sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2019

Efectul privirii purificatoare a Maestrului

Efectul privirii purificatoare a Maestrului (chiar si din fotografie, chiar si dupa ce a murit / ai murit).

Jivanmukta (= eliberat in viata) = jnanin (= intelept) = cineva care s-a topit complet, total si definitiv in Dumnezeire.
Se zice (nu degeaba !) ca doar privind un asemenea Chip (chiar putin timp, 1-3-5 min zilnic), privirea lui purifica / purjeaza soarta / karma privitorului, chiar daca acesta nu crede in asa ceva.
Merita incercat !
E ca si cum L-ai privi pe Dumnezeu in fata si El te-ar privi - si chiar asa este.
"Privesc la munti
Si muntii ma privesc
Lung ne privim
Si nu ni se uraste."

(Poonja / Ramana)
"...Devine si mai ciudat. Pe parcursul calatoriei cineva era cu mine. O femeie. Era tanara si imi amintesc foarte bine cum arata. Avea obrajii ridicati si ochii albastri. Cand am vazut-o prima data mergeam impreuna pe o suprafata plana care s-a dovedit a fi aripa unui fluture. De fapt in jurul nostru erau milioane de fluturi. Era un rau de viata si culoare. Vestmantul femeii era simplu, dar culorile lui pastelate albastru-indigo si oranj-piersicuta avea aceeasi traire vie ca orice din jur.
M-a privit cu acea privire pe care daca ai fi vazut-o timp de cateva secunde ti-ar facut ca viata ta sa merite a fi traita, indiferent de ce s-ar fi intamplat pana atunci. Nu era o privire romantica. Nici de prietenie. Era o altfel de privire, alta decat cele pe care le cunoastem. Era ceva inaltator care cuprindea toate tipurile de iubire, in acelasi timp fiind mai mare decat oricare din ele.
Mi-a vorbit fara a folosi cuvinte. Mesajul a trecut prin mine ca vantul si am inteles instantaneu ca era adevarat. Stiam in acelasi fel in care stiam ca lumea din jurul nostru era reala, nu doar o fantezie trecatoare nesubstantiala.
Mesajul avea trei parti care sunau cam asa in limbaj pamantesc:
“Dragul meu esti iubit si pretuit pentru totdeauna.”
“Nu ai de ce sa te temi. ”
“Nu poti gresi cu nimic.”
Mesajul m-a invadat cu un simtamant enorm de eliberare. Era ca si cand primeam regulile unui joc pe care il jucasem toata viata fara sa il inteleg cu adevarat." [dr. Eben Alexander]
Conex sa ne amintim si de femeia sfanta din "Marea despărţire" de C. S. Lewis.


Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 12, 2016 la 1:43pm
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Vivekananda’s experience with Ramakrishna.

Initial meetings

First meeting at Dakshineswar

Following the suggestions of Ram Chandra and Professor Hastie, Narendra went to Dakshineswar to meet Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna was so anxious for and so enamoured of Narendra that he cried and prayed for six months till Narendra met him. Later, Ramakrishna recalled the day when Narendra first visited Dakshineswar. He said—
Narendra entered the room through the western door facing the Ganges. I noticed that he had no concern about his physical appearance. His hair and clothes were not tidy; like others he had no attachments for external objects. His eyes showed that a greater part of his mind was turned inward all the time. When I observed these, I wondered, is it possible that such a great aspirant could live in Calcutta, the home of the worldly-minded?
Ramakrishna warmly welcomed Narendra and asked him to sit on a mat spread on the floor. Then Ramakrishna asked him to sing a song. Narendra gave his assent and started singing a devotional song—
Let us go back once more,
O mind, to our proper home!
Here in this foreign land of earth Why should we wander aimlessly in stranger's guise?
These living beings round about,
And the five elements,
Are strangers to you, all of them; none are your own.
Why do you so forget yourself,
In love with strangers, foolish mind?
Why do you so forget your own?
When Narendra finished singing, Ramakrishna suddenly became emotional, grasped Narendra's hands and took him into the northern porch of the Kali temple and with tears in his eyes said to him —
Ah! you have come so late. How unkind of you to keep me waiting so long! My ears are almost seared listening to the cheap talk of worldly people. Oh, how I have been yearning to unburden my mind to one who will understand my thought! Then with folded hands he said: 'Lord! I know you are the ancient sage Nara — the Incarnation of Narayana — born on earth to remove the miseries of mankind.
Then Ramakrishna and Narendra returned to their room and started talking. Narendra asked Ramakrishna if he had seen or experienced God. Narendra asked the same question to Debendranath Tagore as well, who skipped the question and praised Narendra's inquisitiveness. But, this time when Narendra asked Ramakrishna the same question, the latter immediately replied in the positive. Without any hesitation, he said:
Yes, I have seen God. I see Him as I see you here, only more clearly. God can be seen. One can talk to him. But who cares for God? People shed torrents of tears for their wives, children, wealth, and property, but who weeps for the vision of God? If one cries sincerely for God, one can surely see Him.
Vivekananda was so much impressed with this meeting that he started visiting Ramakrishna daily when he felt: “religion could be given. One touch one glance can change a whole life”.[6]
Narendra felt amazed as this was the first time he was meeting someone who could say that he had met or experienced God. He also understood those were not mere words, but words uttered from deep inner experiences. He left Dakshineswar and came back to Calcutta in a highly puzzled and bewildered state of mind.

Second meeting at Dakshineswar

The first meeting with Ramakrishna so much puzzled the young mind for Narendra that he was feeling anxious to meet Ramakrishna again. He finally went to meet him for the second time on a weekday.  During the second meeting, he had another strange experience. When he was talking to Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna suddenly placed his right foot on Narendra's chest and Narendra started feeling unconscious, he felt as if everything around him, the rooms, the walls, the temple garden were vanishing away. Narendra got scared and cried out "What are you doing to me? I have my parents, brothers, and sisters at home." Ramakrishna laughed and moved his foot from his body. He restored his consciousness and said "All right, everything will happen in due time."
Narendra became even more puzzled and felt that Ramakrishna had “hypnotized” [initiation, nagual’s blow, transmisie initiatica] him. He also felt disgusted as he apparently could not resist Ramakrishna from influencing him.

Third meeting at Dakshineswar

Narendra went to meet Ramakrishna for the third time. This time he was very scared after his last experience. Ramakrishna welcomed Narendra and started talking with him. Narendra was trying to stay alert and not to be “hypnotized” once again by Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna took him to the adjacent garden and touched him. Narendra failed to resist Ramakrishna's will power and became unconscious. Ramakrishna later said, after making Narendra unconscious, he asked him many questions such as his previous works, his future aims etc. After receiving answers to his questions, Ramakrishna felt assured and later he told other disciples that he was confident that Narendra had attained "perfection" in his previous birth.
Si unde gasim un Intelept deplin (jnanin, jivanmukta) in lumea de azi ?
In fotografia lor (Ramana, Ramakrishna, Nisargadatta, Ma Ananda Mayi, Padre Pio,...) si in moastele / icoanele Sfintilor / Maestrilor si, mai ales, rugandu-ne lor si prin ei (prin forma lor) lui Dumnezeu (Care a imbracat masca lor, fiind El-Acesta sub forma lor).
Astfel, ei-Unul si Acelasi ne vor invata / initia fara cuvinte, Invatatura Divina, direct de la suflet la suflet, de la Inima la inima (inima lor la inima noastra), de la Fiinta la fiinte...
"Ei-El" (exteriori) ne vor face sa-L simtim pe Gurul Interior = Sad Guru = Divinul, din inima noastra.
Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 12, 2016 la 1:55pm
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Comentariu publicat de Bdi pe August 12, 2016 la 1:56pm
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Swami Vivekananda a fost discipolul cel mai renumit al marelui Paramahansa Ramakrishna. Si-a intalnit Gurul in 1881 la templul lui Kali din Dakshineshwar. S-a dus la Ramakrishna si i-a pus o intrebare directa la care nimeni pana atunci nu-i daduse un raspuns satisfacator: “Domnule, L-ati vazut pe Dumnezeu?”. Fara nici o ezitare, Sri Ramakrishna i-a raspuns: “Da, L-am vazut tot asa de clar precum te vad pe tine, doar ca intr-un sens mult mai profund”.