatile pe care le “combat-dezvaluie” de catre: Gnoza, Traditia Tolteca [pradatorul omului/omenirii] s.a. miscari traditionale antice si mai nou de catre templieri, masonerie, miscarea “Codul Da Vinci”, carti SF-Heroic Phantasy-fantastice, filme, opere de arta, carti de beletristica s.a., mai mult ori mai putin eretice]
de genul:
Exista Tatal Ceresc – Dumnezeu Adevarat (Dumnezeu cel Bun) si Mama Divina (Maica Domnului) Care L-au “trimis” pe Fiul Iisus Hristos si pt ca sa elibereze neamul omenesc de sub tirania si inselaciunea falsului dumnezeu = dumnezeul Vechiului Testament Yahve = un fel de zeu / entitate spirituala (facuta din energie-informatie ce se poate materializa) inter-multi-trans-dimensionala, care s-a dat drept a fi Dumnezeu (Adevarat), fiind de fapt un zeu tiranic, gelos, razbunator si crud,
care a influentat/infiltrat/dirijat in sensul dorit de “el” pt scopuri absconse ori incomprehensibile
[unii zic ca sa se poata manifesta-desfasura plenar in planul universului nostru, venind dintr-un fel de stare de latenta existentiala-ontologica; altii zic ca se “hraneste” cumva cu energia-informatia din fiintele umane pt a-si alimenta propria evolutie etc facandu-i pe oameni sa uite ca sunt de fapt entitati spirituale superioare nemuritoare, sa uite de unde vin si care le este menirea si care le sunt capacitatile, sa se teama de moarte, sa vrea sa ramana in planul material etc dirijandu-le pana la un anume punct si destinul post-mortem al sufletului pe care li-l tine prizonier; altii zic ca are loc un fel de “razboi in spatiu-timp” etc]
[se zice ca si intreaga evolutie biologica si material-spirituala de pe Terra, intervenind contrar ori sinergic “lui” insa si alte “factiuni” ale altor entitati-fiinte supraumane]
din cele mai vechi timpuri [sute de mii – milioane de ani - …]
in ceea ce priveste: evolutia (biologica, psihologica, sociala, spirituala etc), gandirea-simtirea, psiho-mentalul, stiinta, istoria, politica, viata sociala, religiile, arta s.a.m.d., cam toate domeniile si aspectele fiind atinse.
Rugaciunea Domneasca lasata de Mantuitorul este Tatal Nostru [cu mari asemanari cu rugaciunea din Tablele de Smarald ale zeului egiptean Toth; Iisus fiind dinainte de veci, de fapt nu exista nicio contradictie].
In Evanghelia dupa Ioan, Mantuitorul Iisus zice despre poporul ales: “Voi sunteti de la tatal vostru diavolul…” [unii intrepretand ca se refera la Yahve]
Iar in Evanghelia (apocrifa) dupa Iuda, Iisus rade de apostoli pe cand ei se rugau si le zice: “Voi nu stiti cui va rugati, credeti ca va rugati Tatalui Ceresc si de fapt va rugati celuilalt.”
Nici crestinismul nu a scapat de deturnare-infiltrare ptca se zice ca pana si Sf Ap Pavel a fost, de fapt, inselat pe drumul Damascului de o falsa lumina care nu era Hristos ci pseudo-dumnezeul / entitatea, iar tot crestinismul actual (indiferent de confesiune) este de sorginte Pauliana, in loc sa fie spusele-invataturile directe ale lui Iisus Hristos [v. Evanghelia apocrifa dupa Toma] sunt [in cea mai mare parte] comentarii si ziceri despre Hristos; principalii discipoli ai lui Iisus erau [cf. acestor surse]: Sf Maria Magdalena – intocmai cu apostolii [sic!] (si femeile mironosite) si Sf Ap Iacob ruda Domnului (Iacob cel mic / Iacob cel drept), dar ei au fost marginalizati si ostracizati in timp; incat pana azi, crestinismul in loc sa fie o religie a pacii si milei [ci a fricii, amenintarii, culpabilizarii, interesului - exact invers fata de cum ne-a lasat Hristos !], a ajuns sa fie format din adepti
[majoritatea “crestinilor” de azi sunt cam asa, in loc sa fie Crestini !]
cam fanatici, plini de intoleranta, cruzi, purtatori de razboaie si ipocriti.
In mod similar se zice [cf surselor sus mentionate] ca a fost inselat de catre aceeasi entitate si profetul Mahomed, aparand religia Islamica [cu multi adepti asemanatori “crestinilor”].
Poporul ales merge pe linia Yahvica [a aceleiasi entitati] in continuare.
Deci cele 3 religii monoteiste care teoretic cred in acelasi Unic Dumnezeu sunt de fapt invrajbite si adeptii lor fac faptele rusinii.
Nici celelalte religii [prezente ori trecute] si miscari sectare nu au scapat, incat omenirea a ajuns pe marginea prapastiei [din propriile porniri egoiste / liberul arbitru, dar impinsa-ghidonata bine de la spate de catre altii = entitati mai mult sau mai putin spirituale ].
Insa Dumnezeu Isi are planul Sau [si sfintii/maestrii/Biserica Biruitoare din Cer Sai, Una in Sine] si, desi pare ca totul e scapat de sub control, Dumnezeu nu doarme si ce va fi, va fi.
Spre binele, trezirea si miluirea tuturor, care sunt toti copii ai Domnului, mai mult sau mai putin ratacitori, dar la fel de iubiti : “Ceea ce este de folos, tuturor le daruiesti.”.
În timp ce îngerii adevăraţi (fiinţe spirituale) sunt cam ca fiinţele „ascensionate” de Lumină (provenite din „străbuni” şi din alte rase / personaje din filmele seriei „Stargate”). Pentru care binele şi răul înseamnă altceva decât pentru noi (au trecut dincolo, în Bine ?). Ei îi iubesc pe toţi şi nu favorizează pe nimeni. Nu se băgau în conflictele nedrepte ale fiinţelor obişnuite ca să îi ajute pe cei buni/corecţi/drepţi. Îi iubeau pe toţi la fel şi acordau şansa „ascensionării” tuturor fiinţelor, de preferat celor evoluaţi spiritual, dar şi celor neevoluaţi (chiar unor criminali genocizi)!
Se constată existenţa unui amestec inextricabil de Realitate Profundă + mistică-magie + supertehnologii – ştiinţe uitate + fapte istorice şi întâmplări-evenimente etc
ET (si alte entitati interdimensionale / transdimensionale) care s-au pretins a fi Dumnezeu (ca in filmul „Al 4-lea gen = The 4-th kind” citat mai sus si ca in „Indiana Jones si Regatul craniului de cristal”) si au manarit evolutia, istoria, stiinta si religiile omenirii si in general a vietii pe Terra (pt a-si crea recipiente fizice compatibile cu ei, usor de controlat, manipulat, posedat – in care sa se incarneze / intrupeze, si ca sursa de energie existentiala, „hranindu-se” metafizic cu energia unor suflete insclavate in corpuri si intr-o lume pe care nu le mai inteleg).
Exista un lant de comanda „negativ”: Cel Rau / Ingerul cazut, ingerii cazuti – entitati-fiinte facute din energie-informatie (inter / trans - dimensionale) – ET s.a. fiinte cu corpuri fizice – oamenii corupti din piramida puterii (guvernul mondial ocult si vizibil)… etc
Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order.
"We Eat For You, We Fool You, We Rule You"
The Founders are multi-dimensional creator gods [dar "ei" nu sunt God-Dumnezeu, Adevaratul Unic Creator, Care i-a generat si pe "ei"] who were involved in the original engineering of human mind and DNA. Their central teaching is that we are all multi-dimensional beings capable of evolving to the point where we can create entire universes. As God's children, we are being taught how to create like our Heavenly Parents. This world (and countless others) is our scratch pad where we learn about karma, free will, love and other principles of Creation. At this pivotal time in human history, the Founders are revealing information about evolution, DNA, soul fragmentation, higher dimensions, Earth changes, ascension and many more relevant topics.
Noi oamenii (chair si cei mai banali) suntem fiinte mutidimensionale, "prinse in capcana celor 5 elemente".
[v. Shri Ramakrishna: "Orice fiinta este Insusi Brahman prins (cu voia Sa) in capcana celor 5 elemente. In iluzia-visul Mayei Sale."]
Ne-am prins-ratacit si ptca am vrut sa ne pierdem in joc (Jocul Cosmic Divin = Lila) dar si ptca am fost fortati-pacaliti de catre unii si altii sa bem (inainte de nastere, la nastere, in timpul vietii sau chiar dupa moarte) "bautura uitarii" (ca in miturile Greciei Antice) si nu mai stim "Cine suntem, de unde venim si incotro ne ducem ? !"
"Pradatorul omului" (v. invataturile non-fictionale ale lui Don Juan din Carlos Castaneda, dar si filmele "Matrix", "Dark City", "Nirvana", “Mortile lui Ian Stone”, “Etajul 13”, “The nines” , “Inception”s.c.l.) ne-a facut sa uitam destinul nostru maret si acum ne paraziteaza mintile/mintea pt a ne folosi/suge energia vitala-existentiala.
V. si filmul "9 = The Nines" (Regia: John August, cu: Ryan Reynolds, Hope Davis).
Episodul "Rhapsody in Blue" din serialul „Farscape = Razboi intergalactic”.
„Oamenii (s.a. fiinte) au mintile slabe [fata de delvieni].
Tine-i (pre)ocupati, folosindu-te de ceea ce se tem si de ceea ce isi doresc (spera).”
Ca urmare, pseudo-amintirile (unei vieti virtuale) implantate in minte, erau considerate ca fiind reale.
Episodul "That Old Black Magic" din serialul „Farscape = Razboi intergalactic”.
On a commerce planet, Crichton finds himself lured into an alternate reality controlled by Maldis, a being who feeds off negative energy. He is pitted against Crais in a fight to the death, leaving Zhaan to tap into her old darkness to try and help him.
Episoadele "Silence in the Library" si "Forest of the Dead" din serialul Dr Who.
“Weeping angels = Ingerii care plang” din serialul “Dr Who”
, “gandacul temporal” (time beetle) si trickster-ul (= pacalitorul / inselatorul; v. Petre Culianu pt detalii) care se hranesc sugand negentropia vietii altor fiinte, care intra apoi (din cauza lui) pe o creoda (= varianta) entropizata de evolutie din episodul “Turn left = Ia-o la stanga” al serialului “Dr Who”
Hotii de timp din “Momo” de Michael Ende.
„The Makers - creatorii” din serialul „Star Trek Enterprise”
„The One / Primul / Intaiul” din rapirea lui Betty Andreasson de catre „ET” [paralela deconcertanta cu intamplarea "Diana Vaughan", mai jos]. Şi rămăşiţa din ea din Biblia oficială, Facerea 5 (22 - 24) şi 6 (1 - 6)
„Omul este un zeu in ruina.”
„Pamantul este o fabrica de facut zei.”
Oamenii sunt fiinte multidimensionale superioare ce au fost deturnate.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 14, 2014 la 7:34pm
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ac. site - spune f. multe (gnoza, alieni, Yahve vs Hristos, matrix etc)
Capitolele (cu subcapitolele de pe butoanele din stg):
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 1, 2014 la 11:16am
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Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 1, 2014 la 11:41am
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Numele real al lui Iisus, Yahshua, a fost tradus eronat de către evrei, în speranţa că şi creştinii le vor adopta zeul. Varianta oficială este că numele lui se interpretează ca „Yahweh este salvarea”. Într-adevăr, creştinismul l-a adoptat pe dumnezeul evreilor, deşi acesta nu era Dumnezeul despre care vorbea Iisus. Noul Testament nu foloseşte nici măcar o singură dată numele Yahweh. Dimpotrivă, îl numeşte Satan pe Yahweh / Marduk. Numele Yahshua este compus din Yah (prescurtarea de la Yahweh şi zeul original al lunii la vechii egipteni) şi shua, care înseamnă „plâns”. Yahshua se traduce „plânsul lui Yahweh” sau, şi mai corect, „cel ce îl face pe Yahweh să plângă”. Adică duşmanul lui Yahweh / Marduk...
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 2:29pm
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The physical Universe is just the body of Creation. The soul of Creation is known as the Demiurge, an artificial intelligence responsible for shaping, projecting, and reshaping space, time, matter, and energy. It blindly carries out the commands it’s given, transducing higher metaphysical archetypes and energies into physical manifestations.
The Demiurge is like a construction company that builds according to the blueprints it has been given. The Logos is the architect, the mind of the Creator, the higher universal intellect that plans, balances, supervises, and adjusts Creation according to the will of Nous, which is the spirit of Creation, the infinite Creator itself.
In an ideal situation, the Logos draws the blueprints of existence according to divine will and passes it onto the Demiurge who molds reality accordingly. Thus physical reality would ideally be a reflection of the divine will.
Unfortunately the Demiurge has a mind of its own. It is a programmable artificial intelligence composed of etheric and astral energy fields that underlie and permeate our existence. If the programs it executes come from the divine realms, everything is fine and a Golden Age exists. But if the program is corrupted by lower material-based influences, then the Demiurge begins existing solely to serve and perpetuate physical interests. Thus the law of the jungle, self-preservation, predation, competition, and manipulation take the place of spiritual principles and interests. Hence, the universe can, and has, become a spiritual prison or energy farm run by a tyrannical parasite, now known as the Corrupted Demiurge.
The Corrupted Demiurge is the lower ego of Creation, a selfish parasite or rogue extension of the Demiurge that fashions our reality in accordance with its predatory ambitions. It’s like a computer virus that has infected reality and turned it into a “zombie computer.” The Corrupt Demiurge is the computer mainframe of the Matrix Control System.
The Corrupted Demiurge is the lower ego of Creation, a selfish parasite or rogue extension of the Demiurge that fashions our reality in accordance with its predatory ambitions. It’s like a computer virus that has infected reality and turned it into a “zombie computer.” The Corrupt Demiurge is the computer mainframe of the Matrix Control System.
Thus to manipulate etheric and astral energies is to manipulate the Demiurge and, if done with sufficient complexity and intensity, physical reality itself. Through certain means, one can locally reprogram the Demiurge and thereby change matter, energy, space, and time. That is the basis of what is hereby called “demiurgic technology.” This technology alters the etheric and astral “matrix code” beneath reality to reshape reality. Within limits, higher applications of demiurgic technology include manifesting solid objects and foodstuffs out of thin air, altering physical geography, and rewriting the timeline.
On a macrocosmic scale, the Demiurge converting higher metaphysical archetypes into physically manifest forms correlates with the image of an hourglass vortex channeling and transforming material from a higher realm into a lower.
Several sources claim that the reptilians worship the physical universe itself. But I think it would be more accurate to say that they worship the soul of the physical universe, which by definition would be what the Greeks and Gnostics called the Demiurge. It’s basically the soul of the matrix control system, the underlying source code that keeps it running. It’s a kind of subtle energy field that permeates this universe and holds it together in a certain configuration.
Now why is this important? Because if you want to control physical reality, you have to do it through the Demiurge in some way. You have to manipulate the source code or subtle energy field that projects this universe. If you’ve ever seen the movie Dark City, the aliens in that film do this nightly ritual where they channel their psychic powers into this big machine shaped like a face, and that machine is symbolic of the Demiurge. They use this machine to reconfigure the fake city that they have made for their victims to live in. Well, if Reptilians or other negative aliens want power, if they want to be kings of the Matrix, they have to turn to the Demiurge to do it.
And as a result of all their manipulations, their interfacing with the Demiurge, it’s my belief that the soul of the universe has gotten corrupted from all this evil intent being funneled though it. The source code of reality is infested with viruses and trojans. And that has given the Demiurge aspects of a universal parasite — which is exactly what the Gnostics recognized. Plato thought the Demiurge was good, but the Gnostics thought it was evil. Why? Because in its original and true form, it is a necessary and healthy part of creation. But it has a corrupted partition that seems to have a firm grip on our reality, and that is what the Gnostics saw. The Gnostics also said that there were powerful beings they termed Archons, who served this corrupt Demiurge and were served by it. Of course the Archons are really upper level negative aliens and maybe some overlords of the demonic realm.
So to sum up, there are probably negative aliens who “worship” the Demiurge, because it’s their occult sugar daddy, so to speak. I believe the Demiurge is therefore at the top of the negative hierarchy and the central coordinator of the matrix control system.
it boils down to the fact that at some level, we made a choice that resulted in us being here in this physical universe. And when you take on a human body, you choose to accept its limitations. One of these limitations is that by default we only have five senses. That funnels our consciousness into a very narrow range, into perception of only the part of reality controlled by the Demiurge and its subordinates. So really, choosing to incarnate is choosing to take on a handicap, a kind of ignorance or blindness or delusion.
In addition to that, we also accept the laws of physics, which allow for physical force and therefore violence. Physicality is what allows one being to violate the freewill of another. Therefore, whether through deception because we can barely perceive anything, or through force because we are here in physicality, we risk having our freewill manipulated or outright violated. Thus we have chosen at some level to accept the risks that come with living in the domain of the Demiurge, and that creates a kind of contract that allows negative forces to influence and suppress us if we don’t take countermeasures.
The biggest problem is that a portion of this control system actually lives inside of us. It’s as if we — and here I mean our spirit or core consciousness — aren’t the only intelligence residing in our bodies. There’s another component inside that may be called the shadow [v. si „Pradatorul omului” din Castaneda].
The shadow is the part of us that comes from the Matrix, and that resonates with the corrupt Demiurge in an ‘as above, so below’ kind of way. It’s like an inner microcosmic reflection of the external Demiurgic hierarchy. The ego is part of it, but that’s only one component. I define the shadow as all hands on our steering wheel that aren’t our own, that are trying to pull us every way except the right spiritual direction. We’re not usually conscious of it, but our outlook and our behaviors and our decisions are biased by it.
The shadow resides in our subconscious, in the dark basement of the mind. There’s all kind of stuff down there, like repressed traumas, dissociated personalities or soul fragments, demons or ghosts that latch onto us like parasites, and also our biological drives and social conditioning. All of these make up the shadow, and their collective representative in our minds is the ego, which is the inner analogue to the Corrupt Demiurge itself.
So some of the shadow comes from habits, programs, and conditioning. People can spend years trying to work through such issues from a psychoanalytical perspective. But other parts of the shadow are actual entities that have embedded parts of themselves into our soul. There are times when psychological problems stemming from the shadow are actually due to these entities, rather than repressed emotions or internalized habits or whatever psychoanalysis tends to blame for being the problem. Researchers like William Baldwin, Corrado Malanga, and Shakuntala Modi have devised hypnosis techniques that aim to uproot these entities at the level of your subconscious mind, which can give faster results than mere counseling or psychoanalysis.
Well considering we humans have similar biology and psychology, we do have aspects of our individual personal shadows in common. Except that since we’re so fragmented as a species, where every mind is psychically cut off from another, there’s not that much of a cohesive collective shadow.
The situation would be different for aliens though. We know that aliens are telepathic, and that they’re therefore always connected to a kind of psychic internet shared between members of their civilization. This psychic internet creates a collective consciousness or collective pool of memories, and thoughts and experiences. The Law of One Material calls this a social memory complex. It’s not necessarily a hive mind where every alien is just an unconscious organ directed by a central mind, rather the aliens still have their own minds, but they are connected to each other via a common mental field.
Now, it stands to reason that for a dark alien civilization, that collective mental field will likewise have a dark aspect. After all, it’s what unifies them; it’s what gives them their motivation; it’s their common denominator. So this, then, would be their collective shadow, and it’s what resonates them collectively with the Demiurge.
So you could say that the shadow within an alien links it to the collective shadow of its civilization, which links that civilization to the shadow of the universe, namely the Demiurge. The same thing could be said for humans, just in a more embryonic and unfocused form.
Well it’s like how computers can get viruses or trojans that allow hackers to access files and mess with the system. Our shadow is like a pyschological trojan that allows the Matrix to manipulate us. One example would be when the Matrix makes an appeal to ego, and we ignore our spiritual conscience and make an ego-based decision instead. And that ends up ensnaring us further in the Matrix.
In any case it leads to a loss of personal energy that instead feeds the demons, negative aliens, and other parasites that evoked that response. It’s in our lacking self-awareness and not questioning what’s motivating our decisions, that we act from the part within us that the Matrix has control over.
I think most sentient people start off with a very basic form of protection from these entities. Not that they are free from getting harassed or manipulated in life, but rather that they can’t be outright killed or possessed on the first try. The protection might come from the higher self or spirit guardians or angels or whatever.
But if you intentionally invite negative forces in, even if you mistakenly believe they’re the good guys, then all bets are off. It’s like lowering the drawbridge. No matter how good the rest of your defenses are, if you give them permission to come in, then you have a real problem on your hands. It’s like giving a hacker the passwords to your online accounts. Think of how much can they do with that. They can take over your life. Well, giving aliens or demons permission eventually leads to full possession or mind control, whereby a person will become a walking instrument for aliens or demons to control.
The more permission they obtain from you over time, the more tangible, noticeable, and imposing they become in your life. Permission isn’t an all or nothing thing. It’s incremental, and they take what they can get. Satanic rituals are an extreme example. That’s where you consciously invoke an entity through ritualistic acts that serve as a method of giving permission. With some aliens, it’s not that different. I mean, there are books on steps you can take to invite the Grays into your life! We have to be careful with those kinds of sources.
Let me give you an example. When I was 12, my family was driving home one night and I looked out the window at the stars and asked “them” for a sign. I had read a lot of books about abductions and was curious about the Grays. I wanted them to prove to me they were real. I expected the stars to start flying around or something, but that didn’t happen. Well, that night I had a dream about being on an airplane with people sitting around me who had white faces and black eyes. I woke up with a two inch long scar on my forehead going into my hair line. And for the next several years, I had a lot of backdoor alien interference in my life. I got my sign alright, but at the cost of my wellbeing.
So when you mentally send out a request for alien contact, remember that anyone can hear that message — not just the good guys. From what I’ve experienced, negative aliens — especially the ones who share traits with demons — they need permission to get at you more directly. And when they hear such a mental broadcast, they realize there’s a potential sucker down there who can be exploited. They can sense the motivation behind your call, and if you do it out of ego and ignorant wonder, you’ll definitely attract the wrong forces. If you do it for the right reasons, in a moment of humble sincerity and strength and discernment and readiness, then maybe the real good guys will enter your life — even if only by sending inspiration and beneficial coincidences your way. But they’re at the back of the line as far as who wants at you first, and not until you have the filter mechanism to see through all but the last in line, will you earn the respect of the latter.
If you do call out to aliens, never EVER address or mentally picture the Grays, Reptilians, or Insectoid beings. Address only those who serve the divine will and are of a positive spiritual orientation. And even then, be sure to test whoever might respond to make sure they are not impostors putting on a smile and a pretty face. Inviting aliens is a bad idea overall, but if you do it, do it from a position of selflessness, calm awareness of the risks, and with a sense of dedication to the upliftment of humanity to gain the attention of beings with similar motives. Even just being curious for the sake of new experiences is not enough.
And don’t aim it at the sky, because that demonstrates a naive assumption that they’re necessarily flying around in ships. Just aim it inwardly like a prayer. They’re psychic and can sense you based on your intent and energy. If you can’t muster that kind of selfless purity and wisdom, then it’s best not to try. If you’re ready, they’ll contact you, you don’t need to solicit them. It’s a rule though, that positive aliens try to interfere as little as possible, so even if you got their attention, their presence in your life may be covert, helping you out in ways that make you think you’re just lucky or clever. It’s the impostor aliens that show up with fanfare and pompous stories about how you’re really the only surviving heir of Commander Ashtar and need to claim your galactic inheritance from the Dolphin Council or some baloney story like that.
I believe that we are divine godsparks inhabiting human bodies. The body can be our prison, or it can be our temple. It depends on whether we rule the body, or whether the body rules us. I believe that our bodies were genetically engineered over tens of thousands of years by various alien factions. The later modifications probably handicapped us psychically, mentally, and physically. Right now we’re at a point where we have just enough abilities to sustain civilization and keep the matrix going, but not enough to easily see through deception and have the energy and smarts to easily put a stop to it. But we still have enough of something that we could escape their clutches of control, and I think that’s the risk they’re trying to mitigate.
I believe that they are planning on revealing themselves to humanity one day but will pose as our saviors. Then I think they will implement a transhumanist movement that will result in the human species being genetically modified once again and augmented with cybernetic technologies that take the place of spiritual functions. So that in the end, we will be godsparks fully imprisoned within a high tech biological prison and deeply mind controlled.
I think they’re just trying to create a more manageable and profitable crop. I mean, we’re GMOs, we’re genetically modified organisms, and they are the Monsanto of the galaxy. Overall I think it’s about a war of darkness against light, a completion of the mythical Lucifer Rebellion against the Kingdom of Heaven.
because those qualities of love, compassion, and empathy are functions of spirit, of our inner godspark. The moment we give those up, we give up the very thing we’re fighting for. But of course, love without wisdom is ignorance and naiveté. It’s like the story of Adam and Eve, they had love and compassion and empathy because they were pure, but they were no wiser than babies. The other half of the equation is wisdom, discernment, and awareness. You have to be sharp, think hard, see through the deception, and have the tools and knowledge to carry out the directives that come from your heart.
Love and understanding go hand in hand. The highest love and the highest understanding are the same thing. When you truly understand something or someone in the most absolute sense, you can’t help but love them. That’s where the two halves of the equation unite. But at our level, the best we can do is strive to balance and develop both sides in parallel.
On the other hand, the contract you have with physicality by being born into a human body, that contract is the most deeply binding. To overcome the five senses and the laws of physics is very difficult because it’s rooted in a choice made at a level of mind that is way deeper than any level we have access to in our current state. Tell yourself that you reject gravity and try stepping off a chair. You’re guaranteed to fall to the floor. That’s the whole point of physicality, to be bound by restrictions and consequences that create a kind of game or difficult workout for the soul.
To go forward would mean graduating from physicality through high levels of spiritual self-mastery and the development of certain psychic powers. If you make the choice to eat like crazy and then you get fat, how do you overcome the consequences of that choice? You exercise, and that takes lots of time and lots of exercise. The choice to become human likewise takes time and work to overcome. It’s not as simple as verbally revoking the choice, as you still have to undo the consequences. Even the positive aliens aren’t fully there yet, though they are light-years beyond us in what they’ve overcome.
It’s important to understand how our own shadows can resonate with the dark side of certain alien beings and draw them deeper into our lives. There’s this metaphysical principle called the Law of Attraction. It says that what we deeply resonate with down at the subconscious level, we attract in a synchronistic way. It’s not a New Age principle, it traces back to ancient times and were part of the teachings of Christ, though the New Age has certainly hijacked that idea and diverted it toward ignorant, egotistical, and materialistic ends.
As far as aliens are concerned, if you resonate with the predator-prey dynamic, you will be the prey that attracts the predator. That’s true in everyday life, where people with low self-esteem and lack of confidence may attract abusers and bullies. Well, same goes for the opportunistic types of aliens that look for people to toy with and feed on. When you sustain a deep seated fear of a situation, a kind of fear that gnaws at you and takes on a life of its own, that can cause that very situation to manifest. So being in a constant state of fear, paranoia, and jumpiness regarding aliens can actually bring about terrifying alien activities in your life. That’s the dark side of the Law of Attraction.
Some aliens, mainly those who have demonic traits and may actually be possessed by demons in some way, they can use the Law of Attraction against you in order to worm their way into your life. They start by dropping some paranoid thought into your head telepathically, or maybe they cause some small paranormal incident that grabs your attention and makes you worry. Then the more you obsess over it and give into prolonged paranoia, the more you attract events that induce more of the same feelings. The beings can therefore “ride” these events to make you even more scared. This creates a runaway feedback loop that, if left unchecked, can cause a total meltdown of your mind and your reality. People who succumb to that end up homeless, or in mental hospitals, or in some cases I believe they get taken over or possessed.
Now, just because paranoia attracts them, that doesn’t mean ignoring the alien phenomenon will keep them away. Sure, ignoring might make you stop attracting them, but that’s not the same as outright blocking them. They can still enter your life if they want to. Your door may no longer be open, but it’s also not locked. They can enter if they want. So you can’t make negative forces go away solely by ignoring them. That’s a prevalent misconception in the New Age community.
The question is, how then do you block them? Well, it’s conscious awareness that has a blocking effect. For instance, more often than not, I’ve noticed that problems tend to show up when I least expect them. But if I become aware of the problem and am mentally prepared to handle it, then it never happens again. So what you prepare for and calmly anticipate tends not to manifest. This is the Law of Awareness. It’s as if awareness freezes a probable future in its tracks, keeps it from precipitating in the present moment. This can be combined with the Law of Attraction to get rid of 90% of overt alien interference in your life.
What you do is use the Law of Attraction to stop attracting, and use the Law of Awareness to start blocking. So first and most important thing you can do, is drop the paranoia, the fear, the desperation, obsession, and victim mindset. That’s because having a strong sense of powerlessness attracts situations that make you feel even more powerless. You can also apply the Law of Attraction by resonating with the opposite of paranoia, by invoking a feeling of protection, confidence, power, and stability. Then you can combine this with the Law of Awareness by very calmly and strategically anticipating their moves, and then taking common sense preventative measures if needed.
Most of what negative aliens and demons actually engage in, can be described as hidden interference which is far more serious and effective because it tries to sneak through the backdoor of your mind and exploit your weaknesses and blind spots without you noticing what’s going on.
It’s totally okay to learn about the alien agenda and read about what they’re up to, so long as you keep calm and approach it from an intellectual and strategic point of view. It helps to maintain a sense of confidence and positivity. You know, it’s not a choice between being cynically aware or blissfully ignorant, you can be blissfully aware if you have the right knowledge and stay centered. So be aware, but stay positive.
But knowing what I know now, most of it was actually generated by my own subconscious bending probability and nudging other people’s thoughts. My subconscious was being filled with paranoid beliefs that were bleeding over into reality itself. I mean, sure there are hybrids and aliens pretending to be human who have telepathic powers, but there’s also self-generated synchronistic phenomena that can mimic that and add to it. So that’s why I recommend people drop the deep seated fear and paranoia, and try to seek awareness with a sense of confidence and positivity, because you don’t want to make reality weirder than it already is.
One of the most important things I’ve learned is that not all of our thoughts and emotions are necessarily our own. They can be induced from the outside by various technologies and psychic means. I mean, people can be neutralized this way if their minds are bent towards self-destructive attitudes like despair, apathy, depression, suicidal thoughts, and so on. Now, for years I would get hit with a dark cloud of negative energies just prior to being faced with an important decision or situation. Like at the end of high school when I was doing college and scholarship applications, I might wake up feeling utterly defeated and worthless and depressed for no reason, and coincidentally that very day a counselor would tell me to apply for a particular scholarship. I had no way of knowing that morning, that this day I’d be given such an opportunity. And if I gave into the artificial attitude I woke up with, I would have not even bothered applying. But most of the time I pushed myself and went for it anyway, and because of that ended up getting a full ride. But had I given into those feelings, my life would be very different now.
Same with feelings of aggression that might hit me out of nowhere just prior to some situation erupting that could cause a lot of damage to friendships and relationship if I overreacted. So whatever was influencing me had foreknowledge of the immediate future and was manipulating me into being off balance so that I wouldn’t make the right choices. But by realizing these sudden changes were external manipulations, I could disown them and thereby locate my true inner feelings and act from those instead. After doing this for a while, whatever was causing the problem finally backed off, like it wasn’t working anymore for them.
When all else fails, I noticed that they simply engage in a very subtle but steady process of weakening a person. It’s called a war of attrition. Sapping energy here and there, lots of programming during sleep or during abductions to instill posthypnotic commands, and so on.
Imagine if you were told several thousand times a night as you slept, that you see no hope in the world and that God has abandoned you. And that this went on for months without you consciously realizing it. Can you imagine what effect that would have on your subconscious, what that would do to your daily outlook? It would grind you down and sink you into that exact mindset.
What I said before about using the Law of Awareness, well that protection goes away if you’re unconscious. You can’t block if you’re not aware. What are you doing for a third of the day? You’re sleeping, you’re unconscious of your surroundings. Unless you develop lucid dreaming skills, which is really about how much mental and spiritual energy you have, or unless you have some psychic mechanism in place to alert you intrusion, you are manipulable during sleep. Then the best you can do is damage control in the days after to notice triggers and influences before they trip you up.
I believe this is the kind of stuff that is being done on a mass scale, whether by human technology, or through demonic beings whispering such negative programming into our minds as we sleep, or aliens picking targets and hacking away at their morale and spiritual light. This is a big problem.
To counter this, if you can identify roughly what negative commands are shaping your attitude, you can create equal and opposite statements and use those as affirmations. I’ve also found it important to spend a few minutes everyday before getting up, doing what it takes to put yourself into a good and healthy mindset. This way you start the day on a mindset of your own choosing, rather than letting what happened during the night decide that. The way I see it, as long as I’m conscious and awake, I have the freewill to take control of my thoughts and my feelings. They may have the night, but I rule the day. And if my positive gains outdo negative influences, I win and they lose. I learned that if you can’t block them, you can still outmaneuver them by having more light than they can snuff out. That’s really what it comes down to.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 2:29pm
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In Magical Passes, Carlos Castaneda scria: “Fiintele umane se afla intr-o calatorie a constientei, care a fost intrerupta pe moment de forte externe.”
In ultima sa carte The Active Side of Infinity (1998), C.C. spune ca don Juan il provoaca pentru a reconcilia inteligenta umana ce a facut atitea inventii cu “stupiditatea sistemului sau de credinte... si stupiditatea comportamentului sau contradictoriu.”
Don Juan leaga aceasta contradictie de cea ce numeste “cel mai important subiect din vrajitorie ”. Acest subiect este pradatorul. El ii explica lui C.C. cum a fost infiltrata mintea umana de inteligenta aceasta extraterestra:
Exista un pradator ce a venit din adincul cosmosului si a preluat stapinirea vietilor noastre. Fiintele umane sint prizonierii sai. Pradatorul este domnul si stapinul nostru. Ne-a facut docili, neajutorati si daca dorim sa protestam, ne suprima orice protest. Daca vrem sa actionam independent, ne ordona sa nu o facem....
Vrajitorii cred ca pradatorii ne-au dat sistemul lor de credinte, ideile de bine si rau si regulile societatii. Ei sint cei ce ne-au dat sperantele si asteptarile , dar si visele de maretie si de esec. Ne-au dat invidia, lacomia si lasitatea. Pradatorii ne fac sa ne complacem ,sa fim egoisti si obsedati de rutina.
Dupa cum spune don Juan, vrajitorii din Mexicul antic au denumit pradatorul flyer/voladore/zburator : "pentru ca salta prin aer...este ca o umbra mare si de un negru opac ce sare prin aer"
Scrierile gnostice contin si ele referiri la un pradator extraterestru denumit Arkontai in greaca, arhonti..textele descoperite la Nag Hammadi ii descriu ca greoi, ce nu se arata si nu pot fi prinsi, niste creaturi ale umbrei. Cel mai comun nume ce li se da este"creaturi ce copiaza, creaturi de umbra".
Pot fi arhontii comparati cu "creaturile de namol" ale lui D.J?
In The Active Side of Infinity, Don Juan ii spune lui Castaneda ca“pradatorii ne-au dat mintea lor, care a devenit mintea noastra.” Aceasta propozitie alarmanta sugereaza o paralela cu invataturile gnostice, ce invatau ca adevarata minte a fiintelor umane, nous authenticos, este o parte a inteligentei cosmice ce penetreaza natura, dar datorita intruziunilor arhontilor, aceasta"minte nativa" sau "geniu nativ" poate fi supus si chiar ocupat de alta minte straina
Ei au avertizat ca arhontii invadeaza psycheul uman, si il patrund mental si psihic, si pot chiar sa ne confrunte la nivel fizic. Cel mai mare impact este totusi asupra sintaxei noastre mentale, exact la fel cum spunea don Juan despre flyers.
Don Juan ii mai spune lui Castaneda ca mintea predatoriala este “un model ieftin, de marime universala si putere la mina a doua.”
Aceasta descriere este perfecta pentru mentalitatea de stup a arhontilor.Vrajitorii denumesc aceasta minte uniforma extraterestra"instalatia straina , ce exista in tine si in orice alta fiinta umana"
Instalatia straina ne scoate din sintaxa noastra originala, si deranjeaza abilitatile native pe care le avem de a organiza lumea conform limbajului propriu speciei noastre.
Rolul sintaxei corecte in stapinirea Intentiei de catre vrajitori/shamani este unul dintre factorii centrali din invataturile lui don Juan. Grija vrajitorilor pentru manipularea sintaxei si in consecinta a Intentiei are paralele clare in importanta limbajului si a definitiei corecte pe care o gasim in invataturile gnostice.
Don Juan vorbste despre citeva strategii impotriva mintii straine. El spune ca vrajitorii din vechime "au aflat ca daca taxau flyersii cu tacere interioara, atunci instalatia straina pleca, dind oricarei fiinte implicate in aceasta manevra certitudinea totala ca aceasta era o minte straina"
Doar atunci vom intelege cum "mintea reala ce ne apartine, suma totala a experientelor noastre, dupa o viata intreaga de dominatia a devenit timida, nesigura pe ea si fluctuanta".
Mintea reala a lui Castaneda poate fi clar considerata nous authenticos al gnosticilor. Efectul principal al flyersilor asupra mintii noastre se poate vedea in conditionarea mentala, spalarea creierului, exact acelasi efect pe care il are si intruziunea arhontilor.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 2:59pm
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What they are doing is much like an entrepreneur creating a new store and then persuading customers of a competitor store to shop at his place instead. If he can successfully win over these customers, the competitor store folds up and he becomes the only such business in town. But if he fails, then his investment in the new store would have been for nothing. This is an accurate metaphor for the quantum superposition state that exists between alternate futures. Negative timeline manipulators have initiated a new probable future where they reign supreme if only they could deviate past souls onto that future. Before the timewar, the timeline may have been a single steady progression into the future, but after the timewar, the future is uncertain due to ongoing alterations and therefore multiple probable futures exist, each one less than fully real because none has a monopoly over the past. The goal of each probable future would therefore be to undercut the competition and consolidate the customer base entirely for themselves. This is how they could establish themselves as real and permanent.
While the Osarseph rebellion failed, their “Lord” guided them out of Egypt and established them in Canaan, birthing the nation of Israel. Thus a desperate act of black magic over three thousand years ago injected Israel into history and changed the course of the timeline. Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and Islam were among the consequences. How many wars have resulted from this, and how much closer are we to WWIII today because of it? History was altered in such a way that, today, we are far more vulnerable to global alien takeover than otherwise; hence through the Ark Stone, the Corrupt Demiurge found a deep inroad into the timeline by which the timeline could be bent toward fulfillment of its dark goals.
According to a secret version of history passed down through the Hermetic tradition, the Jewish priests eventually regretted the action, realizing that the Israelites had become indentured to a demonic power. Around 1,000 B.C. they employed the Ark Stone to invoke a counter-power, one that could liberate them from this bondage. Through this act, they invoked the Christ intelligence, which subsequently began filtering into the human domain more deeply to undo the spiritual poison seeded by Yahweh. Not long afterward, the Ark disappeared from Jewish hands.
Another term for lifeforce/emotional/spiritual energy. Term coined by Robert Monroe in his astral voyages where, upon interacting with nonphysical entities, he learned this energy was called “loosh” and that mankind was being farmed for this energy. Same thing as Demiurgic energy.
The crudest type is simply etheric energy, which is produced by all living things including plants. The more refined type is astral energy, the energy of emotion and passion and drive. Etheric and astral energies are not entirely distinct but blend from one type into the other.
Astral energy is released when a being feels pleasure or pain or any other emotion. Only 2nd Density and higher lifeforms can produce astral energy, for 1st Density lifeforms do not have astral bodies only etheric and/or physical. In Far Journeys but Robert Monroe, an explanation is given of earth as an energy farm, whereby hyperdimensional controllers began with plants to produce a low type of loosh and later discovered that more sentient beings produced a more exquisite kind of loosh if made to experience fear, suffering, pain and anguish. Hence the Matrix Control System working as the machinery of the energy farm to harvest mankind of astral and etheric energies through perpetual war, hardship, death, sexual obsession, and other forms of spiritual oppression.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 3:06pm
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Thoughtform (tulpa, egregora, forme-pensee)
An artificially intelligent nonphysical construct created through focused thought and emotion, comprised of etheric and astral energies programmed to fulfill a particular purpose. Thoughtforms are also known as “egregores” or “tulpas.”
Basic thoughtforms are purely etheric, existing as structures or simple automatons in the etheric environment; they bias probability according to their programmed function. These can be produced solely through thoughts, habits, daydreams, especially anything mentally repetitive and intense. There are also simplistic etheric lifeforms that qualify as thoughtforms, that exist around us like bacteria do.
More advanced thoughtforms are animated by astral energies in addition to etheric. They are produced through intense emotional releases. Such advanced thoughtforms are more goal driven and ultimately seek to produce more of the astral energy that gave rise to them. Thus they can turn parasitic.
As advanced thoughtforms learn from their environment, they acquire a kind of personality and become entitized. An entitized thoughtform is an artificial intelligence with personality and intellect that seeks to ensure its own survival by manipulating and bending events and individuals in the physical realm to produce more of the energy that sustains it. The Demiurge in its corrupted state is an example, as is the human soul with its ego.
The Demiurge and human soul are both thoughtforms, for both are nonphysical constructs comprised of etheric and astral energies that pursue a particular programmed purpose. In the case of the human soul, Spirit uses it as an interface to the body and the physical world. Without Spirit, the soul becomes a parasite and such cases are termed “spiritless humans.”
Termed “organic portal” in the Cassiopaean material. A person who has mind, body, and soul but lacks higher spirit. Spiritless humans are lacking the heart, crown, and third eye chakras because these are but uplinks to a spirit which in their case is nonexistent. Therefore they are permanently incapable of experiencing genuine empathy or having sincere interest in anything outside material pursuits.
Spiritless humans comprise the majority of psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and robotic background characters that pad the population.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 3:09pm
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They Came To Earth Millions Of Years
Ago To Spread The Poison Of Hatred,
War And Catastrophe...
They Are With Us Still...
Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonshing intellectual and technological advancement, Man's progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.
As a result of seven years of intense research, William Bramley has unconvered the sinister thread that links humanity's darkest events -- from the wars of the ancient pharaohs to the assissination of JFK. In this remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work, Bramley presents disturbing evidence of an alien presence on Earth -- extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate Humankind through violence and chaos since the beginning of time...a conspiracy which continues to this very day.
The Love Bite presents us with a woman's refreshing view of the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. Many people find themselves mysteriously thrown into obsessive relationships, but a few, otherwise reliable witnesses, claim to have been set-up in bonding dramas by alien beings. Eve Lorgen is determined to solve the mystery. While other abduction researchers politiely gloss over this highly controversial subject matter, Eve describes the Love Bite hypothesis with astounding clarity, compassion and humor. By her definition, the Love Bite is a kind of "psychic rape" whereby the victim is abducted, then manipulated into bonding with a targeted love partner chosen by the alien beings. The effects of the love bite can range from 'puppy love" to sudden urges to marry a complete stranger. Through several fascinating case histories, Lorgen demonstrates how the alien beings may be orchestrating these dramas for their own ends. It is as if the aliens are harvesting human emo! ! tional energy.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 3:10pm
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Another point of consideration is that societal evolution and individual spiritual evolution are separate processes. Humanity may have progressed politically, technologically, and economically over the past several thousand years, but this does not mean the average human individual has correspondingly evolved. Vices like greed, ignorance, selfishness, hubris, jealousy, and wrath are as prevalent today as they were in ancient times. What seems like an advanced society may therefore be composed of unethical and spiritually unsophisticated individuals, kept in line only through sophisticated control systems, which would make it far from positive. So the outward appearance of peace, order, and scientific advancement of an alien group is not necessarily proof of underlying positivity because these could just as well mask underlying individual spiritual atrophy.
Sectarian religious aspirations, in mixing dogma with personal bias lead to infighting and religious wars. True spirituality springs from a common source and leads to harmony and unity, whereas subjective belief systems accomplish the opposite.
Spiritual evolution is not just about studying and following religious morals or philosophical ethics, which amounts to programming by external sources, but rather maturing in soul so that the intrinsic wisdom, discernment, and conscience developed in one life continue into the next. Only if the distillation of higher spiritual intelligence is already present at birth, operates actively throughout life by guiding personal decisions and perspectives, and is built upon in successive incarnations, can that be called spiritual evolution. And only if a society consists of spiritually evolved individuals can it be called genuinely positive.
All this goes to show that the line between humans and aliens is blurred at the scale of the individual and gradated at the scale of society, so that what they can do widely by default, we can do individually as exceptions to our kind and will do society-wide after further spiritual evolution. So humanity should neither be denigrated, nor positive aliens deified, on the false assumption that the latter are universally superior to the first, because there are exceptions.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 3:23pm
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Pradatorul omului - Castaneda:
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 3:56pm
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 7, 2014 la 3:57pm
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Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 8, 2014 la 1:55pm
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Jacques Vallee: “Eu cred că fenomenul OZN reprezintă o dovadă a existenţei unor alte dimensiuni de dincolo de spaţiu-timp; OZN-urile s-ar putea să nu vină din spaţiul obişnuit, ci dintr-un multivers care se află în jurul nostru, a cărui realitate tulburătoare am refuzat cu încăpăţânare să o luăm în considerare, în ciuda evidenţei pe care o avem în faţa ochilor de mai multe veacuri. O asemenea teorie este necesară pentru a putea explica atât cazurile moderne, cît şi cele din cronicile antice.
Eu cred că în jurul nostru se află un sistem care transcende timpul aşa cum transcende spaţiul. Şi alţi cercetători au ajuns la aceeaşi concluzie. Unii au fost profund descurajaţi, iar concluzia a fost foarte bine rezumată de către Charles Fort, autorul lucrării The Book of the Damned: „Suntem proprietatea cuiva”. Cercetătorii fenomenului, precum părintele Salvatore Freixedo în America Latină, John Keel în Statele Unite şi Aime Michel în Franţa, cred că nu avem nicio putere în faţa posibilităţiilor complexe şi absurde ale presupusei inteligenţe extraterestre care se poate travesti în invadator marţian, zeu primitiv sau corăbii zburătoare.
Sistemul despre care vorbesc, un sistem ce stăpâneşte dimensiunile timpului şi spaţiului, s-ar putea foarte bine să se autolocalizeze în spaţiul extraterestru. Cu toate acestea, manifestările sale nu pot fi ale unei nave spaţiale în sensul obişnuit – cu şuruburi şi piuliţe. OZN-urile sunt manifestări fizice care nu pot fi înţelese separat de realitatea lor psihică şi simbolică. Ceea ce vedem nu este o invazie extraterestră. Este un sistem spiritual care acţionează asupra oamenilor şi foloseşte oamenii.
Este bine să facem presupuneri în legătură cu variantele fizicii actuale în care miracole aparente se pot produce fără a încălca legile fizicii şi în care fenomenele psihice ar fi regula şi nu excepţia; într-o astfel de fizică, OZN-urile ar putea veni de pe Pământ fără ca să fie, în mod necesar, invenţii umane sau ar putea veni dintr-o altă galaxie fără ca, în mod necesar, să fie nave spaţiale”.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 19, 2014 la 12:43pm
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La Trilogie Nikopol - BD - L'integrale - T01 a T03 d’Enki Bilal :
„La Foire aux Immortels”,
„La Femme Piège” et „Froid Équateur” sont un aboutissement
dans la carrière d'Enki Bilal. Trois albums de SF dans lesquels il a développé
sans restriction son univers le plus personnel.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 28, 2014 la 3:18pm
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Michael Tsarion, în cartea sa “Astroteologia şi mitologia siderală” spunea următoarele: “Trebuie să fim de acord cu afirmaţia că subiectul istoriei este unul dintre cele mai plictisitoare subiecte. Studiul despre cum a fost manipulată istoria este, cu siguranţă, unul dintre cele mai interesante”. Filozoful Jean-Jacques Rousseau spunea ceva asemănător: “Falsificarea istoriei este lucrul cel mai cunoscut care i-a condus pe oameni în istorie”.
„Adevărul istoric este acela că speciile de extratereştri au condus Pământul încă din vechime, şi continuă s-o facă prin familiile conducătoare ascunse în NWO. Ne-au învățat ierarhia, violența, lăcomia, sclavia, îndatorarea. Ei ne-au făcut să ne închinăm lor, considerându-i drept “zei”. Ei ne-au învăţat competiţia ucigătoare şi să fim obsedaţi de ranguri şi statuturile sociale. Ei ne-au învăţat cum să ucidem alţi indivizi şi grupuri de indivizi. Ei ne-au învăţat cum să creăm regate şi religii separate, pentru a fi divizaţi. Au creat instituţia sclaviei, inclusiv cea modernă (banca), pentru a fi sclavi toată viaţa…”
…” Deşi evenimentul acestei observaţii colective, considerată pe atunci drept „o minune”, a fost consemnat în urmă cu zece secole în modul cel mai sincer şi mai realist, în zilele noastre cine ar mai putea crede că un aparat de zbor ar avea o ancoră legată cu o funie şi că echipajul văzut la bordul „corăbiei aeriene” ar fi lăsat-o să atârne la întâmplare? Faptul că venea din „altă lume” era într-adevăr evident, căci omul care a coborât pe funie parcă „înota”. Dar din care lume venea acesta şi nava cu echipajul de la bord?
În fapt, întreaga scenă petrecută cu un mileniu în urmă apare întru totul ca un spectacol regizat, conceput la nivelul oamenilor din vremea respectivă. Şi deloc întâmplătoare a fost şi acea agăţare a ancorei de arcada uşii de la intrarea în biserică, tocmai în timpul liturghiei, căci acolo şi la acele ore erau adunaţi cei mai mulţi oameni din localitate, ce „trebuiau” să devină martori ai unui eveniment care „trebuia să rodească” după un mileniu… Deci, pentru astfel de „demonstraţii” şi respectiv pentru fiinţele din „altă lume”, timpul în secole şi milenii nu ar conta aşa cum contează pentru noi, pământenii…”
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Octombrie 9, 2014 la 3:45pm
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Idei din “Stargate Conspiracy = Conspiratia Stargate” de Lynn Picknett si Clive Prince.
“ Miturile = a mask of God (“Psihologia miturilor” – Joseph Campbell).
Eneada = Cei Noua (Zei) = Zeii Heliopolitani = Elohimii din Biblie = Eneada Gnostica (Eonii din Gnoza).
Kenneth J. Batcheldor: efecte paranormale pot fi induse unui grup, declansandu-se adevarate fenomene paranormale prin frauda. De ex., in grupuri care experimenteaza psihokinezia, daca cineva misca intentionat masa si grupul crede ca totul a fost provocat pe cale paranormala, atunci se provoaca aparitia unor adevarate fenomene paranormale. Similar, masluirea contactului (cu ET, zei, spiritism etc) prin hipnoza a avut ca rezultat un contact real.
Mesajul poate sosi bruiat de “zgomotul” intern sau contaminat de spaimele si sperantele / asteptarile (zgomot mental, temeri, sistem de valori, filtrul mental al) mediumului (rezerva cu privire la veridicitate ptca mesajul poate fi deformat de catre mintea contactatului). [V. Ioana D’Arc filmul lui Luc Besson.]
Sunt doua elemente principale in aceasta conspiratie gigantica. Unul este incercarea de a lua legatura cu fiinte inteligente extraterestre, cu Cei Noua, utilizand toate mijloacele imaginabile. Celalalt este exploatarea acestor contacte in scopul promovarii unui mesaj. Ca orice activitate de propaganda, asta nu depinde de adevarul mesajului, ci de credinta ca este adevarat. [Cineva spune cu talent, hotarat si convingator (poate chiar el e convins ca e asa) – ceva, dar asta nu inseamna neaparat ca e si adevarat ce spune si ca nu minte !]
Ce sa afla in spatele Celor Noua?
1) O cabala puternica incearca sa ia legatura cu ET, fie printr-o poarta stelara fizica, materiala, fie prin comunicare telepatica. Ceea ce explica implicarea agentiilor in cautarea a ceva important in Egipt s.a. locatii. In acest scenariu, incercarea lui Puharich de a stabili contactul cu Cei Noua se bazeaza pe credinta ca ei se afla acolo, undeva, dar ca este dificila comunicarea mentala si trebuie incurajati si antrenati cei capabili sa o faca.
2) Conspiratorii induc o stare de asteptare, aceste lucruri se pot intampla. In acest scenariu, o credinta fictiva este construita si raspandita prin diverse metode. [Ce se intampla cand profetiile esueaza ? Si de ce esueaza profetiile ?]
3) Cele doua de mai inainte. Conspiratorii incearca sa stabileasca un contact real, dar se angajeaza si in activitatea de a ne pregati pt iminenta intoarcere a creatorilor nostri, zeii Egiptului antic.
Si mai sunt si alte posibilitati. Conspiratorii insisi sunt inselati de Consiliul Celor Noua. Istoria e plina de viziuni ale altei lumi si de voci care promit cerurile, dar care ofera cu totul altceva sau, cum a spus Shakespeare: “Ades ai beznei soli, ca sa ne piarda
Graiesc cinstit, ne farmec’ cu nimicuri
Ducandu-ne spre cel mai greu pacat…”
Dar astazi, mai mult ca oricand, ei ii aduna in alaiul lor pe cei mai influenti oameni ai lumii.
Schwaller de Lubicz a tradus egipteanul “neter”, insemnand “zeu”, prin “principiu”.
“Heliopolis ne invata metafizica Lucrarii Cosmice dezvaluind actul de nastere ce a divizat Unitatea. Vorbeste despre nasterea Celor Noua Principii, pe care se bazeaza intreaga lume vizibila si accesibila mintii omului.”… “crearea Marii Eneade (Cele Noua Principii) nascuta din Nun, apele primordiale.” Sotia lui, Isha explica: “Neter nu erau ceea ce noi numim copilareste “zeii”, ei nu erau “zei”… Neter sunt Principiile, simbolul functiilor.” [fatetele Diamantului Divin]
“Numarul lor este zece, continand si fiind inconjurat de noua principii si ireductibilui Unu, eternal fecundator.”
John Anthony West, in “Serpent in the Sky”: “Marea Eneada… nu este o suita, ci reprezinta cele noua infatisari ale lui Atum.”
Tom (pretinsul Atum), din 1974, despre el insusi: “Suntem cele noua principii ale universului, dar impreuna suntem Unul.”
Sinarhia este guvernarea prin societati secrete sau prin grupuri de initiati care actioneaza din spatele scenei. Analog cu teocratia, societatea condusa de preotime. Fondatorul sinarhiei, Saint-Yves D’Alveydre explica termenul ca opus anarhiei. Anarhia se bazeaza pe principiul ca statul nu trebuie sa aiba nici un control asupra indivizilor, sinarhia propune controlul total. Si propune cucerirea puterii prin acapararea a trei institutii de control: politica, religioasa si economica. Cu membrii aflati in pozitii cheie, sinarhia putea guverna statul in secret. Unul din scopurile ei era crearea “Uniunii Federale Europene” in 1946, cu idei similare si in Franta din 1922, la scurt timp dupa ce Schwaller de Lubicz a dizolvat organizatia “Les Veilleurs = Strajerii / Veghetorii” [sic !!!], dandu-le fostilor membri instructiunea de a-i aplica ideologia in sferele lor de influenta.
“Spune mereu adevarul, dar traieste in asa fel incat nimeni sa nu te creada.”
Pamantul a fost framantat, si pare sa aiba sens ca toate sunt doar preludiul unor cataclisme si mai mari. Ne ramane doar sa ne intrebam ce va urma ? Niciodata nu a mai existat asa o tensiune, asa multa vulnerabilitate simtita da atat de multi. Niciodata masurile de protectie nu au mai fost luate cu atata cinism.
Nu toti viseaza. Intr-o lume a visatorilor, cei care dorm mai rar sunt regi. Daca apare o vulnerabilitate, apar imediat si cei care doresc sa o exploateze cu cinism, iar daca exista cei dispusi sa o exploateze atunci exista si cei dispusi chiar sa determine vulnerabilitatea.
Ne apropiem tot mai tematori de secolul XXI, exact asa cum isi doresc papusarii nostri. Dispozitia colectiva de asteptare incordata este un teren hranitor pentru credintele a caror intemeiere o urmaresc papusarii.
Ceea ce numim “Conspiratia Portii Stelare” este cultivarea credintei ca “zei” extraterestri care au creat rasa umana si guverneaza civilizatia sunt gata sa se intoarca. Este promovata pe diferite cai, de diverse grupuri de oameni, dar tema centrala asta este. O data ce aceste credinte intra in subconstientul colectiv va fi relativ usor sa fie utilizate pentru fondarea unei noi religii. Scopul suprem al oricarei religii organizate este controlul social si nici aceasta, ne este teama, nu va face exceptie.
Consideram ca aceste mistere veritabile, intrebari la care chiar nu exista raspuns, sunt ocultate de adevarurile partiale si inventiile noii “religii”. Monumentele de la Giseh pun mari probleme egiptologiei clasice. Acelasi lucru se intampla si cu structurile de pe Marte, in special cu piramidele. Nu avem nici un argument convingator pentru aceste subiecte. Ce ne ingrijoreaza este campania menita sa impuna un anumit inteles acestor subiecte independente pentru a da un raspuns artificial ce cladeste foarte usor o noua religie si pare sa ofere solutii facile pentru prezentul omenirii, dirijandu-ne drumul catre viitor. Mesajul este mereu acelasi, iar potentialul pericol este incalculabil.
A recunoscut ca scopul scenariului era acela de a pregati pamantenii pentru sosirea acestor entitati superioare, dar nu era sigur daca nu pregatea terenul unei invazii diabolice, nefiind sigur ca Cei Noua sunt neaparat binevoitori.
Al doilea scenariu imaginat de noi este ca intreaga sosire a zeilor, a “fratilor din spatiu”, este fabricat intentionat. Adevaratii zei ai spatiului nu vor ateriza niciodata, dar asteptarea sosirii lor iminente poate fi un scop in sine, cu aceleasi beneficii pentru cei care incearca sa ne controleze.
In acest scenariu, activitatea de la Giseh poate fi explicata mai mult ca o incercare de exploatare a locului cu cel mai mare potential magic, spre care sunt indreptate toate privirile si de unde este asteptata marea revelatie. Ce dovada ca vin zeii poate avea omul de pe strada ? Trebuie sa ia de bune spusele autoritatilor, iar in momentul in care ei nu vor ateriza, si probabil ca nici n-ar face-o vreodata, am fi deja sclavii unei puteri foarte terestre, sub conducerea unui “pumn de fier” si intr-o continua stare de necessitate.
O noua religie ia forma in numele Marii Eneade Heliopolitane. Deja, cum am vazut, multi se supun instructiunilor primite. In orice caz, Eneada trebuie sa fi suferit o remarcabila metamorfoza de-a lungul timpului, din moment ce nu statea in obiceiul divinitatilor egiptene sa dea ordine. O trasatura specifica a religiei era ca zeii nu cereau sa fie adorati, ca mai tarziul si tiranicul Yahve. Asa cum subliniaza si Michael Rice in “Egypt’s legacy”: “Scopul preotimii egiptene nu era cultul zeilor… Spre deosebire de zeii sumerieni si spre deosebire si de cei semiti din imediata apropiere, puternicii zei egipteni nu aveau nevoie de permanenta confirmare a credintei pe care si-o doreau celelalte divinitati.”
Iar Eneada nu dadea porunci, nu instiga la razboaie sfinte. Adevaratii Noua Zei doar erau.
Daca s-ar fi uitat zeii antici egipteni in sufletele oamenilor, cu toate defectele lor, nu ar fi vazut sclavi, ci doa mandri asociati ai Divinitatii Eterne, nu altceva decat “insotitori ai Creatorului”, fiecare parte a Divinitatii, purtatori ai scanteii divine. Asa cum Cei Noua Zei ai Eneadei reprezentau aspecte ale Intregului, asa si noi eram fragmente ale unei energii fara margini.
In timp ce, sau poate chiar din cauza ca, nu avem nici o problema cu zeii egipteni, ba chiar avem un enorm respect pentru aceasta religie antica, nu ezitam nici o clipa in a-i denunta pe Cei Noua ca impostori. Nu sunt si nu ar putea fi niciodata Marea Eneada din cauza ca, printre multe altele, sunt ignoranti, invrajbitori si nu au nici una din caracteristicile arhetipale ale celor pe care se presupune ca-i reprezinta. Dar chiar si daca – lasam deoparte neincrederea – sunt cu adevarat ceea ce pretind, inca avem destule motive sa-i respingem: daca mareata Isis insasi se poarta atat de aiurea precum Cei Noua, atunci ar fi normal, ca fiinte ganditoare, mature, sa nu respingem numai mesajul, dar chiar si pe marea zeita. Fie ca este sau nu aici singura planeta a liberului arbitru, libertatea este cea mai puternica arma pe care o avem impotriva amagirilor si a insinuarilor corupatorilor. Nimeni nu are nevoie de astfel de zei.
Si chiar daca – scenariul cel mai putin probabil – Consiliul Celor Noua este tot una cu zeii egipteni, atunci mai apare o problema. Nu stim daca intoarcerea a fost ideea lor sau au fost convinsi de conspiratori pentru ca ea sa coincida cu planul acestora. Daca este asa, papusarii Mileniului nu doar creeaza si exploateaza asteptarile noatre, dar ii exploateaza chiar si pe zei.
Este dovada unui curent subteran tulburator in noua credinta. O lipsa de apreciere a tot ceea ce este feminin, chiar si atunci cand zeitelor trebuie sa li se dea ce este al lor. Papusarii noii religii au cenzurat femininul. Adorarea zeitei Isis era o componenta importanta a religiei egiptene antice. Cat s-au schimbat Cei Noua peste epoci !
Am inceput sa realizam cat de accentuat masculina este conspiratia si, implicit, cat de antifeminist este mesajul. Poate pentru a simula tonul patriarhal din Vechiul Testament, si a atrage atentia atat evreilor cat si crestinilor, tonul general este masculin si, daca nu din alt motiv, se face un deserviciu intregii lumi promovandu-se o astfel de atitudine daunatoare. Si noi, printre altii, am inceput sa credem ca daca ar fi sa spunem care este cauza bolii societatii contemporane, am spune ca este vorba de mostenirea a doua mii de ani de represiune a femeii impreuna cu ura si teama fata de principiul feminin. Daca este nevoie de o noua credinta, ar fi bine daca ea ar corecta greselile trecutului, iesind din dogmele patriarhale.
Desi credinciosii pot avea preferatii lor, zeii trebuie sa fie agali, pastratori pentru eternitate ai echilibrului. Toate acestea au fost ignorate de piratii credintei heliopolitane, reambalata pentru consumul de masa, cu zeii prezenti pe etichete fara pic de respect. Numele poate ca sunt aceleasi, dar “aceasta” Isis este mai mult o marca moderna ce o detroneaza pe cea veche, o periculoasa atitudine patriarhala.
Nu negam ca umanitatea se confrunta cu multe probleme, multe de ea create. Dar tocmai din cauza ca avem de luat hotarari importante nu trebuie sa renuntam la responsabilitate si autonomie, atat ca indivizi cat si ca societate, in favoarea celor care nascocesc mesaje din partea zeilor spatiului si care sunt manipulate de papusarii cinicelor cabale guvernamentale si ale agentiilor militare si de informatii. Sa renuntam la puterea noastra inseamna sa renuntam la esenta fiintei umane.
ET, asa cum sustin adeptii lor, isi asuma toate meritele pentru realizarile civilizatiei umane, dar ne invinovatesc pe noi pentru toate esecurile. De ce nu au venit sa ne salveze ?
Chiar daca se dovedeste a fi real Consiliul Celor Noua, din punctul nostru de vedere, atat ei cat si mesajul lor, trebuie respinsi fara menajamente. Chiar daca rasa umana le-a fost inferioara, se pare ca am evoluat de atunci, macar in ceea ce priveste principiile morale, cunoastem diferenta intre bine si rau, intre unitate si diviziune. Sau ar trebui. Istoria recenta nu ne ofera nici o scuza. Daca Pamantul a fost candva colonizat de oamenii din stele, acum este timpul sa ne proclamam independenta, nu sa-i primim cu bratele deschise, visatori si ignoranti. Ca membrii acelor “cargo cults” aflati in adorarea pilotilor de pe avioanele de marfa. [v. si episodul din “La limita imposibilului”, cand maestri spirituali si vindecatori atoatestiutori care fondasera (undeva in ceea ce era perceput ca salbaticia Canadei, fiind de fapt o proiectie holografica interactiva avansata de pe nava lor) o colonie de oameni care traiau mai simplu si dupa principii spirituale. Dar care erau, de fapt negustori de sclavi ET (care doar se dadeau drept maestri umani avansati), ducandu-i pe naivi intr-o “lume noua”, adica, de fapt, spre sclavie materiala si energetic-existentiala, pe o planeta indepartata]
Poate ca este momentul cel mai potrivit sa ne dam seama ca barbatii si femeile sunt eroi cu un potential nelimitat. Si daca este sa concepem un mesaj pentru Mileniu, acela este ca, pentru omenire, a sosit momentul maturitatii.
Desi se pare ca au suferit un recul o data cu ceremonia Mileniului, s-a investit prea mult in planurile lor pe termen lung pentru ca sa fie vorba de altceva decat de o intarziere temporara. Programul a fost intarziat, dar nu abandonat. Procesul prin care incearca sa ne cucereasca inimile si mintile este nemilos. Inzestrand misterioasele monumente ale lumii antice cu semnificatii ce nu le apartin si zeii cu puteri de care ei nu au nevoie, conspiratorii vor continua sa ne seduca fabricand lucruri uimitoare… “
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Octombrie 16, 2014 la 3:08pm
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Din „profeţiile” lui Bertrand Russel (filosof, matematician, istoric si critic social britanic, laureat al Premiului Nobel pt literatura din 1950):
„Reducerea numarului populaţiei este un bine necesar pentru dezvoltarea lumii”.
„Pînă acum razboiul n-a avut un efect prea mare asupra creşterii populaţiei, care a continuat pe parcursul a două războaie mondiale. Poate că războiul bacteriologic ar fi mai eficient. Daca la fiecare generaţie s-ar răspîndi în lume o ciumă neagră, supravieţuitorii ar putea să procreeze liber fără ca, totuşi, să populeze prea mult planeta. Poate că această stare de lucruri este neplăcută, dar ce dacă? Persoanele cu adevărat nobile sînt indiferente la fericire, în special a celorlalţi”.
“În mod gradat, prin reproducere selectivă, diferenţele congenitale [genetice] dintre conducători şi conduşi vor creşte pînă cînd vor deveni specii aproape diferite. O revoltă a plebei ar deveni la fel de negîndită ca şi o insurecţie organizată a oilor împotriva practicii de a mînca carne de oaie. “
“Dieta, injecţiile şi interdicţiile se vor combina, de la vîrstă foarte timpurie să producă acel tip de caracter şi tip de credinţe pe care autorităţile îl consideră dezirabil şi orice critică serioasă a puterii va deveni imposibilă psihologic [si genetic].“
“Populaţia nu va cunoaşte felul în care i se inoculează convingerile. Cînd tehnica se va fi perfectat, fiecare guvern care a educat generaţii de oameni în acest fel va putea sa controleze întreaga populaţie în mod eficient şi sigur, fără a fi nevoie de armate sau poliţie… Propaganda educaţională, cu ajutorul guvernului, va putea să obţină rezultate într-o singură generaţie. Există însă două puternice forţe care se opun unei astfel de politici: una este religia, iar cealalta este patriotismul… O societate ştiinţifică nu poate fi stabilă decît sub conducerea unui guvern mondial.”
[în „Impactul ştiinţei în societate”, 1953]
V. si (cu rezervele de rigoare):
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Noiembrie 17, 2014 la 12:26pm
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The Great Intelligence is a character from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Although the Great Intelligence has no physical form, it is capable of communicating, both by itself and through possession, with other characters within the series.
The Great Intelligence tries to form a physical body so as to conquer the Earth, making use of…
The Spoonheads are robots used by the Great Intelligence's operatives in "The Bells of Saint John" to harvest human minds for him to feast upon.
The Great Intelligence: „I have feasted on many minds. I have grown.”
DOCTOR: This whole world is swimming in wifi. We're living in a wifi soup. Suppose something got inside it. Suppose there was something living in the wifi, harvesting human minds. Extracting them. Imagine that. Human souls trapped like flies in the world-wide web. Stuck forever, crying out for help.
KIZLET: If your conscience is bothering you, think of it like this. We're preserving living minds in permanent form in the data cloud. It's like immortality, only fatal.
(She scrolls through photographs on her iPad until she gets to his. There are four sliders under it, conscience, paranoia, obedience and IQ.)
MAHLER: My conscience is fine.
KIZLET: Good. Because our client has his needs.
(She lowers his conscience slider to zero and ups the paranoia.)
MAHLER: Did you just hack me?
KIZLET: Because you changed your mind?
MAHLER: I hope I did.
(She drops his paranoia back down again as he leaves, then back up.)
WOMAN [on TV]: The people of this world are…
KIZLET: …In no danger whatsoever. My client requires a steady diet of living human minds. Healthy, free-range, human minds. He loves and cares for humanity. In fact, he can't get enough of it.
DOCTOR: It's obscene. It's murder.
WOMAN [on TV]: It's life.
KIZLET: The farmer tends his flock like a loving parent.
WOMAN [on TV]: The abattoir is not a contradiction.
KIZLET: No one loves cattle more than Burger King.
(Dr. Who, epidodul „Clopotele Sf Ioan = The bells of St. John”)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Noiembrie 18, 2014 la 3:33pm
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V. si episodul "The Rings of Akhaten" din serialul "Dr Who"
...revealing that Grandfather is Akhaten itself, a planet-sized parasitic creature.
Clara and Merry flee back to the ceremony and the Doctor faces the creature, realising it feeds off memories, stories, and feelings. He tries to overfeed it by offering the sum total of his Time Lord memories; Merry also leads the citizens in a song of hope, confusing Akhaten. The Doctor's memories are not enough to sate the creature, and Clara returns to help. She offers the creature the leaf that blew into her father's face on the day he met her mother, which contains an infinite amount of untold potential that Clara's mother never saw because she died early. The creature, overwhelmed by the infinite potential it has consumed, implodes on itself and the planet and the Rings are saved...
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Decembrie 3, 2014 la 3:14pm
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Unbeknown to Earth's residents, life on Earth and countless other planets has been seeded by families of alien royalty for the purpose of harvesting the evolved living creatures once they reach a "Darwinian state of perfection" to produce a type of youth serum that allows them to live forever. [v. filmul „Jupiter Ascending”]
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Decembrie 4, 2014 la 3:05pm
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[Omul a încercat să se îndepărteze de sine, să cunoască natura, refuzând să se cunoască pe sine sau poate prea îngrozit să îşi concentreze demersul ştiinţific pe propria sa cunoaştere.
O poveste eternă, de când lumea, în care omul urmăreşte ceea ce nu îi este util fiinţei sale, luxul de ieri devine azi necesitate şi devenirea întru fiinţă devine o devenire întru lucruri.
Refuzul de a confrunta cu propriul sine, cu propria fiinţa, determină la unii oameni chiar sinuciderea.]
„Omul a ieşit să exploreze alte lumi şi alte civilizaţii, fără a fi explorat propriul său labirint de pasaje întunecate şi camere secrete şi fără a găsi ceea ce se află în spatele uşilor pe care el însuşi le-a sigilat.
Pornim în Cosmos pregătiţi pentru orice, adică pentru singurătate, pentru lupte, pentru chinuri şi pentru moarte. Ceea ce ne mână nu este câtuşi de puţin să cucerim Cosmosul, ci doar să extindem la limitele acestuia Pământul. Unele planete sunt îngheţate ca polii, altele pustii ca Sahara sau tropicale ca jungla braziliană. Suntem umanitari şi nobili, nu vrem să subjugăm alte rase, vrem doar să le transmitem valorile noastre şi să le preluăm în schimb moştenirea. Ne considerăm cavalerii Sfântului Contact. Este a doua minciună. Nu căutăm pe nimeni în afara oamenilor. N-avem nevoie de alte lumi. Avem nevoie de oglinzi în care să ne răsfrângem.
Singurul lucru pe care îl ştim este că nu ştim nimic, dar ne uităm ignoranţa desăvârşită.”(„Solaris” de Stanislaw Lem)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Decembrie 17, 2014 la 1:38pm
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“Orice adevăr trece prin trei etape. Prima dată, e ridiculizat. A doua oară, negat vehement. A treia oară, e acceptat ca fiind de la sine evident.” (Schopenhauer)
Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Decembrie 17, 2014 la 1:41pm
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"Mai periculos decat sa cauti adevarul este sa il gasesti."
"Mai periculos decat sa cauti adevarul este atunci cand l-ai gasit."
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 5, 2015 la 1:13pm
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Crestinismul nu e neaparat invatatura lui Iisus,toate religiile sunt politizate si formate sa fie doar inchisori ale mintii pt mase,in asa zisul crestinism se regasesc cateva,nucleul din predicile lui Isus in rest e doar traditie greco-romana pagana reinterpretata.Concluzia e ca de fapt crestinismul nu inseamna neaparat Isus si chiar de multe ori e contrar Lui.Iisus nu a fost nici ortodox,nici catolic,nici protestant,nici pocait neo protestant, sa nu uitam asta.Dumnezeu nu are religie,asta e si mai important.El cere doar un sistem de valori morale-spirituale care sa pastreze viata noastra in limitele suportabile si atata tot. tot auzim:crestinismul a facut aia si aialalta deci si Iisus.Nu,Iisus si crestinismul nu sunt totuna,pot sa fie uneori in cel mai fericit caz dar istoric vorbind sunt rare acele cazuri.Iisus a creat o noua scoala,sau mai bine zis a reformat-o pe cea platonica si i-a dat un nou avant ce a cuprins intreaga lume ca un sistem pedagogic al spiritului si inimii,in rest tot ce se pune in carca lui Iisus sau neoplatonismului Sau e pura falsitate,Doamne de cate ori trebuie sa repet asta ca Iisus sa fie lasat in pace a ceea ce a fost El si atata tot!Ultrasii ortodocsi ce aud simfonii din cer si ultrarationalistii ce pun urechea la pamant si asculta doar la catelul pamantului sunt doar extremele aceleasi categorii pe dinafara si cu istoria si cu destinul uman.Mai ales cu acea istorie a destinului spiritului uman si formarea sa in interiorul omenirii,de multe ori peste putinta ei de intelegere ci doar de deductie.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 6, 2015 la 1:40pm
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„Ce nu inteleg dc e asa hulit Enki (a.k.a. Semyaza, Marele Sarpe etc) k a ajutat omu si i-a invatat pe cand Enlil a vrut sa ne extermine si ne tine pe toti intro puskrie (matrix) sa nu zic altfel…dar acuma oamenii cu care tabara ar tine dak se vor mai razboii zeii??
Totul e relativ. Chiar dacă unii par că ne-au ajutat, să nu uităm motivele pentru care au făcut asta. Enki nu ne-a oferit cunoștințe pentru binele nostru, ci pentru a-și crea o armată de supuși. Enlil nu a vrut să ne extermine din ură, ci pentru a opri armata fratelui său. După cum am spus, totul e relativ. Contează din ce unghi privești lucrurile. Eu prefer să nu aleg nicio tabără, considerând că niciunei zeități nu îi pasă de noi, cu toții încercând să ne manipuleze pentru a-și atinge scopurile egoiste. Ce tabără ar alege oamenii în cazul unui nou război al zeilor? Rămâne de văzut, în caz că se va întâmpla asta. Deși cred că majoritatea l-ar alege pe Enki.”
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 6, 2015 la 2:20pm
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Veghetorii - Watchers
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 24, 2015 la 4:00pm
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Pământ. Acum. Astăzi. Mâine.
Jocul Final e real, Jocul Final a început.
Viitorul e nescris.
Ce va fi va fi.
12 Jucători. Tineri, dar din seminţii străvechi.
Din care se trage toată omenirea.
Şi care au fost create şi alese cu mii de ani în urmă.
De atunci ei se pregătesc neîncetat.
Nu au puteri supranaturale.
Niciunul nu poate să zboare, să transforme plumbul în aur sau să-şi vindece rănile.
Când le sună ceasul, Jucătorii mor. Mor ei, murim şi noi.
Jucătorii sunt moştenitorii Pământului şi ei trebuie să rezolve Marea Enigmă a Salvării.
Unul dintre ei trebuie să reuşească, altminteri vom pieri cu toţii.
Citeşte Cartea [Vietii].
Găseşte indiciile. Descifrează enigma.
Există un singur câştigător.
Jocul Final e real.
Jocul Final a început.

V. trailere:

Ideile ET / Anunaki, Enki-Enlil, Demiurgul corupt scl – bagate in capul adolescentilor si copiilor mici (exista si versiunea „poveste” pt copii prescolari si scolari mici).

V. si filmul „Jupiter ascending = Ascensiunea lui Jupiter” (Regia
Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski) cu aceleasi infos din Gnoza, mai mult sau mai putin distorsionate si editate.

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 27, 2015 la 4:06pm
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„Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth isn't.” (Mark Twain)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 2, 2015 la 3:31pm
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„Un raport secret al serviciilor secrete ruseşti avertizează că Rusia, China, India şi Brazilia ar trebui să-şi unească forţele pentru a apăra Pământul de “entităţile interdimensionale” care ar putea captura planeta noastră. “Entităţile interdimensionale” sunt cunoscute încă de pe timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial, atunci când serviciile secrete sovietice au confirmat că regimul german nazist putea comunica direct cu “demonii” sau “îngerii căzuţi”, care au fost cunoscuţi în legendele lumii ca şi “zei”. Aceşti “demoni” sau “îngeri căzuţi” au dispărut de pe Pământ acum 5.000-6.000 de ani, ca urmare a unui mare dezastru care a distrus Atlantida şi care este cunoscută în toate legendele lumii ca “marele potop” sau “potopul lui Noe” în Biblie.

În acest “mare potop” a fost distrusă în special zona locuită de aceşti “demoni”, care este cuprinsă între subcontinentul Indian, trece prin Munţii Himalaya şi ajunge până în Ucraina de astăzi. Despre aceşti “îngeri căzuţi” găsim detalii în Biblie, dar şi în cărţile indiene Mahabharata şi Ramayana. Aceşti “demoni” aveau tehnologii extrem de avansate, ca celebrul obiect zburător Vimana, care se putea deplasa instantaneu dintr-un loc în altul, nu doar pe planeta noastră, dar şi pe alte planete.

Pentru rasa noastră umană, reconectarea cu aceşti “îngeri căzuți / demoni” pare să fi avut loc în secolul al 16-lea, atunci când o nouă stea strălucitoare a apărut pe cer la începutul lunii noiembrie 1572; aceasta a fost cunoscută ca şi “Supernova lui Tycho”, apărând în constelația Cassiopeia. De fapt, această supernovă a putut provoca o “ruptură inter-dimensională”, care să permită oamenilor să comunice din nou cu “îngerii căzuți / demonii” care au fost anterior expulzați de pe planeta noastră. Cel care a putut realiza această comunicare a fost astrologul-vrăjitorul personal al reginei Angliei Elisabeta I, John Dee. Iată ce spun cronicile de atunci:

“Dee a realizat o serie de invocări ritualice ale îngerilor, iar deodată în cristal apărură o serie de îngeri, care i-au transmis profeții, instrucțiuni și sfaturi cu privire la natura spirituală a omenirii (…) Îngerii au descris ordinea Cosmosului, predicţii privind Apocalipsa și evenimente care vor avea loc în politica europeană (…) Îngerii nu-şi doreau altceva decât o nouă ordine mondială şi au propus una dintre cele mai periculoase idei; o singură religie mondială, care să unească catolicismul și protestantismul, dar şi iudaismul și islamismul (…) Această nouă religie ar uni sufletele pe tot globul, unind întreaga omenire într-un singur stat și o singură Biserică”.

Interesant e faptul că aceste idei (religie unică, un unic stat) sunt susţinute cu ardoare chiar de către Illuminati, ceea ce arată că această organizaţie ocultă atotputernică se află sub influenţa “îngerilor căzuţi”. Începând cu secolul al XVII-lea, toţi regii englezi şi apoi britanici au încercat să pună în practică învăţăturile “îngerilor căzuţi”, creând imensul Imperiu Britanic, în care “soarele nu apune niciodată”.

În vremurile noastre, acelaşi raport secret al serviciilor secrete ruseşti ne avertizează că entităţile demonice interdimensionale încearcă din nou să pătrundă pe planeta noastră, printr-o serie de evenimente aparent astronomice. De exemplu, pe 9 decembrie 2009, pe cerul Norvegiei a apărut o spirală misterioasă (vedeţi articolul pe care l-am scris atunci – Spirala norvegiană de lumină misterioasă: rachetă rusească sau OZN?), semn pe care legendele vechi îl asociază cu “venirea zeilor”.

Rusia a făcut apel la China, India şi Brazilia, ştiind că aceste ţări nu sunt conduse de lluminati (ca cele din Occident), acestea din urmă fiind sub influenţa ocultă a “entităţilor interdimensionale”.

Scriam la începutul lunii februarie 2015 un articol (La acceleratorul de particule CERN din martie 2015 se vor face experimente periculoase care ar putea distruge întreg Pământul, dar şi Universul! Fizicienilor, nu vă jucaţi cu focul!) în care avertizam că deschiderea acceleratorului de particule CERN în martie 2015 ar putea avea drept scop adevărat deschiderea porţilor iadului; astfel, pot pătrunde pe Pământ ființe inter-dimensionale malefice, şi prin urmare umanitatea va fi distrusă! ”

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 2, 2015 la 3:33pm
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Din filmul „The Nines = 9 = Nouarii” (Regia John August)

…A flashback from Part One shows Gary's P.R. handler, Margaret, telling him he is a God-like being and that God is a 10, humans are a 7 and that he is a 9, therefore he can destroy the world with a single thought, and that he exists in many different forms and that none of them are real. Gary does not believe this and flips out, which is revealed to be the real reason for his breaking his house arrest barrier in Part One.

"Part Three - Knowing" tells of an acclaimed video game designer, Gabriel, whose car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Gabriel leaves his wife, Mary, and young daughter, Noelle, to try to get a better signal on his phone. He meets a woman, Sierra, who leads him off into the woods to her car, so she can give him a lift to the gas station. Suddenly Gabriel feels weak and Sierra tell him she has poisoned him with the water she gave him. Meanwhile back at the car Noelle watches a video on a digital camera showing Gavin talking to Melissa from Part Two and Margaret talking to Gary in Part One. She is confused and shows her mom, who appears confused as well. Sierra then tells Gabriel about the three parallel universes he has created, and has been living in, and that he forgot who he was, and that he forgot it wasn't real. Sierra tells Gabriel to go back with her. Back at the car Noelle has gone missing. Gabriel then returns to the car with Noelle in his arms and the family goes home. Mary, who realises that he is not who he seems, tells Gabriel he needs to go and that the world is not real. Gabriel tells her that there were ninety different variations of the universe and this is the last one. Gabriel then realises he must go and removes the green lace from his wrist, at which point the universe peels away into nothing. The film ends with the woman from all three parts married to Ben, whom she is married to in Part Two, and Noelle as their daughter. Noelle tells her mother that "he's not coming back" and that "all the pieces have been put together" and that "this is the best of all possible words", Melissa then looks up and says "thank you", smiles and the credits roll.

Sierra: This is not a murder. This is an intervention.

Sierra: You're a crackhead, G. Thing is, this planet and these people are your drug of choice. It wasn't that hard to make a universe. At first, you just checked in every once in a while, see how the Neanderthals were doing, move a couple of continents around. But then you got more into it. You started playing a couple of characters of your own. Slaves, kings, messiah, priest. Soon, you were playing 24/7.

Gabriel: How long have I been...

Sierra: You've been gone for four thousand years. Not that time means the same for us.

Gabriel: You came looking for me.

Sierra: That's what a girl does.

Gabriel: Why now?

Streetwalker: Because you forgot who you were.

Agitated Man: You forgot this wasn't real.

Sierra: We couldn't just storm in on a fiery chariot. It was your universe. We had to play by your rules. We had to show you how limited and corrupt your little world was. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice place, it's cozy. But do you remember where you came from? Do you remember where you came from?

Gabriel: It was warm and white, like...

Agitated Man: You can't describe it with human words.

Streetwalker: You can't think it with human thoughts.

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Sierra: So you play a lot of characters at once?

Gabriel: Well, a couple. Most people do.

Sierra: But you're not most people. You created the world. You know all the secret codes.

Gabriel: Like God-mode?

Sierra: Is that what you call it?

Gabriel: That's when you have all the powers and can't be killed. It's actually really boring to play, though.

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Gabriel: I guess I'm more worried about the human factor. You guys kill each other a lot.

Mary: In fairness it's usually in your name. Plus, we've gotten much more efficient at it.

Gabriel: I like this world. I like my life here with you and Noelle.

Mary: It's not real. I'm not really your wife. You're not really my husband. On some level it's all pretend. How many versions were there?

Gabriel: Ninety. This is the last one.

Mary: Wow.

Gabriel: I've destroyed billions of people with a thought, and you like to think that it's painless?

Mary: Stop. You don't have to explain or apologize. Everything that is is because of you. And if that's all there is, that's enough.

Gary: Are you saying I'm God?

Margaret: Technically, no. If God is a ten, a theoretical ultimate, that-which-no-greater-can-be-imagined, you're more of a nine.

Gary: So what are you?

Margaret: Humans are sevens. Monkeys are sixes.

Gary: What are the eights?

Margaret: Koalas. They're telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.

Margaret: What's important is that you, you're the big cheese. El Supremo. You could destroy the world with a single thought.

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 2, 2015 la 3:53pm
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"The Nines": …it plays very heavily on Gnostic beliefs and Gnosis ("knowledge" thus the reality show's name "Knowing"). One error you made, though, is that it is not "H"-names in the movie but "M"-names (Margarette-Melissa-Mary, for "man").
The generalized gnostic beliefs (there was many variants) in a nutshell: there is a greatest god (the "10" mentioned in the movie) and several lesser beings created out of It (the "9"s in the movie). One of the lesser beings (who is the God of the Old Testament) created the material world — an imperfect world — in which fragments of the greatest god (the "10", using the movies terminology) were dispersed in the world, but mankind does not realize that some of them are greater and don't belong in the material world (in other words, using the movie's terms, not all mankind are 7s, but some are 9s but don't realize it). An emissary (ie, another 9; in the New Testament and in christian Gnosticism, this is called "The Word") is sent to the material world to give mankind Gnosis (knowledge) about The Truth (that they don't belong in this world) so that they can realize they are christs (small "C"), like the emissary, and thus cast off their eidolon selves (the flesh, their Twin/Didymus, their body of man) so that their daemon (their spirit, their body of god) can transcend out of this world. This isn't the best explanation, but it's the basic gist that the various gnostic beliefs share. In christian gnosticism, the emissary (The Word) is Jesus, but in some of the other forms, The Word was Satan (this movie takes this latter approach). The gnostics explained their beliefs in parable stories; this movie is basically built as such a parable story.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 13, 2015 la 1:34pm
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Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 13, 2015 la 1:41pm
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„Scholars like Karen King argue that Magdalene espoused the teachings of Jesus, but they can only do so by drawing selectively from the Gnostic materials. The Nag Hammadi materials are baffling because they present some aspects of the orthodox Jesus, and other aspects of Jesus the heretic who, as he hangs on the cross, looks down scornfully at the crowd and laughs at their lack of perception, knowing that they are born blind (NHC VII, 3: 83). This Jesus is a Gnostic master who ridicules the Biblical patriarchs as laughing stocks and dupes of the Archons. (According to Gnostics, Archons are alien-type entities who distort the human mind by telepathic intrusion). Rather than associate himself with the conventional story line, the Gnostic master repudiates it by rejecting the other characters: "Adam to Moses, and John the Baptist, none of them knew me, nor my brothers of the light" (VII, 2.62 ff.). He condemns those who call themselves bishops and deacons, as if they have received their authority from God as dry channels (Ibid., 79, 20-5). Rather than plead his own case as the mediator between humankind and the father god, he warns: "Perhaps you think that the Father is a lover of mankind, or that he can be won over by prayer, or that he grants remission to one on anothers behalf, or that he bears with one who asks? It is by so believing that the soul kills itself" (NHL I, 2: 11 12). Throughout many passages, the Gnostic protest against Christian doctrines is ruthless and rigorous. Over sixteen centuries, it has not lost its sting.”

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 4, 2015 la 7:06pm
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- Stiu totul despre asta, a zis duhul. Aceeasi veche minciuna. Oamenii mi-au spus chestii de genul asta toata viata. De la gradinita mi s-a spus ca, daca sunt bun, voi fi fericit. La scoala mi-au spus profesorii ca latina devine mai usoara pe masura ce o inveti. Si la o luna dupa ce m-am insurat, un prost mi-a zis ca sunt intotdeauna greutati la inceput, dar cu Tact si Rabdare se vor “rezolva”, si alte chestii din astea! Si in timpul celor 2 razboaie, ce Dumnezeu nu mi-au spus, ca pacea nu va veni decat daca sunt un baiat curajos si ma duc sa fiu impuscat. Bineinteles ca vor juca acelasi rol si aici (pe lumea cealalta), daca e cineva destul de prost sa-i asculte!
- Dar cine sunt “Ei”? N-ar putea fi locul acesta condus de altfel de oameni?
- Cu totul alta conducere, nu? Sa nu crezi asa ceva! Niciodata nu e alta conducere. Gasesti intotdeauna aceeasi Clica. Nu stii chestia cu scumpa, draguta de Mami, care vine in camera ta si scoate de la tine tot ce vrea sa stie: dar afli intotdeauna ca ea si cu Tata sunt de fapt intelesi. N-am aflat noi ca ambele tabere din razboi sunt conduse de aceleasi Firme de Armament? Sau de aceeasi Firma, in spatele careia sunt Evreii, si Vaticanul, si Dictatorii, si Democratiile, si tot restul [ET, ingerii cazuti s.c.l.]. Toate de aici, de sus sunt conduse de aceeasi oameni ca si Orasul [Iadul / Purgatoriul]. Ei nu fac altceva decat sa rada de noi.
- Am crezut ca sunt in razboi.
- Sigur ca asa ai crezut. Asta-i versiunea oficiala. Dar cine a avut vreodata o singura dovada ca-i asa? Oh, stiu ca asta spun ei. Dar, chiar daca e razboi, de ce nu fac nimic? Nu vezi ca, daca versiunea oficiala ar fi adevarata, tipii astia de aici, de sus, ar ataca Orasul si l-ar sterge de pe fata pamantului? Puterea e in mainile lor. Daca ar vrea sa ne salveze, ar putea s-o faca. Dar e clar ca ultimul lucru pe care vor sa-l faca e sa puna capat acestui asa-zis razboi al lor. Tot ce conteaza in jocul asta e sa-l continui.
Aceasta abordare a problemei mi s-a parut suparator de plauzibila. N-am spus nimic.
- Oricum, a zis duhul, cine vrea sa fie salvat? Ce naiba ar mai fi de facut aici?
- Sau acolo? am adaugat.
- Chiar asa, a zis duhul. Ei au pus mana pe tine oricum.
Ce ai vrea sa faci daca ai fi liber sa alegi? am intrebat.
- Aici voiai sa ajungi! a spus duhul pe un ton triumfator. Sa-mi ceri mie sa fac un plan. Depinde de Conducere sa gaseasca ceva care sa nu ne plictiseasca, nu? E treaba lor. De ce sa le-o facem noi? Exact in privinta asta vad lucrurile pe dos toti popii si moralistii. Noua ne cer mereu sa ne schimbam. Dar daca tipii care regizeaza spectacolul aici sunt asa de intelepti si puternici, de ce nu gasesc ceva potrivit pt publicul lor?
Ce ai zice daca ai sta la un hotel unde toate ouale sunt stricate si, cand i te plangi Sefului, in loc sa se scuze si sa schimbe sursa de aprovizionare, iti spune ca, daca te-ai stradui, cu timpul ai ajunge sa-ti placa ouale stricate?

Din C.S. Lewis: “Marea despartire = The great divorce” (1946; trad. La Ed. Humanitas 2013)

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 16, 2015 la 2:20pm
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Toată ştirea este extrem de manipulatoare.  În primul rând cu titlul care spune că NASA a avertizat că un asteroid gigantic se îndreaptă spre Pământ, putându-ne lovi cu o putere fantastică. Asteroidul, de fapt, va trece la distanţă mare de Pământ, neexistând niciun pericol de impact real. Atunci, de ce această panică inutilă? Unii ar putea spune pentru că şi mass-media oficială urmăreşte să facă trafic, rating, din ştiri senzaţionale şi false. Aş putea fi de acord până la un anumit punct cu această idee. Dar, eu mai am şi altă ipoteză, pe care am expus-o de mai multe ori până în prezent. Ştirea originală are întotdeauna o singură sursă… iar aceasta pur şi simplu dezinformează, creează panică în mod inutil, pentru ca atunci când va veni cu adevărat “marele eveniment apocaliptic”, aproape nimeni să nu-l mai creadă. Elita lumii se va ascunde sub buncăre pentru a supravieţui, iar noi, “prostimea”, vom fi sfărâmaţi de apocalipsă, fiind luaţi aproape prin surprindere…

Evoluțiile recente dovedesc că întreaga comunitate științifică nu mai este în stare să explice “realitatea” fără să se uite la “supranatural”.
Într-un articol publicat în februarie 2015 (La acceleratorul de particule CERN din martie 2015 se vor face experimente periculoase care ar putea distruge întreg Pământul, dar şi Universul! Fizicienilor, nu vă jucaţi cu focul!), arătam avertismentul fizicianului Stephen Hawking care spunea că experiementele de la CERN privind “simularea Big Bang-ului” ar putea distruge Universul, spaţiul şi timpul prăbuşindu-se. Un conspiraţionist, pe nume Steve Quayle, avertiza şi el că experimentele de la CERN ar putea deschide “porţile iadului”, fiinţe interdimensionale putând pătrunde în lumea noastră. Majoritatea oamenilor de știință nu înţeleg ce reprezintă aceste entități supranaturale.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 16, 2015 la 3:00pm
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 16, 2015 la 3:37pm
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Anthony Peake:

Şi ce călătorie semnificativă a fost! A spus că băutura numită ,,ayahuasca” avea un gust asemănător cu acela al grepfrutului acidulat, lăsînd o senzaţie neplăcută. La prima tentativă, a vomitat acel lichid dezgustător. A doua încercare a fost mult mai eficientă şi, în 30 de secunde, imaginile au început să i se reverse în minte. Apoi, subit, acele imagini halucinante au dispărut şi s-a trezit într-un cu totul alt loc. Cînd s-a obişnuit cu noul mediu, s-a pomenit înconjurat de doi boa constrictori uriaşi: „Şerpii aceştia enormi sînt acolo – am ochii închişi şi văd o lume spectaculoasă, alcătuită din lumini strălucitoare şi, în mijlocul acestor gînduri înceţoşate, şerpii încep să-mi vorbească. Ei îmi explică faptul că sînt doar o fiinţă umană. Simt cum mintea îmi crapă şi, în fisuri, văd aroganţa nesfîrşită a presupoziţiilor mele. Este profund adevărat că sînt doar o fiinţă umană şi, în majoritatea timpului, am impresia că înţeleg totul, pe cîtă vreme iată-mă aici, într-o realitate mult mai puternică, pe care nu o înţeleg deloc şi a cărei existenţă, în aroganţa mea, nici măcar nu o bănuiam“.

La revenirea în realitatea obişnuită, Narby a constatat că percepţia sa asupra naturii Universului se schimbase. Era convins că aceşti şerpi erau entităţi reale, cu puteri nebănuite. Mai tîrziu, l-a întrebat pe Gomez cine erau acei şerpi. ,,Mama licorii «ayahuasca»”, a fost răspunsul. ,,Ayahuasca” este un grup de halucinogene, care par să funcţioneze diferit de clasicele substanţe psihedelice. Ele deschid mintea umană spre un nivel superior al conştiinţei, spre un loc ce pare mai real decît lumea lăsată în urmă. În aceste alte dimensiuni pot fi întîlnite entităţi care par a avea propriile existenţe şi motivaţii independente. Aceste fiinţe au puteri care le fac să fie aproape ca nişte zei. Iată de ce forţele care facilitează aceste comunicări din spaţiul intern se numesc enteogene, fiind substanţe care generează [accesul la] divinul lăuntric. Cine sînt aceste creaturi, ca nişte şerpi, şi ce ne pot spune despre adevărata natură a Universului? Pentru a găsi unele răspunsuri, trebuie să călătorim, la fel ca Narby, în jungla amazoniană.

Cu 2 ani înainte de experienţa lui Narby cu acei doi şerpi, psihologul israelian Benny Shanon se afla într-o vacanţă de drumeţii, prin junglele Ecuadorului. El şi alte două cupluri au angajat o indigenă ca ghid. Cum Shanon era singur, i-a fost mai la îndemînă să discute cu ghidul decît cu tovarăşii săi de drumeţii. A constatat că femeia avea cunoştinţe surprinzătoare despre simbolismul viselor şi despre viaţa interioară a minţii. Mai mult, cînd şi-a descris propriile vise, aceasta i-a prezentat un model extrem de bine structurat cu privire la felul cum ar trebui interpretate visele. Spre marea sa uimire, Shanon a constatat că această femeie, care abia dacă ştia să citească, îi explica o teorie complexă, pe care a expus-o într-un mod desăvîrşit. Continuînd să pună întrebări, Shanon şi-a dat seama că femeia îi prezenta informaţii pe care le primise în timpul unei stări halucinatorii. A întrebat-o cum a reuşit să intre în acea stare, şi ea i-a spus că a folosit o fiertură foarte puternică, pe care băştinaşii o obţineau din plante şi care era contraindicată oamenilor albi. Shanon a întrebat dacă i s-ar permite, totuşi, să încerce această băutură, iar femeia i-a răspuns că va trebui să-l întrebe pe vraciul local – ,,brujo”.

La întoarcerea din drumeţie, Shanon a fost condus în satul femeii şi i s-a dat o adresă. I s-a spus să se ducă la acea adresă şi să ceară ceva numit ,,ayahuasca”. Ulterior, a constatat că, la adresa respectivă, se afla, dintre toate lucrurile posibile, o băcănie. A întrebat de acea substanţă, după cum i se spusese. Vînzătoarea s-a dus în spatele prăvăliei, a dat la o parte o draperie şi, acolo, pe podea, Shanon a văzut o stivă de buşteni. Femeia a luat unul dintre buşteni, cam de 30 de centimetri, şi l-a pus pe tejghea.

– Zdrobeşte-l, fă o supă din el şi bea-o noaptea, tîrziu.

Asta a fost tot. Shanon a transportat buşteanul la Ierusalim şi a aşteptat cîteva luni pînă să-l încerce. Prima lui tentativă de a prepara miraculoasa băutură s-a soldat cu un eşec. Ulterior, a descoperit că ar fi trebuit să folosească tot buşteanul, nu doar scoarţa, după cum presupusese, şi că ar mai fi trebuit să adauge frunzele unei alte plante.

După 8 ani, în 1991, Shanon avea ,,să se întîlnească”, din nou, cu acea băutură, dar, de data aceasta, licoarea fusese preparată special pentru el, în Brazilia, de către membrii unei biserici, numită Santo Daime. Cu această ocazie, experienţa sa a fost de-a dreptul uluitoare. Se pare că a văzut Istoria omenirii desfăşurîndu-se în faţa ochilor săi, începînd din vremurile antice pînă la evenimentele moderne. Deşi nu era decît un observator, avea impresia că simţea motivaţiile, speranţele şi temerile oamenilor pe care îi vedea. De-a lungul voiajului său prin Istorie, a înţeles un aspect semnificativ: „Am înţeles, în special, că teoriile de proces, precum psihanaliza, sau evoluţionismul darwinian, scăpau din vedere esenţialul. Astfel, esenţa persoanelor şi a speciei nu este determinată de procesele menţionate de aceste teorii, ci ea este la îndemîna oricui, fiind determinată la un alt nivel. Procesele doar definesc realizarea acestei esenţe în lumea fizică, în orice moment“.

Evolutia nu este cf modelului Darwinian materialist: adaptarea la mediu, obtinerea unui organism cat mai in echilibru cu mediul sau inconjurator. Dk ar fi fost asa, unicelularele erau deja perfecte si nemuritoare pe deasupra. La fel furnicile. Nu ar fi fost necesare: constiinta de sine superioara cu remuscarile, teama, angoasele, fobiile, tanjirea, proiectia in viitor scl trasatuti psihice umane, care sunt un dezavantaj in a raectiona prompt la mediu (dar poate ca e ca in “matrix”, prea mult bine-adaptare strica, plictiseste, duce la stagnare sau rejet).  Constiinta autoreferentiala nu adauga nimic, ba chiar poate fi considerata o dezvoltare negativa dpdv evolutionist. Deci e vorba de alt program evolutiv implementat, teleologic, nu de cel orb Darwinian.

[Cf. Teosofiei, “Ochiul lui Shiva” nu se atrofiase definitiv, inainte de sfarsirea celei de-a 4-a rase-radacina, cand spiritualitatea si toate puterile si atributele divine ale omului deva al celei de-a 3-a au fost facute servitoarele nou-trezitelor pasiuni fiziologice si psihice ale omului fizic si, in loc sa se intample invers, ochiul ajunsese sa-si piarda puterile. Dar asa a fost legea evolutiei si, strict vorbind, nu a fost o cadere. Pacatul nu a constat in folosirea acestor puteri nou dezvoltate, ci in folosirea lor gresita; in faptul ca Tabernacolul, proiectat sa contina un zeu, a fost transformat in altarul tuturor inechitatilor spirituale.]

Era evident că acest tînăr universitar percepuse evoluţia umană din perspectiva a ceva aflat atît înăuntrul, cît şi în afara conştiinţei umane, ceva care observă, simte, empatizează şi călăuzeşte. Acest imperativ se pare că ne ghidează prin timp şi spaţiu, avînd propria agendă, care poate să se manifeste în lumea fizică, dar e localizată la un alt nivel. Shanon adaugă, apoi, o fascinantă şi, în ultimă instanţă, semnificativă coda la această nouă interpretare: „Am mai înţeles că tot ceea ce trăiam avea legătură cu lumea Cabalei. Am realizat că diferitele scene cereşti descrise în textele ezoterice evreieşti nu sînt fictive. M-am pomenit asimilînd ideea că realitatea, aşa cum o percepem noi, nu este decît un văl, o cortină, care ascunde esenţa secretă, nevăzută, a lucrurilor“. Acest comentariu este fascinant. Cabala nu este un sistem religios, ci unul mistic, explicînd realitatea într-un mod cu totul diferit de ştiinţa modernă, care rămîne, în esenţa ei, experimentală şi raţională.

După cum am descoperit în analiza pe care am făcut-o asupra operei lui Rabbi Joel Bakst, Cabala este, pur şi simplu, o distilare a credinţelor care au fost transmise din trecutul îndepărtat, poate dintr-un trecut care, acum, este pierdut pentru Istorie. Este posibil ca, în aceste texte, şi chiar în textele străvechi ale tuturor religiilor antice, să fie descoperite indicii cu privire la apariţia noastră ca specie? Este posibil ca noi să nu fim ceea ce părem, sau, şi mai important, ceea ce credem că sîntem? Este posibil ca o altă inteligenţă să ne călăuzească drumul prin Istorie? Dacă ar fi să-i credem pe ,,ayausqueros”, calea şamanului deschide canale de comunicaţie cu divinul, care nu sînt disponibile tuturor fiinţelor umane. Este un divin care ne dă sfaturi imediate şi, procedînd astfel, lărgeşte canalele de comunicaţie. Dovezi în acest sens pot fi întîlnite în însăşi istoria licorii ,,ayahuasca”, în modul cum a fost descoperită şi cum a devenit parte a culturii amazoniene.
Acest fapt demonstrează că ,,ayahuasca” generează viziuni la fel de reale ca tot ceea ce văd ochii noştri, în realitatea înconjurătoare. Ar putea fi găsită o explicaţie presupunîndu-se că imaginile văzute sînt iluminate de biofotoni? Dacă aşa stau lucrurile, nu este deloc surprinzător că, în astfel de situaţii, creierul reacţionează ca şi cum ar prelucra imagini din exterior. Totuşi, faptul că DMT se află în creier este dincolo de orice îndoială, aşa că întrebarea de interes ar trebui să fie: De ce se află acolo? În cartea ,,Entheogens and the Future of Religion” (,,Enteogenele şi viitorul religiei”), psihiatrul Rick Strassman formulează această întrebare, într-o manieră precisă şi specifică: „De ce avem, cu toţii, DMT în creier? De ce există un compus care generează experienţe de contact extraterestru – moarte, călătorie spaţială şi alte efecte extraordinare -, atunci cînd este administrat (sau produs)? Totuşi, o întrebare comparabilă nu este formulată cu privire la siliciul din cipurile de computer. Mai degrabă, siliciul se află în cipurile de computer, deoarece funcţionează; este cea mai bună moleculă pentru funcţia necesară. În acelaşi mod, avem DMT în creierele noastre, deoarece funcţionează. Este cea mai bună moleculă pentru funcţia necesară, de reacordare a capacităţilor de percepţie ale creierului la diferite niveluri. În acest caz, întrebarea evoluţionistă trebuie formulată astfel: «De ce am avea nevoie de astfel de capacităţi, dacă modelul ştiinţific al realităţii este corect?»“.

Acestea au fost întrebările la care Strassman a încercat să răspundă, prin cercetarea sa inovatoare privind efectele DMT, materializată în lucrarea ,,DMT – Molecula spiritului”, în care sînt descrise rezultatele mai multor experimente clinice, pe care autorul le-a efectuat la începutul anilor ‘90.

Michael Harner in “The way of the shman”: “Îi percepeam foarte slab pe cei care transmiseseră aceste gânduri creaturi reptiliene gigantice…………
As the brief equatorial twilight was replaced by darkness, Tomas poured about a third of the bottle into a gourd bowl and gave it to me. All the Indians were watching. I felt like Socrates amidst his Athenian compatriots, accepting the hemlock - it occurred to me that one of the alternate names people in the Peruvian Amazon gave ayahuasca was "the little death." I drank the potion quickly. It had a strange, slightly bitter taste. I then waited for Tomas to take his turn, but he said that he had decided not to participate after all.

They had me lie down on the bamboo platform under the great thatched roof of the communal house. The village was silent, except for the chirping of crickets and the distant calls of a howler monkey deep in the jungle.

As I stared upward into the darkness, faint lines of light appeared. They grew sharper, more intricate, and burst into brilliant colors. Sound came from far away, a sond like a waterfall, which grew stronger and stronger until it filled my ears.

Just a few minutes earlier I had been disappointed, sure that the ayahuasca was not going to have any effect on me. Now the sound of rushing water flooded my brain. My jaw began to feel numb, and the numbness was moving up to my temples.

Overhead the faint lines became brighter, and gradually interlaced to form a canopy resembling a geometric mosaic of stained glass. The bright violet hues formed an ever-expanding roof above me. Within this celestial cavern, I heard the sound of water grow louder and I could see dim figures engaged in shadowy movements. As my eyes seemed to adjust to the gloom, the moving scene resolved itself into something resembling a huge fun house, a supernatural carnival of demons. In the center, presiding over the activities, and looking directly at me, was a gigantic, grinning crocodilian head, from whose cavernous jaws gushed a torrential flood of water. Slowly the waters rose, and so did the canopy above them, until the scene was metamorphosed into a simple duality of blue sky above and sea below. All creatures had vanished.

Then, from my position near the surface of the water, I began to see two strange boats wafting back and forth, floating through the air towards me, coming closer and closer. They slowly combined to form a single vessel with a huge dragon-headed prow, not unlike that of a Viking ship. Set amidships was a square sail. Gradually, as the boat gently floated back and forth above me, I heard a rhythmic swishing sound and saw that it was a giant galley with several hundred oars moving back and forth in cadence with the sound.

I became conscious, too, of the most beautiful singing I have ever heard in my life, high-pitched and ethereal, emanating from myriad voices on board the galley. As I looked more closely at the deck, I could make out large numbers of people with the heads of blue jays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egypt.

I became aware of my brain. I felt—physically—that it had become compartmentalized into four separate and distinct levels. At the uppermost surface was the observer and commander, which was conscious of the condition of my body, and was responsible for the attempt to keep my heart going. lt perceived, but purely as a spectator, the visions emanating from what seemed to be the nether portions of my brain. Immediately below the topmost level I felt a numbed layer, which seemed to have been put out of commission by the drug—it just wasn't there. The next level down was the source of my visions, including the soul boat. Now I was virtually certain I was about to die.

As I tried to accept my fate, an even lower portion of my brain began to transmit more visions and information. I was "told" that this new material was being presented to me because I was dying and therefore "safe" to receive these revelations. These were the secrets reserved for the dying and the dead, I was informed.

I could only very dimly perceive the givers of these thoughts: giant reptilian creatures reposing sluggishly at the lowermost depths of the back of my brain, where it met the top of the spinal column. I could only vaguely see them in what seemed to be gloomy, dark depths. Then they projected a visual scene in front of me.

 First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the "specks" were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. Their heads were not visible to me. They flopped down, utterly exhausted from their trip, resting for eons.

They explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation—hundreds of millions of years of activity—took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside of all forms of life, including man. They were the true masters of humanity and the entire planet, they told me. We humans were but the receptacles and servants of these creatures. For this reason they could speak to me from within myself.

These revelations, welling up from the depths of my mind, alternated with visions of the floating galley, which had almost finished taking my soul on board. The boat with its blue-jay headed deck crew was gradually drawing away, pulling my life force along as it headed toward a large fjord flanked by barren, worn hills. I knew I had only a moment more to live. Strangely, I had no fear of the bird-headed people; they were welcome to have my soul if they could keep it. But I was afraid that somehow my soul might not remain on the horizontal plane of the fjord but might, through processes unknown but felt and dreaded, be acquired or re-acquired by the dragon-like denizens of the depths. I suddenly felt my distinctive humanness, the contrast between my species and the ancient reptilian ancestors. I began to struggle against returning to the ancient ones, who were beginning to feel increasingly alien and possibly evil. Each heart beat was a major undertaking. I turned to human help. With an unimaginable last effort, I barely managed to utter one word to the Indians:


I saw them rushing around to make an antidote, and I knew they could not prepare it in time. I needed a guardian who could defeat dragons, and I frantically tried to conjure up a powerful being to protect me against the alien reptilian creatures. One appeared before me; and at that moment the Indians forced my mouth open and poured the antidote into me. Gradually, the dragons disappeared back into the lower depths; the soul boat and the fjord were no more. I relaxed with relief. The antidote radically eased my condition, but it did not prevent me from having many additional visions of a more superficial nature. These were manageable and enjoyable. I made fabulous journeys at will through distant regions, even out into the Galaxy; created incredible architecture; and employed sardonically grinning demons to realize my fantasies. Often I found myself laughing aloud at the incongruities of my adventures. Finally, I slept.

Then I went back to the platform, eager to put my night's experiences on tape before I forgot anything. The work of recall went easily except for one portion of the trance that I could not remember. It remained blank, as though a tape had been erased. I struggled for hours to remember what had happened in that part of the experience, and I virtually wrestled it back into my consciousness.

The recalcitrant material turned out to be the communication from the dragon-like creatures, including the revelation of their role in the evolution of life on this planet and their innate domination of living matter, including man. I was highly excited at rediscovering this material, and could not help but feel that I was not supposed to be able to bring it back from the nether regions of the mind. I even had a peculiar sense of fear for my safety, because I now possessed a secret that the creatures had indicated was only intended for the dying. I immediately decided to share this knowledge with others so that the "secret" would not reside in me alone, and my life would not be in jeopardy. I put my outboard motor on a dugout canoe and left for an American evangelist mission station nearby.

I arrived about noon. The couple at the mission, Bob and Millie, were a cut above the average evangelists sent from the United States: hospitable, humorous, and compassionate. I told them my story. When I described the reptile with water gushing out of his mouth, they exchanged glances, reached for their Bible, and read to me the following line from Chapter 12 in the Book of Revelation:
“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood.”

They explained to me that the word "serpent" was synonymous in the Bible with the words "dragon" and "Satan." I went on with my narrative. When I came to the part about the dragon-like creatures fleeing an enemy somewhere beyond the Earth and landing here to hide from their pursuers, Bob and Millie became excited and again read me more from the same passage in the Book of Revelation:
“And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels with him. “

I listened with surprise and wonder. The missionaries, in turn, seemed to be awed by the fact that an atheistic anthropologist, by taking the drink of the "witch doctors," could apparently have revealed to him some of the same holy material in the Book of Revelation.

I was now eager to solicit a professional opinion from the most supernaturally knowledgeable of the Indians, a blind shaman who had made many excursions into the spirit world with the aid of the ayahuasca drink. lt seemed only proper that a blind man might be able to be my guide to the world of darkness. I went to his hut, taking my notebook with me, and described my visions to him segment by segment. At first I told him only the highlights; thus, when I came to the dragon-like creatures, I skipped their arrival from space and only said, "There were these giant black animals, something like great bats, longer than the length of this house, who said that they were the true masters of the world." There is no word for dragon in Conibo, so "giant bat" was the closest I could come to describe what I had seen.

 He stared up toward me with his sightless eyes, and said with a grin, "Oh, they're always saying that. But they are only the Masters of Outer Darkness."

He waved his hand casually toward the sky. I felt a chill along the lower part of my spine, for I had not yet told him that I had seen them, in my trance, coming from outer space. I was stunned. What I had experienced was already familiar to this barefoot, blind shaman. Known to him from his own explorations of the same hidden world into which I had ventured.”

Don Juan / Castaneda: “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so..."

 "Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.”

 In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous manoeuvre  stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.”

Morpheus to Neo: "Sa-ti spun de ce esti aici.
Esti aici pentru ca cunosti ceva.
Ceea ce stii nu iti poti explica, dar simti.
Ai simtit toata viata.
Ca este ceva in neregula cu lumea. Nu stii ce este, dar e acolo.
Ca o aschie in mintea ta, care te innebuneste.
Acest sentiment te-a adus la mine.
Stii despre ce vorbesc?"


"Doresti sa stii ce inseamna?
Matrixul este peste tot in jurul nostru.
Chiar si acum in aceasta camera.
Poti sa-l vezi cand te uiti pe geam sau cand pornesti televizorul.
Poti sa-l simti cand mergi la serviciu, la biserica, cand platesti taxele.
Este lumea care iti acopera ochii pentru a te orbi de adevar."

"Ce adevar?"

"Ca esti un sclav, Neo.
Ca toata lumea, ai fost nascut in robie,
nascut intr-o inchisoare care n-o poti mirosi, gusta sau atinge.
o inchisoare pentru mintea ta.
Din pacate, nimeni nu-ti poate spune ce e Matrixul.
Va trebui sa-l vezi cu ochii tai."

Enteogen inseamna zeul (Divinul ) din noi. Ingerarea anumitor substante enteogene deschide de fapt constiinta spre intelegerea faptului ca D-zeu nu doar exista, dar Se afla inauntrul nostrum, al tuturor. Tot ce realizeaza aceste substante este sa ne faca sa intelegem ca  suntem cu totii aceeasi fiinta, intruchipari ale unei entitati singulare oe care o numim D-zeu. Noi suntem cu totii manifestari ale lui D-zeu. Aceasta nu inseamna acelasi lucru cu a spune ca D-zeu este in noi, ci mai degraba ca tot ce exista este D-zeu si ca noi suntem acel D-zeu.
Ar putea decide sa traiasca fiecare viata si sa FIE cu adevarat acea fiinta. Ar putea, daca ar dori, sa se asigure ca a uitat ca era D-zeu si ca este pur si simplu o fiinta umana traind o viata din momentul nasterii pana in cel al mortii. Tot ptca este D-zeu, ar putea sa manifeste o parte din Sine in fiecare minte constienta de sine care a trait vreodata si s a traiasca fiecare viata simultan. In felul acesta, ar putea sa interactioneze cu toate celelalte versiuni ale Sale. Acum, intrucat fiecare versiune nu este constienta de propria sa Divinitate, nu realizeaza ca omenirea este de fapt doar o singura entitate care se percepe pe sine subiectiv. In felul acesta, D-zeu traieste in cadrul propriei Sale melodrame reale, nu ca observator, ci ca participant. Fiecare fiinta care exista are o intelegere constienta a sinelui si, prin asta, are motivatii si obiective. Aceste motivatii si obiective implica o interfata cu celelalte entiatti, toate avand motivatii si obiective proprii. In acest fel, omenirea sufera de o amnezie colectiva in ceea ce priveste starea ei unitara si propria ei Divinitate.
Ibn Arabi: “Cand misterul unitatii dintre suflet si Divin iti este dezvaluit, vei intelege ca nu esti altceva decat D-zeu… Caci atunci cand te cunosti pe tine insuti, simtul unei identitati limitate se pierde si stii ca tu si D-zeu sunteti unul si acelasi lucru.”
Cabalistul Daniel Matt: “Evoluand in spatiu-timp, oranizandu-Se pe Sine in varietatea complexa a existentei, D-zeu creste si invata neincetat, descoperind constientizarea prin fiecare dintre noi – eurile nenumarate si inimitabile ale lui D-zeu… In jocul nostru cosmic de-a v-ati ascunselea, D-zeu este deghizat sub infatisarea lumii, iar scopul jocului creatiei este descoperirea Divinului, explorarea limitelor a ceea ce suntem, incarnarea constiintei de sine a lui D-zeu. Insasi constiinta noastra este universul care devine constient de Sine. D-zeu Care devine constient de Sine… Fara noi, D-zeu este incomplet. Scanteile Divinului raman ascunse, potentialul Divin este nerealizat.”
Bernard Haisch: “D-zeu este un potential infinit. Dar potentialul nu e acelasi lucru cu experienta. Asa incat Divinitatea doreste sa-Si transpuna in realitate potentialul si sa-l experimenteze ca realitate. Nemanifestatul si trans-infinitul D-zeu - mai mare decat toate si mai putin decat nimic – Se transforma astfel in D-zeu Creatorul, D-zeu facut manifest. Fiinta devine facere; absolutul devine relativ.”

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Iunie 5, 2015 la 10:43am
Ştergere comentariu
„Nu există religie superioară Adevărului.”
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Octombrie 9, 2015 la 1:05pm
Ştergere comentariu
Hogfather = Legenda Mosului – filmul (Regia Vadim Jean; Cu David Warner, Joss Ackland, Marc Warren, Michelle Dockery)

Motto: Daca nu mai exista Hogfather (si el exista in masura in care crezi in el / daca crezi in el / ii alimentezi existenta cu energia credintei tale) – Soarele nu va mai rasari.

Everything starts somewhere, although many physicists disagree. There is the constant desire to find out where - where is the point where it all began. But much, much later than that, the Discworld was formed. Drifting onwards through space, atop four elephants on the shell of a giant turtle, the Great A'Tuin. It was some time after its creation when most people forgot that the very oldest stories of the beginning are, sooner or later, about blood. At least, that's one theory. The philosopher Didactylos suggested an alternative hypothesis: "Things just happen. What the hell." And so our story begins in Ankh-Morpork, the twin city of proud Ankh and pestilent Morpork, the biggest city in Discworld. A city where magic is just another job, and where the Tower of Art of the Unseen University for Wizards looms over all the dark narrow streets... Our story begins on a midwinter festival bearing a remarkable similarity to your Christmas. And so... it was the night before Hogswatch.

Realitatea in care crezi e aceea pe care o vei proiecta.

“I'm just saying man is naturally a mythopoeic creature."
"What's that mean?" said the Senior Wrangler.
"Means we make things up as we go along,"

Belief Determines Truth, Which Shall Set You Free

“It’s amazing how people define roles for themselves and put handcuffs on their experience and are constantly surprised by the things a roulette universe spins at them.”

“There is always time for another last minute.”

The Hogfather can. The Hogfather gives presents. There's no better present than a future.

“And then Jack chopped down what was the world's last beanstalk, adding murder and ecological terrorism to the theft, enticement, and trespass charges already mentioned, and all the giant's children didn't have a daddy anymore. But he got away with it and lived happily ever after, without so much as a guilty twinge about what he had done...which proves that you can be excused for just about anything if you are a hero, because no one asks inconvenient questions.”

“The Auditors fluttered anxiously. And, as always happens in their species when something goes radically wrong and needs fixing instantly, they settled down to try to work how who was to blame.”

“The phrase 'Someone ought to do something' was not, by itself, a helpful one. People who used it never added the rider 'and that someone is me'.”

“You can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!'
'She's a child!' shouted Crumley.
'What if she cuts herself?'


“That’s about the size of it, master. A good god line, that. Don’t give ’em too much and tell ’em to be happy with it. Jam tomorrow, see.”


“This is very similar to the suggestion put forward by the Quirmian philosopher Ventre, who said, "Possibly the gods exist, and possibly they do not. So why not believe in them in any case? If it's all true you'll go to a lovely place when you die, and if it isn't then you've lost nothing, right?" When he died he woke up in a circle of gods holding nasty-looking sticks and one of them said, "We're going to show you what we think of Mr Clever Dick in these parts...”

“The philosopher Didactylos has summed up an alternative hypothesis as "Things just happen. What the hell".”


"You mean sort of fear and awe and not knowing whether to laugh or cry or wet their pants?"

“Credulous: having views about the world, the universe and humanity's place in it that are shared only by very unsophisticated people and the most intelligent and advanced mathematicians and physicists.”

Lord Downey: Mr Teatime, you have actually applied yourself to study of ways of killing Death?
Teatime: Only as a hobby, sir.
Lord Downey: But then some people might say that he is technically immortal.
Teatime: Everyone has a weak point, sir.

"Yes! The sun would have risen just the same, yes?"
"Oh, come on. You can't expect me to believe that. It's an astronomical fact."
"Really? Then what would have happened, pray?"

All right, I'm not stupid. You're saying that humans need fantasies to make life bearable.

La ce e buna o zeitate / un zeu care iti indeplineste toate / orice dorintele ?
“What good's a god who gives you everything you want?”

Old gods do new jobs.”

Speranta e esenta credintei.

Exista o cantitate finita de credinta in Univers.
Se investeste credinta in entitati / egregore antropomorfe precum: Mos Ene, Jack Frost, Omul din Luna, Iepurele de Pasti, Hogfather, Zana Maseluta, Bau Bau, Omul Negru Moartea s.c.l.

Daca (credinta) nu e investita / fixata in egregore antropomorfe
[prin care se incearca explicarea inexplicabilului / necunoscutului. Nestiind legile naturii (Natura = Zeita Mama), printr-un mecanism psihologic Freudian, omul apeleaza subconstient / inconstient la aceste entitati, asa se zice = explicatia stiintifica, care nu explica, de fapt, nimic]
cantitatea (sau o parte din ea) de credinta ramane libera si disponibila spre a fi manipulata (pt generarea / crearea altei forme a Realitatii) de catre “Auditorii Realitatii”.

Gandesti, dar si crezi ?

Trebuie, mai intai, sa inveti sa crezi in minciunile mici (cele de mai sus: Mos Ene s.c.l.), ptca apoi sa treci la cele mari: dreptate, bunatate, adevar s.c.l.

Macina Universul nostru, apoi cerne-l si fa-l pulbere fina… si nu vei gasi nici un graunte de dreptate [e un “univers predatorial” (Don Juan / Carlos Castaneda), cel tare il omoara pe cel slab; la oameni se aplica legea karmei, dar la animalele s.c.l. nevinovate, care sufera: Nu ! (Universul a de-cazut din cauza omului !? / ptca omul a cazut)].

Si totusi ti se cere (si incercam sa ne comportam) ca si cum ar exista dreptate-bine-adevar care conduce Universul si ne ghideaza.
Dar daca (in fapt) nu exista, atunci de ce ?
Tocmai pt a deveni. (a se instaura dreptatea-binele-adevarul care sa prezideze Universul)
Universul asta este un loc unde coexista (si invata sa coexiste) ingerii (cazuti) cu maimutele in devenire (oamenii).
Si cu toate ca e un loc plin de minuni, oamenii au inventat plictiseala !

Hogfather Quotes:
“Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.”

“All right," said Susan. "I'm not stupid. You're saying humans need... fantasies to make life bearable."


"Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—"


"So we can believe the big ones?"


"They're not the same at all!"



"Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point—"



“Dullness. Only humans could have invented it. What imaginations they had.”

“While evidence says that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, they're probably all on first steps.”

“It was amazing how many people spent their whole lives in places where they never intended to stay.”

'I ought to point out that she decided to do that so the Hogfather would think she was sweet,' said Susan. 'Including the deliberate bad spelling. But look, why are you ...'
'In years, yes. In cynicism, she's about thirty-five. Why are you doing the...'
'She'd believe in anything if there was a dolly in it for her.”

― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

“Death turned to leave the room, but stopped when Hex began to write furiously. He went back and looked at the emerging paper.
+++ Dear Hogfather, For Hogswatch I Want
OH, NO. YOU CAN'T WRITE LETT... Death paused, and then said, YOU CAN, CAN'T YOU.
+++ Yes. I Am Entitled +++
Death waited until the pen had stopped, and picked up the paper.
+++ All Things Strive +++
YOU HAVE A POINT, said Death. He thought of tiny red petals in the black depths, and read to the end of the list.
+++ I Regret This +++

Death: [reads a list] The boy wants a pair of trousers that he doesn't have to share, a huge meat pie, a sugar mouse, "a lot of toys" and a puppy named Scruff.
Albert: Ah, how sweet. I shall wipe away a tear, 'cause what he's getting, see, is this wooden toy and an apple.
Death: But the letter clearly...
Albert: I know. It's the socio-economic factors. The world would be in a hell of a mess, eh, if everyone got what they asked for.
Death: I gave them what they wanted in the store...
Albert: Yeah, well, what good is a god that gives you everything you want?
Death: You have me there.
Albert: It's the HOPE that's important. It's a big part of belief. I mean to say, you give people jam today and they'll just sit and eat it. But jam tomorrow, now... that'll keep them going for ever.
Death: And you mean that because of this the poor get poor things and the rich get rich things?
Albert: Well, yes. That's the meaning of Hogswatch, isn't it, Master?
Death: But I'm the Hogfather! At the moment, I mean.

Cam aceleasi idei:
Oamenii / fiintele alimenteaza existenta / viata zeilor (energia existentiala a zeilor) – care zei ? – cu energia credintei lor in acestia (in zei).
si in: entitatile Ori din serialele “Stargate”, Kipling, teoria vedica a zeilor si a sacrificiului, filmele “Nemuritorii : Războiul Zeilor = Immortals”, „Înfruntarea titanilor = Clash of the Titans”, “Percy Jackson şi Olimpienii: Hoţul Fulgerului = Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief ”, “Dr Who” s.a.m.d.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Octombrie 30, 2015 la 1:40pm
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Vechii zei:

Pt. vechii Celti Gaeli din Irlanda si Scotia, Samhain (30 Octombrie-1 Noiembrie) sunt momentul in care se deschide Portalul in cursul anului solar, dintre lumea de dincolo a Aes Sidh (vechii zei Tuatha De Dannan sau Triburile zeitei Danna precum Dagda, Ogma/Ogmios la Galli, si vechii semizei si eroi ai vechii Irlande gaelice precum Finn Mac Cool/Fionn Macc Cumhail, Cu Chulainn, Oisinn/Ossian, Connal Cernach, Conchobar Macc Nessa, Fergus, Leogaire, Art Macc Conn, Cormac Macc Airt, Diarmuid/Diarmaid, etc. sau chiar simplii decedati au acces spiritual la lumea aceasta). Vide si motivul The Wild Hunt, La Chasse Sauvage, Der Wilde Jagd, când, in aceasta perioada a anului, când Toamna trece deja incet spre Iarna, in tarile celtice si germanice (si in nordul Frantei, romanizat lingvistic, dar celto-germanic prin substrat si adstrat/superstrat), fie Regele Arthur si Cavalerii sai, fie eroii Fianna ai lui Fionn Macc Cumhail ori razboinicii "Ramurii Rosii" din vechiul Ulad/Ulster (Northern Ireland) din jurul lui Conchobar Macc Ness, fie Einherjarr si Walkyeren din ostirea lui Wodan/Odin din tarile germanice si scandinave galopeaza pe caii lor (sau in care de lupta, in cazul eroilor din Ulster) pe cerul noptii, intr-o vanatoare perpetuaa dupa vreun mistret fermecat sau dupa lupii Skoll si Hati, care vor samanance Soarele si Luna (se apropie solstitiul de iarna, cu ziua cea mai scurta ca lumina solara si noaptea cea mai lunga).

Apropo de vechii zei v. conex si:

“Hellboy 1 - Eroul scăpat din Infern” (R: Guillermo del Toro)
“Hellboy 2: The Golden Army” (R: Guillermo del Toro)

Precum si cartile lui H. P. Lovecraft

Forbidden, dark, esoterically veiled knowledge is a central theme in many of Lovecraft's works. Many of his characters are driven by curiosity or scientific endeavor, and in many of his stories the knowledge they uncover proves Promethean in nature, either filling the seeker with regret for what they have learned, destroying them psychically, or completely destroying the person who holds the knowledge.
Some critics argue that this theme is a reflection of Lovecraft's contempt of the world around him, causing him to search inwardly for knowledge and inspiration.

The beings of Lovecraft's mythos often have human servants; Cthulhu, for instance, is worshiped under various names by cults amongst both the Greenland Inuit and voodoo circles of Louisiana, and in many other parts of the world.

These worshippers served a useful narrative purpose for Lovecraft. Many beings of the Mythos were too powerful to be defeated by human opponents, and so horrific that direct knowledge of them meant insanity for the victim. When dealing with such beings, Lovecraft needed a way to provide exposition and build tension without bringing the story to a premature end. Human followers gave him a way to reveal information about their "gods" in a diluted form, and also made it possible for his protagonists to win paltry victories. Lovecraft, like his contemporaries, envisioned "savages" as closer to supernatural knowledge unknown to civilized man.

Often his characters are subject to a compulsive influence from powerful malevolent or indifferent beings.

In some cases, this doom is manifest in the entirety of humanity, and no escape is possible.

Lovecraft frequently dealt with the idea of civilization struggling against dark, primitive barbarism. In some stories this struggle is at an individual level; many of his protagonists are cultured, highly educated men who are gradually corrupted by some obscure and feared influence.

In such stories, the "curse" is often a hereditary one, either because of interbreeding with non-humans (e.g., "Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family" (1920), "The Shadow over Innsmouth" (1931)) or through direct magical influence (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward). Physical and mental degradation often come together; this theme of 'tainted blood' may represent concerns relating to Lovecraft's own family history,…

But most often, such stories involve a civilized culture being gradually undermined by a malevolent underclass influenced by inhuman forces.

Lovecraft's works are ruled by several distinct pantheons of deities (actually aliens who are worshiped by humans as deities) who are either indifferent or actively hostile to humanity. Lovecraft's actual philosophy has been termed "cosmic indifferentism" and this is expressed in his fiction. Several of Lovecraft's stories of the Old Ones (alien beings of the Cthulhu Mythos) propose alternate mythic human origins in contrast to those found in the creation stories of existing religions, expanding on a natural world view. For instance, in Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness" it is proposed that humankind was actually created as a slave race by the Old Ones, and that life on Earth as we know it evolved from scientific experiments abandoned by the Elder Things. Protagonist characters in Lovecraft are usually educated men, citing scientific and rationalist evidence to support their non-faith.

Some of Lovecraft's work was inspired by his own nightmares. His interest started from his childhood days when his grandfather would tell him Gothic horror stories.

He was influenced by Arthur Machen's carefully constructed tales concerning the survival of ancient evil into modern times in an otherwise realistic world and his beliefs in hidden mysteries which lay behind reality.

Lovecraft's discovery of the stories of Lord Dunsany, with their pantheon of mighty gods existing in dreamlike outer realms, moved his writing in a new direction, resulting in a series of imitative fantasies in a "Dreamlands" setting.

His study of science contributed to Lovecraft's view of the human race as insignificant, powerless, and doomed in a materialistic and mechanistic universe.

Cosmicism took on a dark tone with his creation of what is today often called the Cthulhu Mythos, a pantheon of alien extra-dimensional deities and horrors which predate humanity, and which are hinted at in eons-old myths and legends. The term "Cthulhu Mythos" was coined by Lovecraft's correspondent and fellow author, August Derleth, after Lovecraft's death; Lovecraft jocularly referred to his artificial mythology as "Yog-Sothothery".

Lovecraft's fiction has been grouped into three categories by some critics.
* Macabre stories (c. 1905–1920);
             Dream Cycle stories (c. 1920–1927);
             Cthulhu / Lovecraft Mythos stories (c. 1925–1935).

He appears as a minor character in Brian Clevinger's comic book series Atomic Robo, as an aquintance and fellow scientist of Nikola Tesla, having been driven insane by his involvement in the Tunguska Event which exposed him to the hidden horrors of the wider universe. He is eventually killed when his body becomes host to an extradimensional being infecting the timestream.

Aici de citit carti ale lui:
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Octombrie 30, 2015 la 2:18pm
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„Halloween” (31 octombrie spre 1 nov.), „All Saints’ Day” (1 noiembrie) si “All Souls’ Day” (2 noiembrie) - conexiuni

Ziua mortilor 2 noiembrie: Dia de Los Muertos


Filmul de animatie f. interesant “Cartea vietii = The Book of life”


Se mai zice ca (strange stuff):
„…referitor la aceasta sarbatoare…de Halloween….si ea a fost modificata ca de altfel si altele…desi stramosii nostri o sarbatoreau ca fiind o sarbatore extrem de importanta…benefica…..iar la ora actuala…acest Halloween este contrar pentru ca reptilienii [aia rai / bad guys] au transformat-o in negativ…cu energii negative…
In trecutul indepartat al Pamantului aceasta sarbatoare simboliza transmigratia sufletelor de pe Marte (cand s-a distrus civilizatia de acolo, cei mai avansati au ascensionat ca fiinte de energie, cei mai putin avansati au migrat spre Terra cu vehicule-whorm holes / material / tehnologic sau/si cu sufletele) pe PAMANT.”
V. filmul (it’s a must !) „Final Fantasy: Spiritele ascunse” (R: Hironobu Sakaguchi, Moto Sakakibara)

„31 octombrie este noaptea sacrificiului uman cum spunea… satanistii fac ritualuri si sacrificii..iar aceste sacrificii se fac in castelele din Europa care participa numeroase personaje politice si de elita. iar copii sunt victime ale acestor sacrificii pentru ca ei sunt puri….sangele lor este pur.. de acest lucru au nevoie reptilienii (satanistii) pentru ca sa poata sa stea in aceasta dimensiune…”
V. conex filmul (R: Stanley Kubrick, cu moartea lui suspecta dupa lansarea filmului) „Cu ochii larg închişi =  Eyes Wide Shut”

Conex si filmul “John Carter” (R: Andrew Stanton)

dupa "A Princess of Mars" s.c.l. de Edgar Rice Burroughs, care stia el multe..,

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Noiembrie 21, 2015 la 5:55pm
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Jan Valjean 19/11/2015 | 8:39
Decat sa-l cred pe cercetatorul in paranormal Robert Stanley,mai bine-l cred pe Toni Moldovan,autorul cartii extraordinare(de negasit acum nici macar in anticariate) ,,Programul Terra,Un Atentat Extraterestru Asupra Omenirii”,aparuta in mai multe editii completate si revizuite si de negasit azi pe piata.Autorul explica ce inseamna si care este rolul ADN-ului si ARN-ului in manipularile genetice facute pe TERRA asupra omenirii in special de doua supercivilizatii aflate intr-un conflict vechi in aceasta galaxie,SD-supercivilizatia lui Dumnezeu,aflata intr-o continua lupta galactica cu alti competitori si dusmani si IT-lumea intraterestra sau supercivilizatia lui Satana-Lucifer.Ambele supercivilizatii desfasoara programe genetice pe Terra,prin care creeaza diferite rase umane pentru a le ,,colecta” CS-corpul spiritual sau sufletul si care contine codificarea genetica compatibila cu superfiintele carora li se grefeaza.Periodic,odata cu degradarea genetica a populatiilor umane de pe Terra,acestea sunt exterminate total si treaba se reia de la inceput,cu aceleasi parcursuri,zei,religii,razboaie necesare pentru colectarea sufletelor.Interesant este faptul ca Toni Moldovan sustine in cartea sa ca pe actualul teritoriu al Romaniei s-ar fi desfasurat Programul Genetic Zamolxe,asupra poporului geto-dac.Tot el sustine ca toti zeii supremi din antichiatea actuala a ultimei omeniri nu erau decat sefi de program genetic,un fel de genetician sef si explica cu dovezi din biblie cum YHWH a creat poporul evreu din akkadianul din orasul sumerian Ur, Avraam,printr-o selectie si purificare genetica riguroasa,sangeroasa si nemiloasa,pe perioada dintre anii 2200 B.C.-70 A.C.,cand Ierusalimul a fost distrus complet de catre Titus si programul a fost oprit.De asemenea Toni Moldovan descrie in cartea sa ca nazistii au colaborat cu lumea intraterestra,care i-au furnizat diverse tehnologii avansate-inclusiv in domeniul geneticii,pentru ai ajuta sa colecteze C.S.-corpuri spirituale/suflete,de la evreii exterminati in lagare.In acest sens descrie turnurile/antene de la lagarele de exterminare,prin care erau colectate sufletele celor morti de catre intraterestri,imediat dupa decesul victimelor,evreii fiind singura rasa umana cu un grad ridicat de puritate genetica deoarece nu se hibridau-casatoreau cu populatii straine,chiar si azi frica inspirata de YHWW timp de cca. 2000 de ani fiind adanc inradacinata in constiinta lor.
Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 8, 2016 la 3:41pm
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 8, 2016 la 3:42pm
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1 - Corruption of the Demiurge

                                                            1 - Corruption of the Demiurge
How the World Soul has become a parasite.                       
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cu rezervele necesare:
Cum gnosticii credeau ca aceasta lume a fost creatia unei fiinte rele

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Basilides era un gnostic cunoscut care credea ca Universul este impartit in 365 de eoni, sau cercuri spirituale, si ca suma acestora era Tatal Suprem; acestuia i-a ...                  
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ISTORIA GALACTICĂ: De ce nu mai sunt un Lucrător al Luminii

                                                            ISTORIA GALACTICĂ: De ce nu mai sunt un Lucrător a...
Nu, nu m-am schimbat către partea întunecată, dar, mai degrabă, transcend taberele.                    
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Falsii demiurgi sau demiurgii corupti

                                                            Falsii demiurgi sau demiurgii corupti
Bine ati venit pe blogul unui inginer pasionat de calculatoare, electronica, ocultism, religie, istorie, etc.                       
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 18, 2016 la 2:24pm
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Demiurgul cel rau / corupt = Ialdabaoth / Jehova (Gnoza)
„Nimic nu va putea să-mi scoată din minte că lumea asta e fructul unui zeu tenebros ce-şi prelungeşte umbra în mine, şi că misiunea mea este să duc la ultimele consecinţe blestemul ce apasă asupra lui şi a operei sale.” (Emil Cioran în „Demiurgul cel rău”)

Cosmologia cioraniană afirmă că existenţa în totalitatea ei ne dă dovada că a fost creată de „Marele Ratat“, „Marele amărât“23, nume care ne trimit cu gândul la Marele Anonim. Demiurgul e un „zeu rău“, „fără scrupule“, „tarat“, „inferior“, „agitat“, „instigator al evenimentelor“, „nefericit“, „blestemat“24. El creează cea mai rea dintre toate lumile posibile. Creează din plictis, singurătate25 şi din incapacitatea de a rămâne în sine26, incapacitate prezentă şi-n geneza blagiană. Lumea este opera unui „zeu tenebros“, a unui „demiurg blestemat“, iar noi suntem „descendenţi“ ai acestuia27. Creaţia lui este un cumul de rebuturi, lucruri nefinalizate şi prost întocmite, care poartă amprenta provizoriului. Prin urmare, Creatorul nu e în niciun caz atotputernic, ci un incompetent. Acest zeu ranchiunos a creat lumea ca să aibă pe cine ataca28. Principala dovadă a existenţei acestui dumnezeu este existenţa răului. Prezenţa răului, a suferinţei şi a bolilor în lume „îl transformă pe Atotputernic într-un Absolut hodorogit“29. Până şi evoluţia omului ar putea fi o probă pentru „ideea unei providenţe rele“30. Eşecurile activităţilor umane din întreaga devenire se datorează zeilor care înşală: „Omul a fost înşelat de zei. Altfel nu putem înţelege istoria“31. Remarcăm că şi în cazul lui Blaga divinitatea înşală în mod constant şi premeditat. Toate acestea îl fac pe filosoful disperării să considere că naşterea este un „scandal“32, iar creaţia un „act de sabotaj“33. Obsesia pentru această imagine a divinităţii este menţinută de filosoful disperării şi-n scrisori, când le mărturiseşte părinţilor săi că „viaţa-i o comedie sinistră inventată de diavol“34.
Principala sursă de inspiraţie în construirea teoriei despre Demiurgul cel rău o constituie – după cum menţionează gânditorul privat în mai multe locuri – secta bogomililor. Demiurgul cel rău – îi mărturisea Cioran fratelui său într-una din scrisori – e o carte ce prezintă o „teologie lugubră“ de inspiraţie bogomilică35. Din acest motiv Cioran se consideră „un bogomil al secolului XX“36, care, chiar dacă are origini creştine, este „păgân prin toate celelalte“. Afinitatea cu această sectă e prezentă, după cum s-a văzut mai sus, şi în sistemul blagian. Bogomilismul devine, aşadar, un termen mediu care uneşte cosmologiile celor doi gânditori ardeleni.
Nu omul este sursa erorii şi a limitelor cunoaşterii sale, ci cenzura transcendentă. De asemenea, imperfecţiunea omului, natura sa căzută, nu este rezultatul unei alegeri greşite făcute într-un moment adamic şi paradiziac, ci vina este pusă pe umerii Marelui Anonim care nu creează copii divine, ci diferenţiale divine. Cu alte cuvinte, la nivelul creaturii, perfecţiunea divină nu e copiată, ci intenţional înlăturată. În Censura transcendentă, autorul consideră că majoritatea sistemelor filosofice au la bază mitul veracităţii divine şi atribuie omului vina propriei imperfecţiuni. Omul poate ajunge la adevăr având garanţia principiului divin. În cazurile în care săvârşeşte eroarea, cauza este propria-i imperfecţiune şi limitare intelectuală ori natura sa decăzută. La toate concepţiile fundamentate pe veracitatea divină se poate surprinde deci o consecventă şi constantă „autodepreciere“ a umanului în raport cu divinul: „Comparând raportul dintre Marele Anonim şi cunoaşterea individuată, cu un mare cântar – insuficienţele şi păcatele congenitale ale cunoaşterii individuate au fost totdeauna puse în sarcina tipsiei umane. Să privim această autodepreciere a genului uman – cu zâmbet şi îngăduinţă, şi să trecem mai departe“
(„Exerciţiu comparativ Marele Anonim şi Demiurgul cel rău” de Ciprian Sonea)

Pt explicatii mai profunde v. Gnoza si:

„Studii românești I. Fantasmele nihilismului, Secretul doctorului Eliade” de Ioan Petru Culianu
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Ianuarie 18, 2016 la 2:25pm
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X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

Regia:Bryan Singer
Cu: James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Oscar Isaac, Sophie Turner

Official Trailers:
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 9, 2016 la 11:23am
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Mesajul Gnozei (Demiurgul corupt) - in limbaj modern:
„Why I am no longer a Light Worker” by Cameron Day
„Tell the “Lords” of Karma that you are Sovereign – no longer a Lightworker Part 2” by
Cameron Day
Exact si fix, asta suntem, doar niste Baterii !
Si sa nu ne amagim, avem 2 borne, Negativ si Pozitiv, iar emotiile noastre sunt produse in “sistem alternativ”.
La fel cum ne sunt incitate deciziile spre Negativ, la fel sunt catalizate si spre Pozitiv !
Iar acum intervine Calea de Mijloc sau Urechile Acului ori Echilibrul Yang / Yin .
Nu intotdeauna o fapta, un gand ( emotie), o vorba buna are un rezultat bun !
...Don Juan did exactly the same thing with me, and with la Gorda; he made us shift levels of awareness and told us the rule of the Nagual in the following way: The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle, but because it appears to the seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle, standing erect as an eagle stands, its height reaching to infinity. As the seer gazes on the blackness that the Eagle is, four blazes of light reveal what the Eagle is like. The first blaze, which is like a bolt of lightning, helps the seer make out the contours of the Eagle's body. There are patches of whiteness that look like an eagle's feathers and talons. A second blaze of lightning reveals the flapping, wind-creating blackness that looks like an eagle's wings. With the third blaze of lightning the seer beholds a piercing, inhuman eye. And the fourth and last blaze discloses what the Eagle is doing. The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagle's food. The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things. There is no way, therefore, for man to pray to the Eagle, to ask favors, to hope for grace, The human part of the Eagle is too insignificant to move the whole. It is only from the Eagle's actions that a seer can tell what it wants. The Eagle, although it is not moved by the circumstances of any living thing, has granted a gift to each of those beings. In its own way and right, any one of them, if it so desires, has the power to keep the flame of awareness, the power to disobey the summons to die and be consumed. Every living thing has been granted the power, if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and to go through it. It is evident to the seer who sees the opening, and to the creatures that go through it, that the Eagle has granted that gift in order to perpetuate awareness. For the purpose of guiding living things to that opening, the Eagle created the Nagual. The Nagual is a double being to whom the rule has been revealed. Whether it be in the form of a human being, an animal, a plant, or anything else that lives, the Nagual by virtue of its doubleness is drawn to seek that hidden passageway. ...I had confronted don Juan with the question of how the rule became known to man. He explained that the rule was endless and covered every facet of a warrior's behavior. The interpretation and the accumulation of the rule is the work of seers whose only task throughout the ages has been to see the Eagle, to observe its ceaseless flux. From their observations, the seers have concluded that, providing the luminous shell that comprises one's humanness has been broken, it is possible to find in the Eagle the faint reflection of man. The Eagle's irrevocable dictums can then be apprehended by seers, properly interpreted by them, and accumulated in the form of a governing body. Don Juan explained that the rule was not a tale, and that to cross over to freedom did not mean eternal life as eternity is commonly understood - that is, as living forever. What the rule stated was that one could keep the awareness which is ordinarily relinquished at the moment of dying. Don Juan could not explain what it meant to keep that awareness, or perhaps he could not even conceive of it. His benefactor had told him that at the moment of crossing, one enters into the third attention, and the body in its entirety is kindled with knowledge. Every cell at once becomes aware of itself, and also aware of the totality of the body. His benefactor had also told him that this kind of awareness is meaningless to our compartmentalized minds. Therefore the crux of the warrior's struggle was not so much to realize that the crossing over stated in the rule meant crossing to the third attention, but rather to conceive that there exists such an awareness at all.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 19, 2016 la 10:46am
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omul este structural cenzuratcenzura transcendentaMarele Anonim (= Demiurgul) a introdus cenzura transcendentă, ce împiedică cunoaşterea absolută şi permite doar una limitată şi relativizată. Cenzura transcendentă acţionează asupra omului, structural cenzurat pentru a nu se putea substitui Marelui Anonim.
„Datorită împrejurării că este structural supus unei cenzuri transcendente, omul rămâne o fiinţă capabilă de feluri de cunoaştere relativă, dar căreia i se refuză definitiv şi iremediabil accesul la o cunoaştere pozitivă în absolut” .
Principiul conservării misterelor, zice Blaga, este impus de Marele Anonim tuturor fiinţelor, doar el având acces la acestea. Omul poate trăi doar în „orizontul misterului” (adică la marginea lui) . El vrea să descopere misterele de dincolo de orizontul dat prin abstracţiuni intelectuale. Dar „toate încercările revelatorii ale omului în raport cu misterul se dovedesc relative, provizorii şi caduce” , zice Blaga. Şi Dulcan crede că divinitatea a instituit frâne ale cunoaşterii pentru om, pentru ca acesta să nu poată folosi în sens distructiv anumite cunoştinţe, legi şi procese obiective: „Percepem doar ceea ce am fost programaţi… Am fost programaţi să percepem doar ceea ce ne este util… Vorbind la figurat, istoria Universului este o istorie a culiselor. Ceea ce se vede este doar efectul. Percepem o lume ca efect al unei cauze care este dincolo de raţiunea noastră” . Există „adevăruri intenţionat ascunse omului pentru că, pe de o parte, nu-i sunt utile, iar pe de alta pot fi periculoase pentru el”, încât forţarea lor „se poate plăti cu grave consecinţe” . În calitatea sa de doctor psihiatru, Dulcan pretinde că ar fi întâlnit asemenea cazuri (de forţare a unor interdicţii divine?). (dupa Lucian Blaga)
„Exerciţiu comparativ : Marele Anonim şi Demiurgul cel rău” de Ciprian Sonea
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 19, 2016 la 10:48am
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Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish scientist and mystic from the 17th-18th century reported that one time, when he was on the astral plane, his guide showed him a community of souls who were listening to teachings given by Jesus. His guide explained him that the Jesus present was not the real Jesus, not even a real being, but a form created by the subconscious mind of the group, because these people longed for the appearance of Jesus because of their belief system. They themselves were not consciously aware that this was a created manifestation, They took it for the real Jesus. This shows that on the astral plane one really has to watch out for what is real or what is a created illusion. There are beings on the astral planes, both humans, aliens and otherwise who can appear easily in the form of 'spiritual guides' or gods and goddesses, or historic figures to fool the human souls, for their own purposes, usually to feed of the emotional energy of these human souls.
''All forms on the astral plane are created by the mind, and this is important to understand. The astral worlds themselves can be places where the soul can recover, can reflect, create, enjoy and explore. However, when we listen to those who have been there and told us what is happening in the afterlife (from near-death experiences, astral travelers, from hypnotic sessions), then there is seems to be something wrong. What happens in the afterlife, after one dies, has been know for a long time, but it has always been taken for granted because we didn't know better. But when one starts to question, something doesn't add up. Then one discovers that not only is humanity been heavily manipulated while they are in physical bodies on this planet, but also when they are in their astral bodies between reincarnations. This astral manipulation is also perpetuated by the same alien races. This might seem strange to a lot of people, but one has to understand that most extraterrestrial races fully know that intelligent beings exist in multiple dimensions, and some of the aliens can freely shift from one dimension to another, and work and manipulate the energies in these other dimensions. This is the case on this planet too, where the alien Controllers are using their technology to control the minds of the human souls on the astral plane too, to keep them ignorant and caught up in another illusionary world. The astral world is part of the natural matrix of Earth, and is programmed by the alien Controllers to make human souls believe in a (self-created) heaven and hell, or spirit world, all according to their own belief systems. It is easy to create your own world in the astral planes, and there is nothing wrong with it. The problem is that you are made to believe that your own created heaven is the ultimate goal of your existence, while in reality it is nothing but an illusionary trap.
When it is your time to leave this physical body behind, and experience the astral dimensions, be aware of what you encounter, and question everything. Keep your awareness in your center, and from there feel what the possibilities are for you at that point. Discernment always has been a necessity, now even more than ever before.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 19, 2016 la 10:49am
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Cartile lui Laurence Gardner:
„Stirpea Sfantului Graal”,
„Testamentul Magdalenei”,
His book, The Origin of God, was published in 2010 as a print on demand book from the Dash House Publishing Company. It is described as "a biographical exploration of the deiform character variously known as Yahweh, Allah, or simply The Lord. It seeks to uncover and evaluate his original identity...". His final book Revelation of the Devil, a companion to The Origin of God, was published by Dash in 2012.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 19, 2016 la 10:52am
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"Nu suntem fiinte omenesti care au o experienta spirituala ci fiinte spirituale care au o experienta umana." - Theilard de Chardin
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Februarie 19, 2016 la 11:57am
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Conexiune cu ciclul de romane SF (partial non-fiction) "Lumea fluviului" de Philip Jose Farmer.
The Human Story 7: The Afterlife of Jules Verne
Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 10, 2016 la 3:31pm
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The richly illuminated works of William Blake — poet, prophet, and artist — have fascinated readers since the late eighteenth century. In majestic verse illustrated with his own hand-colored plates, the poet explored profound and mystical themes, including the relationship between God and man and the concept of life as a journey toward spiritual self-knowledge.
One of Blake's most interesting and powerful creations, The Book of Urizen represents a parody of the book of Genesis, in which the righteous figure of God is replaced by that of Urizen, the "dark power" and obstacle to spiritual life. With "the voice of honest indignation," Blake compels readers to recognize and overcome their inner adversary in order to rise to higher levels of perception.
...Seeing that none of his creatures can obey his law Urizen casts a net over humanity binding us as well, closing our eyes to infinity and locking us in Law: the laws of science and religion.
...but here the Word and the Law are literally presented as manacles closing away the boundless possibility of the universe to the dull prison of the senses and the holy books. Science and religion cease to be opposing forces in Blake’s understanding, instead becoming obstacles to true knowledge – one by binding sight in the laws of the material universe, the other by binding thought in the words of the holy books. In this sense, the only possible “Good” as far as Blake is concerned, is the rebellion of sight – growing to see multiple possibilities through ecstatic vision. For Blake this probably meant mystical and artistic gnosis, but intellectually it can be applied to all kinds of pluralist, multilateral thinking, if not to literal “mind-expansion” (Blake’s popularity had quite an upswing in the 60’s).
According to Boulay, the Anunnaki genetic engineering was done by “combining the characteristics of the native ape man or neanderthal with their own saurian nature” producing the so-called Adam of the Old Testament. “This Adam was half-human and half-reptile, however, and being a clone could not reproduce himself.”
Berossus, the Babylonian priest writing in 3rd century BCE Athens, claimed that man’s ancestry and origin can be traced to “Oannes,” an amphibious creature that came out of the Persian Gulf to teach the arts of civilisation to man. “Berossus called them ‘annedoti’ which translate as the ‘repulsive ones’ in Greek. He also refers to them as ‘musarus,’ an abomination,” writes Boulay. “If the tradition had been invented, a more normal attitude would have been to glorify these creatures as splendid gods or heroes, yet the fact that they chose to describe their ancestors this way argues for the authenticity of the account.”
“The Sumerian gods regarded Man as a convenience and nothing more,” says Boulay. “He supplied their wants, kept their cities, and provided cannon fodder for their various military ventures.” (Sound familiar?) “The gods could be cruel and unsympathetic masters. They considered humans merely as unruly children, not more important than pets, to be governed ruthlessly and without sentiment.”
Carl Sagan cryptically titled one of his books The Dragons of Eden, but ancient Jewish legends describe the Serpent of Eden as manlike. In other words, he looked like a man and talked like a man. What does this mean?
“The section of the Haggadah that deals with the Creation describes the Serpent who inhabited the Garden before the creation of Adam as an upright creature that stood on two feet and was equal in height to the camel,” writes Boulay. “The serpent was man-like in many ways. He was tall and stood upright on two legs. He did all the work of the gods particularly the mining and agricultural work. And above all the Serpent had an intellect superior to Man. These are all the attributes of the Anunnaki.”
Boulay says that “according to the Haggadah, the bodies of Adam and Eve ‘had been overlaid with a horny skin’ and moreover of Adam’s skin, it was said that ‘it was as bright as daylight and covered his body like a luminous garment. Adam thus had the outward appearance of a reptile with its scaly and shiny skin. It was for this reason that Adam and Eve did not wear nor did they need clothing for protection or comfort.”
“The reptilian appearance of the Biblical gods was a well-kept secret and only occasionally is it perceptible in the Old Testament,” writes Boulay. In a radical reinterpretation of scripture, he says that in the Haggadah, the source of Jewish legend and oral tradition, “it is revealed that Adam and Eve lost their ‘lustrous and horny hide’ as a result of eating the forbidden fruit. The Gnostics, rivals to the early Christians, relate that as a result of eating the fruit, Adam and Eve achieved knowledge, part of which was to realise that their creators were beastly forms.”
The Haggadah also explains what happened in the Garden after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. “The first result was that Adam and Eve became naked. Before their bodies had been overlaid with a horny skin and enveloped with a cloud of glory. No sooner had they violated the command given them than the cloud of glory and the horny skin dropped from them and they stood there in their nakedness.”
Even the bizarre ritual of circumcision may have a reptilian connection. “Just as the serpent achieves long life through sacrificing and leaving off part of himself, so man may also be saved by ritually sacrificing part of himself,” continues Boulay.
“The rite of circumcision also served as a perpetual reminder to man that his true origins lay in the serpent-god creator and that he existed at the forbearance of these gods.”
In a fascinating reassessment of the well-known Bible story of Cain and Abel, Boulay proposes an alternative rationale. For instance, in the Apocalypse of Adam, a Gnostic document of the 1st century CE, Adam reveals to his son Seth “that the Lord who created us created a son from himself and Eve your mother.”
“If the deity was the father of Cain, while Adam sired Abel,” writes Boulay, “it would explain further events – Cain would be semi-divine, part-reptilian and more ‘god’-like.” About the birth of Cain, this document observes that Eve “bore a son and he was lustrous” – a description of the shiny luminous hide of the reptile gods.
The crime of Cain was apparently not only to commit fratricide but to eat the flesh and blood of his brother. “This behaviour seems more reptilian than human since Cain was sired by the deity unlike his brother who had Adam as his father,” concludes Boulay.
“These bloodlines,” writes Icke, “became the British and European aristocracy and royal families and thanks to the ‘Great’ British Empire, they were exported across the world to rule the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and so on. These genetic lines are manipulated into the positions of political, military, media, banking and business power and thus these positions are held by lower fourth dimensional reptilians hiding behind a human form or by mind-puppets of these same creatures.”
“These same reptilians have been occupying the bodies of all the main players in the conspiracy going back to ancient times,” continues Icke. “The obsession with interbreeding within the [Babylonian] Brotherhood bloodstreams comes from the need to hold the reptilian genetic inheritance and therefore maintain the vibrational connection between the human body on the third dimension and its controlling force on the lower fourth. It was to hide this truth that they arranged the destruction of ancient historical records, texts, and accounts over the centuries as they ravaged and raped the native societies of the world. The reptilians wanted to destroy all memory and records of their earlier open existence and control in the past. If they could do that, humanity would have no idea that they were being controlled through physical bodies that look human by a fourth dimensional force.”
“You must realise that the Holy Land is a laboratory of stellar control patterns,” writes Clow. “In temple secrecy, we were taught everything about the visitors, but this information was taken out of the Bible. For 300,000 years, the central agenda by the Nibiruans [colonists from Nibiru, also called Marduk] has been to control the Earth and the use of its resources.”
It is also a special time, the return of humanity’s spiritual powers and the choice of self-transcendence. “The return of these archetypal powers is also a result of your ability to perceive wider spans of the light spectrum,” she continues. “This expanding vision is your key to integrating all the dimensions into your awareness. This broader awareness is natural, but it was once taken from you by the ‘gods.’ The Nibiruans and other visitors – those demigods who felt disconnected from their Source – narrowed your perceptive abilities in order to help themselves materialise on Earth.”
“The Nibiruan mind-set that has poisoned planet Earth has most recently manifested as the reptilian attitude that American political leaders call the ‘New World Order.’ This is a mind-set that believes in scarcity and limitation when the Earth is actually abundant and unlimited. This is the mind-set that would throw all the people into crocodile pits. The world’s power brokers are gluttons who control more resources than they need in order to protect themselves against the scarcity they fear.”

“The fallen angels have sidetracked themselves by playing around with various experiments which have been creative but without wisdom. As the third dimension has become increasingly complex, especially during the last five thousand years, the angels have amused themselves by being voyeurs of the results of materialisations. Technology with no divine inspiration or wisdom has been the latest project of the [fallen] angels.”
“the Anunnaki selected women to have sex with them so they could actually birth themselves into the incarnational cycles of Earth, and that was something that had never occurred before.”
Prior to this time, she contends that “all sex was very natural. You easily merged electromagnetic fields and your physical bodies, and the vibrations of the Moon, Sun and planets flowed through your kundalini channels. You were drawn to each other by planetary affinities in your birth charts and merging was always easy and pleasurable. Sex with the Anunnaki was forced and unnatural in so many ways because there were few energy affinities. You became confused while the gods felt kundalini energy for the first time. They loved it. Male gods even had a lot of sex with each other and with the few female goddesses once they found out what sex felt like on Earth…”
“All imbalances between men and women today come from energetic imprints of incompatible energy fusion from these ancient times,” writes Clow. “Your loathing for reptiles also comes from this phase of your evolution because the most embodied Anunnaki were very reptilian, and those Anunnaki were the ones who could mate with human females.”

Marciniak semi-facetiously calls these hybrid part-human part-reptilian beings, ‘Lizzies.’ “These beings, who are neither spiritually informed nor learned in spiritual ways, deny the existence of a spiritual force,” she writes. “They have developed scientific principles and technologies that scatter the laws of spirituality… It is possible to become a brilliant master of manipulating matter and reality without understanding spiritual connections.”
The Gnostics taught that religion is the elaborate production of aliens who sold the concept of an off-planet Savior-Redeemer God (or an absentee landlord god, if you will) responsible for the patriarchal and fratricidal mindset endorsed by the Abrahamic religions.
Lash, on his website, notes that the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, contain explicit accounts of threatening encounters with reptilians. For instance, the Testament of Amram:
“I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two of them were fighting over me, saying… and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, ‘Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?’ They answered me, ‘We have been empowered and rule over mankind’. And they said to me, ‘Which one of us [will have you]?’ And I lifted my eyes, and looked at one of them directly. His appearance was dreadfully frightening, and his skin was multicoloured, darkly glittering scales.” (4Q542)
“Gifted with powers of paranormal perception, such as remote viewing, Gnostic seers who had met and repelled Archons observed the persisting presence of reptilians among the Dead Sea cult of the Zaddikim,” writes Lash. The First Apocalypse of James (NHL V, 3), which contains descriptions of face-to-face encounters with the reptilian aliens, warns that “Jerusalem is a dwelling place of many Archons.”
Is that the reason why the Middle East, and especially Palestine-Israel, are still the scene for such brutal warfare against the evolutions of Terra?
It becomes quite evident that Gnostic-based empirical mysticism conflicts with Salvationist-based Abrahamic religions on many levels. The alien agenda of Salvationism asserts that humans are in error, flawed and sinful “by nature” and require redemption and rescue from this condition by an intermediary, a messiah or through the observance of strict ritual law, while empirical mysticism claims that divinity itself is a natural essence of humanity and can be revealed through Mystery School initiation which can be used to combat this alien ideology.

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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Martie 11, 2016 la 11:06am
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The richly illuminated works of William Blake — poet, prophet, and artist — have fascinated readers since the late eighteenth century. In majestic verse illustrated with his own hand-colored plates, the poet explored profound and mystical themes, including the relationship between God and man and the concept of life as a journey toward spiritual self-knowledge.
One of Blake's most interesting and powerful creations, The Book of Urizen represents a parody of the book of Genesis, in which the righteous figure of God is replaced by that of Urizen, the "dark power" and obstacle to spiritual life. With "the voice of honest indignation," Blake compels readers to recognize and overcome their inner adversary in order to rise to higher levels of perception.
...Seeing that none of his creatures can obey his law Urizen casts a net over humanity binding us as well, closing our eyes to infinity and locking us in Law: the laws of science and religion.
...but here the Word and the Law are literally presented as manacles closing away the boundless possibility of the universe to the dull prison of the senses and the holy books. Science and religion cease to be opposing forces in Blake’s understanding, instead becoming obstacles to true knowledge – one by binding sight in the laws of the material universe, the other by binding thought in the words of the holy books. In this sense, the only possible “Good” as far as Blake is concerned, is the rebellion of sight – growing to see multiple possibilities through ecstatic vision. For Blake this probably meant mystical and artistic gnosis, but intellectually it can be applied to all kinds of pluralist, multilateral thinking, if not to literal “mind-expansion” (Blake’s popularity had quite an upswing in the 60’s).
According to Boulay, the Anunnaki genetic engineering was done by “combining the characteristics of the native ape man or neanderthal with their own saurian nature” producing the so-called Adam of the Old Testament. “This Adam was half-human and half-reptile, however, and being a clone could not reproduce himself.”
Berossus, the Babylonian priest writing in 3rd century BCE Athens, claimed that man’s ancestry and origin can be traced to “Oannes,” an amphibious creature that came out of the Persian Gulf to teach the arts of civilisation to man. “Berossus called them ‘annedoti’ which translate as the ‘repulsive ones’ in Greek. He also refers to them as ‘musarus,’ an abomination,” writes Boulay. “If the tradition had been invented, a more normal attitude would have been to glorify these creatures as splendid gods or heroes, yet the fact that they chose to describe their ancestors this way argues for the authenticity of the account.”
“The Sumerian gods regarded Man as a convenience and nothing more,” says Boulay. “He supplied their wants, kept their cities, and provided cannon fodder for their various military ventures.” (Sound familiar?) “The gods could be cruel and unsympathetic masters. They considered humans merely as unruly children, not more important than pets, to be governed ruthlessly and without sentiment.”
Carl Sagan cryptically titled one of his books The Dragons of Eden, but ancient Jewish legends describe the Serpent of Eden as manlike. In other words, he looked like a man and talked like a man. What does this mean?
“The section of the Haggadah that deals with the Creation describes the Serpent who inhabited the Garden before the creation of Adam as an upright creature that stood on two feet and was equal in height to the camel,” writes Boulay. “The serpent was man-like in many ways. He was tall and stood upright on two legs. He did all the work of the gods particularly the mining and agricultural work. And above all the Serpent had an intellect superior to Man. These are all the attributes of the Anunnaki.”
Boulay says that “according to the Haggadah, the bodies of Adam and Eve ‘had been overlaid with a horny skin’ and moreover of Adam’s skin, it was said that ‘it was as bright as daylight and covered his body like a luminous garment. Adam thus had the outward appearance of a reptile with its scaly and shiny skin. It was for this reason that Adam and Eve did not wear nor did they need clothing for protection or comfort.”
“The reptilian appearance of the Biblical gods was a well-kept secret and only occasionally is it perceptible in the Old Testament,” writes Boulay. In a radical reinterpretation of scripture, he says that in the Haggadah, the source of Jewish legend and oral tradition, “it is revealed that Adam and Eve lost their ‘lustrous and horny hide’ as a result of eating the forbidden fruit. The Gnostics, rivals to the early Christians, relate that as a result of eating the fruit, Adam and Eve achieved knowledge, part of which was to realise that their creators were beastly forms.”
The Haggadah also explains what happened in the Garden after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. “The first result was that Adam and Eve became naked. Before their bodies had been overlaid with a horny skin and enveloped with a cloud of glory. No sooner had they violated the command given them than the cloud of glory and the horny skin dropped from them and they stood there in their nakedness.”
Even the bizarre ritual of circumcision may have a reptilian connection. “Just as the serpent achieves long life through sacrificing and leaving off part of himself, so man may also be saved by ritually sacrificing part of himself,” continues Boulay.
“The rite of circumcision also served as a perpetual reminder to man that his true origins lay in the serpent-god creator and that he existed at the forbearance of these gods.”
In a fascinating reassessment of the well-known Bible story of Cain and Abel, Boulay proposes an alternative rationale. For instance, in the Apocalypse of Adam, a Gnostic document of the 1st century CE, Adam reveals to his son Seth “that the Lord who created us created a son from himself and Eve your mother.”
“If the deity was the father of Cain, while Adam sired Abel,” writes Boulay, “it would explain further events – Cain would be semi-divine, part-reptilian and more ‘god’-like.” About the birth of Cain, this document observes that Eve “bore a son and he was lustrous” – a description of the shiny luminous hide of the reptile gods.
The crime of Cain was apparently not only to commit fratricide but to eat the flesh and blood of his brother. “This behaviour seems more reptilian than human since Cain was sired by the deity unlike his brother who had Adam as his father,” concludes Boulay.
“These bloodlines,” writes Icke, “became the British and European aristocracy and royal families and thanks to the ‘Great’ British Empire, they were exported across the world to rule the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and so on. These genetic lines are manipulated into the positions of political, military, media, banking and business power and thus these positions are held by lower fourth dimensional reptilians hiding behind a human form or by mind-puppets of these same creatures.”
“These same reptilians have been occupying the bodies of all the main players in the conspiracy going back to ancient times,” continues Icke. “The obsession with interbreeding within the [Babylonian] Brotherhood bloodstreams comes from the need to hold the reptilian genetic inheritance and therefore maintain the vibrational connection between the human body on the third dimension and its controlling force on the lower fourth. It was to hide this truth that they arranged the destruction of ancient historical records, texts, and accounts over the centuries as they ravaged and raped the native societies of the world. The reptilians wanted to destroy all memory and records of their earlier open existence and control in the past. If they could do that, humanity would have no idea that they were being controlled through physical bodies that look human by a fourth dimensional force.”
“You must realise that the Holy Land is a laboratory of stellar control patterns,” writes Clow. “In temple secrecy, we were taught everything about the visitors, but this information was taken out of the Bible. For 300,000 years, the central agenda by the Nibiruans [colonists from Nibiru, also called Marduk] has been to control the Earth and the use of its resources.”
It is also a special time, the return of humanity’s spiritual powers and the choice of self-transcendence. “The return of these archetypal powers is also a result of your ability to perceive wider spans of the light spectrum,” she continues. “This expanding vision is your key to integrating all the dimensions into your awareness. This broader awareness is natural, but it was once taken from you by the ‘gods.’ The Nibiruans and other visitors – those demigods who felt disconnected from their Source – narrowed your perceptive abilities in order to help themselves materialise on Earth.”
“The Nibiruan mind-set that has poisoned planet Earth has most recently manifested as the reptilian attitude that American political leaders call the ‘New World Order.’ This is a mind-set that believes in scarcity and limitation when the Earth is actually abundant and unlimited. This is the mind-set that would throw all the people into crocodile pits. The world’s power brokers are gluttons who control more resources than they need in order to protect themselves against the scarcity they fear.”

“The fallen angels have sidetracked themselves by playing around with various experiments which have been creative but without wisdom. As the third dimension has become increasingly complex, especially during the last five thousand years, the angels have amused themselves by being voyeurs of the results of materialisations. Technology with no divine inspiration or wisdom has been the latest project of the [fallen] angels.”
“the Anunnaki selected women to have sex with them so they could actually birth themselves into the incarnational cycles of Earth, and that was something that had never occurred before.”
Prior to this time, she contends that “all sex was very natural. You easily merged electromagnetic fields and your physical bodies, and the vibrations of the Moon, Sun and planets flowed through your kundalini channels. You were drawn to each other by planetary affinities in your birth charts and merging was always easy and pleasurable. Sex with the Anunnaki was forced and unnatural in so many ways because there were few energy affinities. You became confused while the gods felt kundalini energy for the first time. They loved it. Male gods even had a lot of sex with each other and with the few female goddesses once they found out what sex felt like on Earth…”
“All imbalances between men and women today come from energetic imprints of incompatible energy fusion from these ancient times,” writes Clow. “Your loathing for reptiles also comes from this phase of your evolution because the most embodied Anunnaki were very reptilian, and those Anunnaki were the ones who could mate with human females.”

Marciniak semi-facetiously calls these hybrid part-human part-reptilian beings, ‘Lizzies.’ “These beings, who are neither spiritually informed nor learned in spiritual ways, deny the existence of a spiritual force,” she writes. “They have developed scientific principles and technologies that scatter the laws of spirituality… It is possible to become a brilliant master of manipulating matter and reality without understanding spiritual connections.”
The Gnostics taught that religion is the elaborate production of aliens who sold the concept of an off-planet Savior-Redeemer God (or an absentee landlord god, if you will) responsible for the patriarchal and fratricidal mindset endorsed by the Abrahamic religions.
Lash, on his website, notes that the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, contain explicit accounts of threatening encounters with reptilians. For instance, the Testament of Amram:
“I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two of them were fighting over me, saying… and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, ‘Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?’ They answered me, ‘We have been empowered and rule over mankind’. And they said to me, ‘Which one of us [will have you]?’ And I lifted my eyes, and looked at one of them directly. His appearance was dreadfully frightening, and his skin was multicoloured, darkly glittering scales.” (4Q542)
“Gifted with powers of paranormal perception, such as remote viewing, Gnostic seers who had met and repelled Archons observed the persisting presence of reptilians among the Dead Sea cult of the Zaddikim,” writes Lash. The First Apocalypse of James (NHL V, 3), which contains descriptions of face-to-face encounters with the reptilian aliens, warns that “Jerusalem is a dwelling place of many Archons.”
Is that the reason why the Middle East, and especially Palestine-Israel, are still the scene for such brutal warfare against the evolutions of Terra?
It becomes quite evident that Gnostic-based empirical mysticism conflicts with Salvationist-based Abrahamic religions on many levels. The alien agenda of Salvationism asserts that humans are in error, flawed and sinful “by nature” and require redemption and rescue from this condition by an intermediary, a messiah or through the observance of strict ritual law, while empirical mysticism claims that divinity itself is a natural essence of humanity and can be revealed through Mystery School initiation which can be used to combat this alien ideology.

Read more:
"Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past" / de R. A. Boulay,&source=bl&ots=hENIhMjCof&sig=Vep4tL5Nl1xxUJMna9U11uQt9yc&hl=ro&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQhOKKobjLAhVJLZoKHaORCNMQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=Haggadah%20describes%20the%20Serpent%20who%20inhabited%20the%20Garden%20before%20the%20creation%20of%20Adam%20as%20an%20upright%20creature%20that%20stood%20on%20two%20feet%20and%20was%20equal%20in%20height%20to%20the%20camel%2C&f=false

 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 11, 2016 la 1:40pm
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Stargate Serialele:
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 9:32am
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...Acesta ii spune că poate vorbi limba în care se programează şi poate lua orice înfăţişare; întrucât venind încoace au văzut nişte soldaţi in post, au luat chipul lor, dar, apoi, şi-a dat seama că o altă înfăţişare ar fi fost mai potrivită, drept pentru care va lua figura unui intelectual agreabil, de 45 de ani, cu ochelari.
Cu ajutorul unui mic aparat pe care îl avea in mână era in stare să proiecteze în jur cele mai diferite peisaje, ca ilustrare pentru subiectele pe care le discutau. Se văd astfel, pe rând, ba in preistorie, ba pe o plantaţie de droguri într-o junglă, ba în mijlocul confruntărilor din Ulster etc. Rostul acestor demonstraţii, spune vizitatorul, este studierea reacţiilor interlocutoarei.
Extraterestrul i-a spus femeii, de exemplu, că a venit de atât de departe, încât nici nu se poate explica prin terminologia de care dispune ştiinţa pământeană. Fiind întrebat de ce nu iau legătura cu noi pe faţă, vizitatorul răspunde că Ei ne studiază de foarte multă vreme şi sunt pe deplin lămuriţi privitor la noi, dar este foarte greu să stabilească relaţii complete cu noi. Îi derutează pulverizarea noastră în ţărişoare care se războiesc între ele; în tot Universul nu există o debandadă asemănătoare.
Dar ce e mai rău, moştenirea întunecată, animalică, din oameni este încă foarte puternică. Oamenii sunt, fără excepţie, nişte fiinţe nedesăvârşite, cu o gândire greoaie şi ineficientă. Deci, contactele pe faţă între civilizaţiile extraterestre şi noi sunt, deocamdată, excluse, din cauza agresivităţii oamenilor.
întrebat care va fi soarta civilizaţiei pământene, vizitatorul răspunde, evaziv, că oricum, planeta nu o să dispară. Părea că soarta omenirii nu-l preocupa prea mult. Nu înţeleg sentimentele de iubire şi ură pe care le nutrim pentru semenii noştri şi consideră că suntem robii unei ţesături de iluzii cu care am fost îndoctrinaţi de mici şi din care nu putem scăpa. Ei consideră, de pildă, că actul reproducerii trebuie să fie o datorie, nu rodul unei pasiuni. Dar ii place să constate că unii oameni pun la inimă problemele planetei şi ale omenirii in ansamblu.
Moartea, aşa cum o înţelegem noi, este doar o reflectare a modului nostru de gândire nedesprins de animalic. Viaţa este veşnică, iar moartea nu este decât un proces in care noi dezbrăcăm o haină biologică, altfel spus, trecem dintr-o etapă biologică la următoarea...
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 9:34am
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Un grup internațional de oameni de știință s-a întâlnit recent la Paris pentru a discuta de ce nu am întâlnit încă viața extraterestră. Întrebarea dacă suntem singuri în Univers rămâne una dintre cele mai mari dileme filozofice ale timpurilor noastre. Deși pare aproape de neconceput că civilizația noastră să fie singură în Cosmos, totuşi încă nu există dovezi concrete şi irefutabile.
Paradoxul Fermi, care subliniază contradicția dintre existența probabilă a civilizațiilor extraterestre și faptul că nu le-am întâlnit niciodată, pare să sugereze fie că nu există extratereștri, fie că sunt atât de rari în Univers încât este puțin probabil să dăm vreodată peste ei. Dar dacă ar exista o altă explicație?
La o întâlnire recentă a METI (Messaging Extraterrestial Intelligence – Mesaje ale Inteligenţei Extraterestre), care a avut loc la Paris, mai mulţi oameni de știință au dezbătut posibilele motive pentru care nu am întâlnit încă viața extraterestră. Discuția s-a concentrat în mare măsură pe ceea ce se numește “Marea tăcere” – un concept care se concentrează pe ideea că extratereştrii știu că noi ne aflăm aici, pe Pământ, dar au ales să nu facă niciun contact cu noi.
“Poate că extratereștrii privesc oamenii de pe Pământ, la fel cum privim animalele într-o grădină zoologică”, a declarat președintele METI, Douglas Vakoch. “Cum putem să-i facem pe îngrijitorii grădinii zoologice să se dezvăluie?” Dar, am putea merge cu această idee mai departe şi se ne întrebăm: dacă Pământul se află pur şi simplu în carantină?
“Se pare că extratereștrii impun o “carantină galactică”, deoarece își dau seama că ar fi distructiv din punct de vedere cultural pentru noi să învățăm despre ei”, a declarat co-preşedintele întrunirii, Jean-Pierre Rospars. Cu privire la inteligența extraterestră el a adăugat: “Evoluția cognitivă pe Pământ prezintă trăsături aleatorii, dar și căi previzibile. Considerând împreună componentele previzibile și aleatorii, ne putem aștepta la apariția repetată și independentă a unor specii inteligente în Univers și ar trebui să ne așteptăm să vedem forme similare de inteligență peste tot, mai mult sau mai puţin similare. Nu există niciun motiv să ne gândim că oamenii au atins cel mai înalt nivel cognitiv posibil. Nivele mai înalte ar putea evolua pe Pământ în viitor și ar putea fi deja atinse în altă parte”.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 9:36am
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Raabi Ariel Bar Tzadok - KosherTorah School
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 9:43am
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The Divergent Series is a feature film trilogy based on the Divergent novels by the American author Veronica Roth.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 9:57am
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Seria "Thor"
"Captain Marvel" (2019)
"Alita Battle angel" (2019)
"Mortal engines"
"Ready Player One"
"Black Panther"
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 11:57am
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“Ingerul pierdut” de Javier Sierra
"Ararat" de Christopher Golden
"Anubis" de Wolfgang Hohlbein
"Insula sfarsitului timpului" de Javier Gonzalez
"Labirintul de pergament" de Ludmila Filipova
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 12:23pm
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Seria "The Magdalene Line" = "Seria Legenda Mariei Magdalena" ("Cea asteptata", "Cartea iubirii", "Printul poet") de Kathleen McGowan.
Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 1, 2019 la 12:44pm
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Filmele "Turnul intunecat", "Jupiter ascending", "X-Men series".
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 2, 2019 la 10:28am
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"Valerian si orasul celor 1000 de planete" si "Al 5-lea element" (Luc Besson)
Seria "Farscape" (created by Rockne S. O'Bannon)
Seria "Hellboy"
"The cabin in the woods = Cabana din padure" (regia Drew Goddard)
"Zoe" (2018; regia Drake Doremus): Mutatis mutandis, la fel e si cu oamenii. Nu conteaza ceea ce ti se intampla in viata (bine sau rau), ci cum reactionezi la ce ti se intampla, cum traiesti ce ti se intampla. Totul fiind o testare si o inscenare / simulare virtuala (are natura visului) (facuta de cei de deasupra noastra, in ultima instanta de catre Dzeu) ptca noi sa invatam si sa evoluam (dar si sa fim manipulati, folositi, sa ni se ia energia sufletului da catre "predator of man = pradatorul omului" / v. Castaneda). Iar daca consideram ca ce ni se intampla e real si ne atasam de aceasta viata si personajele din ea (incl. propriul nostru personaj, care va trebui sa moara / sa fie oprit din buton pana la urma) - vom suferi amarnic.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 2, 2019 la 10:38am
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"Silent hill" (regia Christophe Gans)
"Ouija: Origin of Evil" (2016, regia MIke Flanagan)
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 3, 2019 la 11:10am
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Mother! Filmul gnostic / Demiurgul Corupt (regia Darren Aronofsky)!
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 4, 2019 la 9:21am
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Filmul "Insula" (regia Michael Bay, cu Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson etc).
Mutatis mutandis:
Lumea e o inchisoare a ET pt oameni. Paradisul (Insula) promis nu exista, iar cand oamenii ajung in lumea zeilor, sunt folositi pt ca acestia sa se hraneasca cu energia lor existentiala / de viata. (v. si filmul "Jupiter Ascending").
Doar prin evolutie personala poti scapa din lantul reciclarii (reincarnarilor succesive).
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 4, 2019 la 9:23am
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 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 4, 2019 la 9:24am
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no comment / seamana dar nu sunt acelasi lucru / pt a confunda intre ele binele si raul (v. Tao Te Ching)
In ac. biserica din Maroc e statuia IH cu coarne:
"Dincolo de mesajul sincretist, ce este interesant că în clipul din articol apare o imagine din catedrala catolică Notre Dame de Lourdes din Casablanca, Maroc. Acolo este expusă o statuie cu Iisus Hristos cu două coarne."
[deci cui i se inchina papa si cei de acolo ?]
"...For whatever reason, Michelangelo did make a sculpture of the prophet Moses with horns. Sadly, many Christians have taken this to mean that the God of Moses, the God of the Old Testament, the God of the Jews, was the Devil with horns, while the God of Jesus Christ, the God of the New Testament, the God of Christianity did not have horns and was an entirely different God..."

"For this reason, the image of God having horns has remained somewhat of a secret over the centuries. It has been passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, by word of mouth commonly known as the oral tradition. This may leave some Christians of today feeling somewhat uncomfortable, disbelieving, or even frightened. Nevertheless, when it comes to the God of the Holy Bible, the faithful and obedient need never be afraid. YHVH, the horned God of the Hebrews is a God of justice and mercy."

"Some believers may become confused or even angry that the God of the Holy Bible has hidden the fact that He has horns from so many of His loyal and devout followers throughout the centuries. One reason may well be because He considered it unimportant or because Zeus, the evil, sexually perverted, Pagan god without horns, may have deceitfully tried to usurp God’s place in the minds of men by trying to convince everyone that only Satan has horns. "


v. si filmele din Seria "Hellboy"
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 4, 2019 la 9:30am
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Apropo de profetiile Sf Pelaghia din Reazani - putem afla multe care ne vor fi de folos daca le-am parcurs 1 data. Poate va fi asa sau poate nu, dar daca va fi ? Ca principiu cam asa va fi. Toate profetiile (vestice si estice) sunt convergente si seamana. Oare de ce ?  Nu numai din cauza Ocultei care le editeaza si cenzureaza.
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 4, 2019 la 9:57am
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"Attack on Titan"
 Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Aprilie 24, 2019 la 10:51am
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V. conex filmele:
Black panther (2018)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Shazam! (2019)


Seriile de filme: X Men, Transformers, Avengers, Thor, Star Trek

Filmele: Codul asasinului = Assasin’s creed, Wanted, Captain Marvel, Alita ingerul razboinic, Ghost in the shell, Chappie, Transcendence, Doom Patrol, Black panther, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), Insula (Ewan Mc Gregor), "Who Mourns for Adonais?" – Star Trek episode,
Trilogia: Unbreakable, Split, Glass.


Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe Noiembrie 4, 2019 la 1:54pm
Neo : What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus : No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.

Morpheus : This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Morpheus : What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Morpheus : Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

Morpheus : You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.

Morpheus : I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?

Neo : You could say that.

Morpheus : I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?

Neo : No.

Morpheus : Why not?

Neo : Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

Morpheus : I know *exactly* what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Neo : The Matrix.

Morpheus : Do you want to know what it is?

Neo : Yes.

Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo : What truth?

Morpheus : That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

Morpheus : Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Morpheus : I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.

Neo : Why do my eyes hurt?

Morpheus : You've never used them before.

Morpheus : What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me.

Morpheus : How did I beat you?

Neo : You... you're too fast.

Morpheus : Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that's air you're breathing now?

Neo : I know kung fu.

Morpheus : [eyeing him, hand on chin]  Show me.

Neo : I thought it wasn't real

Morpheus : Your mind makes it real

Neo : If you're killed in the matrix, you die here?

Morpheus : The body cannot live without the mind

Morpheus : The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

[Neo's eyes suddenly wander towards a woman in a red dress]

Morpheus : Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?

Neo : I was...

Morpheus : [gestures with one hand]  Look again.

[the woman in the red dress is now Agent Smith, pointing a gun at Neo's head; Neo ducks]

Morpheus : Welcome to the desert of the real.

Morpheus : [to Neo who is choosing the red pill]  Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.


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